League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

10 Nov


Originally posted by Cacoluquia

Because Grabzz, for some reason, didn't prioritize a pick for the man.

Because Perkz has a champion puddle and needs babying.


Originally posted by TempestWrath

Jankos invisible early game, stop picking comps that rely on on snowballing early game

Cosplaying Broxah lol


Originally posted by iDaeK

Grabbz, stop picking Elise Challenge

Its not that they specifically pick Elise, its just that they focus on bot lane in first draft phase and PHX then bans rest of the junglers out.

Because Perkz has an extremely limited effective champion pool.


Originally posted by izumakun

Reddit expected FPX to get out-macro'ed by G2 but they actually handled G2's unexpected/decisive map plays way better than SKT did.

Because they're also incredibly decisive, they won't get caught with their pants down


Originally posted by Scarred_Shadow

Yeah, Miky is a playmaking champ kinda guy not a defensive champ.

Kench can make plays, as demonstrated by Crisp many times this year


Originally posted by [deleted]


I think you're confusing FPX with RNG/BLG

09 Nov


Originally posted by cococommandos

Ender OkayChamp





Honestly, no matter what happens tomorrow it's been an insane year for G2, EU and the LEC. Seeing everyone rally behind G2, no matter the country, the league or the team is amazing. Let's hope they bring the title back and complete the grand slam.


Another great video, any predictions for tomorrow's series?


Hey all. Just wanted to say thanks for the feedback.

Every patch we push content to PBE and then examine and parse the feedback from players. Sometimes there are simple adjustments that are easy to do and our teams are happy to change them.

Other times there are larger changes that require more time than we have available before we ship the patch or introduce such large changes that it creates new additional risks to the successful delivery and overall quality / stability of the content.

We’re always trying to do the best we can, and it’s when players provide really productive feedback that’s solution oriented, thats when collaboration between players and devs are at its best.

Thanks u/boydlr. Appreciate the feedback.


Great video! I love how you included combos. I think the next thing to add would be potential bot lane synergies. Who is she good with as ADC/Sup? Who counters her in those roles?


As a Teemo, this is my dream mode.

08 Nov


Originally posted by shadowles5

Why is it that every single one of her abilities has 2000 different mechanics?

Everyone pointing out how broken her E is, and i'm just baffled at how insane her Q is.

Like, lucian got nerfed a dozen times because his Q made his poke in lane too strong. Senna's Q is also point and click, but has:

1-Way longer range

2-Way wider (EDIT:not wider!)

3-Auto attack reset (EDIT:not a reset!)

4-Procs her passive

5-cooldown lowered by basic attacks


7-Can be used on wards and towers

8-procs press the attack

I probably missed something too lol. I bet it's going to be fun laning against her with her constant Q spam 8)

It isn’t wider. It doesn’t reset her basic attack.


Originally posted by -Landlos

If they pick Nautilus, G2 can then ban blitzcrank to force the inevitable nautilus pick to support (or simply forcing out the alistar) and another mid laner like Kayle, forcing DoinB to play a sub-optimal mid laner as well, unless they trade the ryze and xayah picks, wich would not be good for FPX like i said before, since Xayah is a much bigger power pick than ryze.

Buddy you are way underestimating the champion pools of FPX lmao


Originally posted by -Landlos

But the second point has nothing to do with the ryze pick, you are talking about gragas.

Because if G2 takes Ryze then FPX takes Gragas. That's a good trade.


Originally posted by -Landlos

And when you say "multiple reasons" and only show one, it's not "multiple reasons", it's, like i said, only one. Ryze is a very good pick for any team composition, even if you are not the best ryze player on the planet. If g2 gets the power picks they are proeficient at, i don't see fpx actually pulling the wins of.

I literally gave you two reasons lol


Originally posted by -Landlos

If G2 picks ryze, what is left as a power pick for DoinB? Nothing. It's not about being BETTER than doinb, it's about out-drafting them, out-splitting and out-macroing.

Yasuo, Nautilus, Kled, Rumble, Renekton just off the top of my head?