Very soooooooonTM
Very soooooooonTM
After his first death, yeah. There really wasnt anything he could do, I just kept the center brush warded and ran in circles anytime he tried to get testy.
I like the idea of the alcoves, but they really do make ranged v melee a complete joke now. It's not fun to be on the receiving end of it, and it feels so dirty to abuse
It's not something we've seen much in internal testing. He could have perhaps played towards opposite side of wave and awaited gank relief? Sounds like you'd cornered yourself in that instance.
I appreciate I wasn't there to see it.
I love the alcoves! It makes playing ranged toplaners even funner, since I have even more ways to use my range against the melee champions without retaliation. Just yesterday I made a Darius ragequit as Annie top, since there was nothing he could do while I ran in circles around that little wall.
Did he at least have Doran's shield?
TL with Xmithie was on average the oldest squad in all pro LoL if I’m not mistaken.
What about Origen with xpeke amazing soaz mithy?
I have no idea why banshees is allowed to exist with the stats it has. There is no reason it should provide more MR than a Spirit Visage, despite building out of a single NMM
Because Banshee's Veil is a f*cking terrible item despite its fairly reasonable stats?
Nice play! Those who can't see what alcoves are useful for lack imagination.
Is this on the preseason patch?
They're playing on Patch 9.22 :)
Read moreServer: NA
Type: In game bug
Description: If you ult and kill someone with Pyke, the icon for your ultimate reset doesn't go away after your reset timer ends. It stays there for the remainder of the game and it is visible for ALL parties involved on both teams. This is very misleading and leads to your teamates and enemies thinking you have an ultimate reset all the time, even when it is on cooldown.
Link: here's with a new reset:
Steps to reproduce: 1. Pick pyke, 2. Ult and kill an enemy or multiple, 3. Wait for the reset to end and pic will still be there by your summer name.
Expected result: The icon next to your summoner name is still there. A second icon appears next to the first if you ult someone...
Thanks for posting this. We'll be looking into this. I suspect it may have to do with some of the UI work we did for Omnistone.
Aether I have to ask. You wrote:
the earliest Elder can spawn is 26:00 plus time spent in combat with the drakes.
If I understand correctly that can't be right. The first 3 drakes are unique. So lets say Cloud 1st at 5 minutes, Inferno 2nd at 10 minutes. From now on, only mountain spawns.
- 1st mountain at 15 minutes
- 2nd at 20 minutes
- 3rd at 25 minutes
- 4th at 30 minutes
So in a complete stomp, the earliest is actually 36 minutes disregarding the time spent with taking them down.
Am I getting this wrong?
You don't need four of the same drake to get a soul, just any four drakes! So timing would be 5/10/15/20 mins for the four drakes, then Elder at 26.
Hey u/The_Cactopus or /u/RiotAether , why arent any balance changes on the champions besides Senna (On ARAM)? Are you gonna nerf or balance the champs with all this changes in another 2 weeks or are you gonna hotfix them if they are broken? Thanks for all this changes, have a nice day.
9.24 will have our first round of balance changes based on preseason in 3 weeks (long patch!), and if anything is egregiously busted (like, egregious and not just 'this got stronger') we'll hotfix before then!
Rename Maokai's ult to Twisted Treeline
I sent this to the team over slack last night and got a crash bandicoot reaction. Not entirely sure what that means for the future of this suggestion but wanted to give you the update.
Hello EU friends! This is a known issue, we'll be deploying a fix today. Hope you're enjoying preseason.
Server: NA
Type of Bug: In-Game Bug
Description: Kayn's enemy alert bubble while in a wall does not show up when gliding through the alcove.
Steps: As seen in the video, go through the alcove like you are ganking, hugging the outer limit.
Expected result: Bubble shows up with a nearby enemy.
Observed result: Bubble won't show up with an enemy nearby. It does if you go into the wall from the grass there, at least until you hug the outer barrier just right.
Reproduction Rate: 10/10
Thanks for posting. We'll look into this - in the meantime sounds like Kayne is gonna have some nasty alcove ganks 0_0.
Is anyone else experiencing FPS drops in this patch? For me it is happening as the map changes, The game is smooth until the 4th dragon is chosen then my FPS drops 15-20 frames. I play on an average laptop, It never had problems running any game before, I always play on lowest settings but this patch seems to be unplayable. I'm going to try a few games and hope it was just that one. I hope this isn't the last patch I'm able to play of league because I can't afford a new computer.
The map changes before 4th dragon - it happens after the 2nd dragon dies. Is this when you start experiencing FPS loss? Also, if you're able to, shoot me a DM with your laptop specs. I surely don't want this to be the last patch that you play League!
EDIT: Thanks for the messages everybody and sorry about your impacted experience. We're going investigating some performance related issues at the moment that may resolve some of these issues. I likely won't be able to respond to each and every one of you, but we do appreciate the posts as they do help inform us as to what may be causing issues.
Something similar happened to me. I spawned cloud drakes to get 0 cd for my ult and the rift changed to infernal.
Hey folks! You currently cannot self-select the elemental terrain by spawning specific types of dragons. This is a feature that we're looking into implementing in a future patch. At the moment, we're aware that practice tool dragon spawning and the elemental terrain aren't playing nice together - we'll be cleaning this up in upcoming patches. Thanks for posting here and providing visibility!
Yeah, a "whimsical" jungler, which means it will be boring and braindead to play just like all "whimsical" champs. Jungle is absolutely starved for mechanically intensive champs, Lee is basically all we get.
Hmm Zoe, Fizz and Lulu are all whimsical Champs that aren't brain dead to play
A ha, I’ve been waiting for this post 👀 (since the stuff I work on rarely comes up on reddit 😭) We didn’t forget - we’ll be updating it in the afternoon, NA west coast time. Check back in ~12 hours 😉
wait this will be live on SR?? not just on PBE?
Yea these changes have been on PBE for a while now. They'll be going live today / tomorrow.
I still can't believe riot thinks changing edge of night from an active to a passive is a "buff" that warrants a damage nerf.
Disclaimer: I don't work with or interact with the LoL team but this feels like my fault
I was literally talking to a friend yesterday about how I don't buy EoN because I'm bad at the game and forget about my actives and want an AD banshee's
Fnc won worlds on their first try :^)
You're not wrong!