League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

08 Nov


Originally posted by -Landlos

They either trade ryze or trade xayah. If they ban only xayah, they leave ryze for G2, and if they ban only ryze, they leave xayah for g2. They either ban both or none. None of this situations are good for FPX, since ryze can be countered.

If G2 takes Ryze that's good for FPX for multiple reasons. First of all neither Wunder or Caps is nearly as good on Ryze as Doinb. Second of all getting Gragas means Perkz will have a much harder time playing Yasuo.


Originally posted by -Landlos

g2 on blue side can ban kaisa, tahm and qianna to completely shut down LWX, force a xayah and ryze ban and leave gragas open so G2 can first pick it.

Also, LWX is not the most consistent carry, so leaving him with sub-optimal picks is a very good strategy, since perkz can simply play a mage and control the lane with more lane priority.

Why would FPX ban Ryze in that situation?


Originally posted by TinkleTed

You have been visiting DMR a little too much lol.

LOL that sub is so sick. I read everything u/Archyes posts


Originally posted by _zzr_

Correct. If varus ban or pick they could also play ashe

Ashe is honestly just a better Varus


Originally posted by Angwar

What no way, miky is insane as well if he is not playing blitz. Did you see him in the skt bo5? And you people say we are sleeping on lwx, you are full on sleep walking over PERKZ. This guy is the most flexible bot laner in the world and is insane on everything he plays. He has performed every single game this tournament often carrying teamfights. I can see crisp being better than miky or them being even but if you say lwx over perkz you are either insane or haven't watched perkz play.

Perkz is insane on Xayah. That's it.


Originally posted by JavaShipped

Thing is, Ender is wrong. G2 used memes, and melted the steel beams that held SKT at the top for so long.

Yeah, but that wouldn't make for a very long video :/


Originally posted by The_Cactopus

It's really important for players to understand that when we announce new games, it IS the end of the world and—further—our fans should consider any non-PC game from Riot to be a personal attack on them, their families, and their very way of life.

Thanks and GGs summoners!

I feel personally attacked.


Originally posted by Gobaxnova

Err perkz has looked like the best bot and lwx has looked distinctly average to poor. Why does perkz need to step up? Fpx advantage is more likely jungle as tian is a monster. Unsure on doinb, if he’s on ryze he’s scary. Not sure if they can out team fight G2 on naut though

Perkz has looked like the best Xayah and average to poor on everything else


Originally posted by Danksley

How much of TFT is coded as a minion?

I assume all of it.


Originally posted by spirashun

Not a game dev in any sense but TFT uses the same engine, models, etc as base league, that’s why it’s considered a game mode. These other games are essentially being built from the ground up.

You nailed it. TFT basically uses ALL of the same infrastructure as League. That means you don't have to rebuild tons of stuff from scratch, and the humans working with the tools are already extremely comfortable with them. There are some downsides to the approach we used for TFT, but the upside is vastly higher dev speed (at least to start with).


Originally posted by The_Cactopus

It's really important for players to understand that when we announce new games, it IS the end of the world and—further—our fans should consider any non-PC game from Riot to be a personal attack on them, their families, and their very way of life.

Thanks and GGs summoners!

Thanks for validating my feelings


Originally posted by theradol

When are you going to update The league of legends tower defense game that you released for ios back around 2010.

shhh we don't talk about that


Originally posted by [deleted]


Probably not? Too many shared assets.

At any rate, we don't currently have any plans to move it off.


Originally posted by Darkoplax

Does this count the

  • Esports team ?

  • Music team ?

  • Skins team ?

and others things like that cause if 20% is only working on the balance changes and game/champion designs then it make sense

Yes to skins and cosmetics and any engineering/design/art work on the game itself. Along with marketing (that's me!)

Music is actually its own separate part of the org. Esports is separate too, and it's VERY BIG AND EXPENSIVE.

Balance team is a small fraction of that 20%. Hundreds of people work directly on League PC, and there'll be hundreds working on it for many many years to come.


Originally posted by WarwickIs4Noobs

League of legends dead game confirmed by cacotopus himself bois pack it up

It's really important for players to understand that when we announce new games, it IS the end of the world and—further—our fans should consider any non-PC game from Riot to be a personal attack on them, their families, and their very way of life.

Thanks and GGs summoners!

07 Nov


Originally posted by hnhnh2


haHA dank maymay fellow poster UwUuuuuuu


Originally posted by The-Flan

Hyped for them! It'll be nice if our Little Legends also appear in Summoner's Rift They don't have to be following us just have them sit on our team's Nexus or something

They do this in ARAM!! It's super cute! They follow you around, kind of sit back while you fight, and then wait for you at the Nexus for you to respawn. When the other team gets an ACE there is a little corral of Little Legends at the base. I love it :D


boy i wish i could spam that "UH" during the carousel