League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

16 Nov


Originally posted by gorothefly

Why not make it so the queue disappears for you as soon as you decline it but stays till the end for the rest of the people who haven't pressed any button? This way the decline button does something while still filtering out the AFKs.

I advocated for this when we were originally designing the system, and implementation concerns were serious enough that we just went with the simpler behavior of keeping everyone in AFK check till everyone accepts/declines/times out. The hazard is that our queue times are so low in popular queues that your queue could pop in a new match before the old AFK check expires which would necessitate a lot of logic to handle that correctly and higher risk of bugs that could be hard to find and fix. That part of the game flow was never designed to pull individuals in or out of a match.

15 Nov


Originally posted by MuhammedAlistar

It's because if you decline and there is an AFK he gets put out of queue as well. If your decline canceled it instantly the AFK would get another match and waste more time for other people.

And the decline button exists so people wouldn't complain that it doesn't. It's just easier that way.

It's because of this reason. You are also likely to hit the queue pop with the same people because of how matchmaking works (you're all similar skill, you've been waiting long enough to be at the front of the queue, and if you your lobby gets dodged we try to get you a match more quickly). So it makes sense to get all AFKs out of queue in one go because it's likely you'll just encounter them on the next queue pop.


Originally posted by RedditMattstir

Thank you so much Aperill, I had no idea about the "always on top" feature of task manager! That's so useful

Wish I could take credit but the tip actually came from another player on a different Reddit post ;) Glad it helped though!


Originally posted by PriorityFire

Hi Aperill,

Filed a bug report under the summoner name PriFi but I thought I'd share this here too, just in case. I had a game where the freezing bug happened twice, and collected log dumps both times. Hope this bug is resolved soon.

Thank you! This is super helpful!


Originally posted by DepressiveMicrodick

Yes please /u/RiotMeddler

I'd genuinely appreciate some more insight on the thought process behind these changes, no flame. They seem to come completely out of left field and only serve to worsen what everyone's issue with bot laners seems to be right now, but I am fully aware that I might be missing something here so I would love to hear a Rioter comment on them

Lemme check with the SR team, see if they've got something planned already or would like to jump into that discussion themselves. If not I'll get something into an upcoming post.

I assume support item changes and duo lane XP changes are things you're interested in here. Anything else I'm missing?


Originally posted by PreztoElite

Does Akali also has the Giants instrumental playing in the background when she shrouds like she does on KDA?

It has parts of the instrumental for her part of the song playing, yes.

And because Akali is the one who brought everyone together, Riot Strâtos designed it so it should kind of feel like she's hearing other people listen to it from other rooms. So it's like the rest of the TD group are listening to the song.


Originally posted by Beejsbj

K/DA was uncharted territory.

didnt kayle have pentakill music in her abilities too?

Yes! So I wanted to add this in but couldn't really find a place to address the "Pentakill conundrum."

So, Pentakill was a skinline before it was ever music. And then we released new skins for new champions along the way.

TD and K/DA were unique in that we were making the skins PURELY based on a single song.


Originally posted by TheWorldisFullofWar

They talk about failed reworks but don't bring up Swain? The worse rework in the game?

In terms of depth of play (how much a player is willing to pour game after game into the same champion), Swain is currently the deepest he's ever been in the history of his existence. He's also currently one of the deepest champions in the roster overall. Swain players play A TON of Swain.

Seems pretty successful to me.


Originally posted by Rimikokorone

Kit Updates and the dangers of creating multiple incompatible audiences

I hope they recognize taliyah here. Poor crown picking taliyah for his skin and then having his champ changed into a jungler.

Taliyah is good jungle != Taliyah is bad mid.

She's actually quite powerful in mid. Whether or not she's FUN is a different question.


Originally posted by ToxicSummoner

When does preseason patch hit? Anyone know?

Next week on the 19th or 20th depending on which region you're in.


Originally posted by xMetix

Kinda sad that these skins aren't pushed to legendary quality. They all need new voice overs. You get Kai'Sa talking about the void and Qiyana claiming land for Ixaocan.

I'm walking to my desk but I can give you more context on that in a minute.

Edit: So there was a lot of content that I wanted to add but cut for length reasons, and one of them is the timelines that these SFX were designed under. From the sound design perspective, it's basically 1 VO designer and 1 SFX designer working on these lines. And they're also working on upcoming champion releases, champ updates, and other SR stuff. It's a lot of work and takes a lot of exploration.

And then if you updated VO for all the skins they'd also need narrative to step in to write and edit the voice lines, and then have to record them with the voice actor, who may or may not be available. But that's all beyond my knowledge and I can't really speak to the rest of it. Just what I learned from talking to the sound designers. :)


Originally posted by Quirinus42

Please fix camera lock. It's the most annoying one. Can't see the fights im supposed to enter, so I can't position and do skillshots. This can literally lose you games and LP. Thanks for the effort and response.

This bug will be fixed in the upcoming patch (9.23) that will be released on Tues/Wed (depending on your time zone). Sorry and hang in there!


Originally posted by Freezman13

"Like a bowl of porridge, it had to be just right."

Sublime writing lmao.

If there's one thing I wish to be remembered for it's dumb writing.


Originally posted by _Brimstone

Ah, so we should do work for you guys. How much are you paying?

Not gonna lie, would pay RP for a good dump :^)

But seriously though, this would be helping out everyone who has had to experience this frustration over the past couple weeks - the faster we can fix it the better.

14 Nov


Originally posted by [deleted]

I have been getting fps drops and screen freezes ever since 9.22 patch. super annoying cuz i gotta restart whole pc if game decides to freeze...

Hello! We've posted about this in a couple other threads that have popped up but we could use some help nailing down this issue as it's particularly tricky. For anyone encountering the loading screen freeze could y'all please DM me or drop a link to your process dump?

  • Preemptively enable the Always On Top option in Task Manager > Options before starting any games.
  • While the client is frozen on the loading screen, right click the League Game Client and select Create dump file (2-3 would be great).
  • Navigate to where the file was saved and upload it to a file sharing service like google drive.

We think we might have tentatively identified a root cause but having more dumps would help us know that we're on the right track and chasing the correct problem. Thanks everyone!


We did hear it during playings between UOL and SPY which went to 5 games!


These bugs are very sh*tty and especially so in the last weeks of Ranked. We do have each of these logged and are actively working on them. The loading bug is particularly nasty and hard to fix because we aren't getting logs but we've found the source of the mouse minimizing and I'll post a reply with a timeline for that fix later today.


Originally posted by pursu777

I just use shadowplay. It comes with all Nvidea graphic cards through Geforce experience. You just press a button and it saves the last X minutes of gameplay (you set the time)

Edit: I also used vegas studio 14 just to trim the clip but that can be done with anything.

Gotcha, thanks!