League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

03 Nov


Originally posted by Frontiers_

The reason has to be that people would naturally just swap over to ult pings once they realized that alive pings were private. It is just the natural evolution and they wanted to get ahead of it.

^ Yeah this is the answer. A principle we're trying to adhere to is that nothing is persistently pingable so it doesn't just become a substitute for the alive ping. We are planning to restore some contextual uses of the scoreboard pings though - for example it's reasonable and constructive to say "Wait 10s for Malphite ult before we fight" but it doesn't help anyone to spam ping that Malphite whiffed their ult right after it was fired or died without using it, they really don't need you to tell them that they made a mistake.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I'll just mention I already addressed this narrative here. Changes like this are generally approved, planned, implemented, and tested by a variety of people more than a few days before they go live.


Originally posted by Divine_Platypus

just today there was a clip of agurin tried to get assistance while having his pings blocked, wasn't very fun to look at and he is not the person to flame/spam ping someone. So maybe leviate the penalties a bit?

Yep we decided on Monday to revert the ping lockout timer increase and that'll be in 13.22, the original increase was included in the original 13.19 changes but missed patch notes, sorry.


Originally posted by Due-Refuse-3141

could you pls explain the new changes in pbe(from today)? wont it be even worse for mid/supp than apc? since mid has no help to get to that threshold and supp is usually the one that starts trading, if you want to nerf apc even harder why not double down on passive/w ap ratio and give compensation to mid supp?

I think lowering the execute power is directionally correct. However, it's also extremely evident that last patch's changes had the opposite effect that we wanted. Thus the lowest risk version is simply undoing the buffs that we believe had the strongest bot lane skew. If we do it right, we can preserve the parts that indeed did help support and mid the most. No matter what, we're farther from where we want to be (in some roles) than we started, so some amount of reverts should absolutely happen.


Originally posted by xenefenex

Just curious -- is that overall data or does that include skews for matchups and rank?

I think it's a given that the average player doesn't and shouldn't be taking the AS shard given that it's purpose is to improve the effectivity of your early buys and punishing early game laning phase.

The WR difference holds at every MMR. Players are also more likely to take AS as MMR increases despite AP always outperforming.

It could be that this is somehow incredibly biased toward running AS in bad matchups and AP in good ones but from my experience, even professional players are not actually sophisticated enough to do this correctly.

02 Nov


We found that after a player gets muted the other players in game tend to talk about it. Often, the things they have to say about the person who got muted aren't very fun to read, and it sucks having to read that without being able to defend yourself. So we made the decision to just mute the player too.

Since the system that drives this is a lot simpler than our after game chat stuff, it catches a lot more false positives. That sucks, but we think it's worth it to get certain words out of the game (although we can always improve).

But because of that we don't do any extra punishing for the chat messages we mute.


Originally posted by OwOjtus

How is the passive change a nerf to APC but not to midlane? It looks like straight up scaling nerf for AP builds - no matter which role.

Mid and bot get equal gold. Mid gets more XP. If the numbers are targeted precisely, increased XP scaling and lower gold scaling can put mid lane ahead of the curve and bot lane behind the curve.

Numbers could be off, of course, but directionally still the case.


Originally posted by RiotBoppenheimer

Hey, I'm not a legal expert but I am a member of our security team, which works closely with our privacy team.

We have a pretty thorough deletion process for personal information, which is called the Right To Be Forgotten. If a player requests their account be deleted, effectively any personal information on them is destroyed within 30 days or so of that request.

The only information that could be tied to a player after that point would be things that we are legally required to keep a record of, and it would be in as anonymized a format as it can be. That information is things we have a justifiable legal interest in. Examples might be a chat log between you and other players, which would be anonymized, for a period of time, or transaction logs.

> but it is interesting how they can simultaneously keep any personal information we add to the account in order to sell to other companies

Riot doesn't sell your personal information to other companies. Any p...

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Confirmed /u/RiotBoppenheimer is legit, just in case anyone was a little 🤨 about lack of flair

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by CuantosAnosTienes

On the topic of GENG vs. BLG (as I'm only up to there for now), I've tuned into CloudTemplar and Reapered's live stream/videos (here and here, respectively) on the quarterfinals and they believe GENG got a good draw (CT outright says it's the "honey" side, while Reapered doesn't say that outright, but that BLG has certainly faltered during swiss stage, considering their match ups and stats from those match ups).

So, it's an interesting take to think that GENG vs. BLG will be close. I don't think the fact that GENG got 3-0'd by BLG at MSI has as great an effect as people think (or at the very least, the people I listened to don't count it as much in their analysis/prediction). Just purely looking at each team's performance at the world's swiss stage, GENG is definitely heavily favored. But, once you start considering anything else more from history (BLG's domi...

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Yeah this is a good point. I think in isolation GenG got a hard Quarterfinal draw (drawing between BLG, WBG, and KT) but a good Draw side (their path to finals). I'll make sure to bring that up next episode

01 Nov


Nah, I move camera with WASD and abilities on 1-2-3-4. It's habit at this point but I think it's a bit more optimal than moving camera with mouse because your mouse never really has downtime in League (aiming, movement, prepping positioning) whereas your keyboard hand has a ton of downtime if all you're using it for are abilities/items/etc.


Originally posted by thafer7

Yes it is weird. But it is not the weirdest. I have a friend that has summoner spells on Q and E and they use wasd to move camera and all champion spells are on buttons on their mouse

Edit: wanted to add in the one thing I consider a weird keybind. I use open shot as X

Wait this is kinda genius.


Originally posted by AceL1st

So is the Ahri changes supposed to be a nerf?

If you don't run an AS shard, Ahri always has better attacks than before.

If you do, it's pretty negligible but is worse in some cases.

The AP shard seems to be clearly stronger on her despite being less popular. This should goad players into runing correctly.


Oops, forgot to include Ryze's actual change. He'll get AS also :)


Originally posted by tung1x45

Uhhhh, isn't that just a complete revert of 13.19 LB's AS-related nerfs?

AS, yes. But AD and mana nerfs plus AP ratio buffs does a lot to shift her builds. Currently AD builds are substantially weaker.


I trust you've done a lot here, however there are a lot more factors, as you're alluding to.

A significant portion of all physical damage taken is from auto-attacks, which are on average more multiplicative, since AS and Crit multiply them. Plus turrets and minions immutably deal physical damage. The amount of physical damage taken actually exceeds the amount of magic damage taken in most cases, which makes Armor an inherently more valuable stat than MR, even if you're getting less % gains per gold. Good luck actually doing the analysis, but the crucial missing factor is relating the math from this post back to damage actually taken.

Regardless, component costs aren't terribly important. Serrated Dirk is an intentionally over-efficient item. But you can't stack Serrated Dirks. Youmuu's fights Luden's, Prowler's Claw fights Shadowflame, etc. Similarly, Randuin's should be compared to Force of Nature. No one stacks cloth armors.

In general, I'm sure we h...

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Originally posted by royallights

Viktor? He takes AS shard and is currently very weak especially in higher ELO, even though anti snowballing should've made him much better

He does tend to run the shard. He also has an auto-attack hook on his kit and above average level 1 AS. I tended to not buff the AS of champions who already have it pretty good there.


Originally posted by Letwen

Isn't that the reason half the buffs are missile speed buffs though? Cs ing on this champ early game feels lackluster which is the reason for all the other buffs. And unlike them he can't abuse them as easly because of his gutted range.

OK let me rephrase.

All of Vladimir's attack speed relevant stats are better than the new minimums.


Originally posted by BallerinasGrace

Wouldn't her play rate increase be because people are trying out the changes right now?

Not always.


Originally posted by solikewhatsupthere

So only the passive, Q and W nerfs are going to happen?

Passive is a buff for every role but APC

The rest are nerfs. She gained win rate in every role last patch. We'll see if the net result is treading water for support or not.