League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

06 Oct


Like i wanna check if i was with a guy in a previous game but i cant because riot wont let me, now theres opgg for that ,but sometimes it doesen't work cause of rito api... still i cant check my profile and it bugs me out

External link β†’

Congrats on D4!!! Did you ever dodge games? And what are your thoughts on one tricking? I'm a Sona support OTP stuck in P4.


Originally posted by BockerLoz

My team got smashed in the finals by 3 smurfs ranked silver, rip

Can you give me your summoner name so we can check out who you played against? If they were smurfs, we want to know!

05 Oct


Originally posted by Solash1

Throw enough pebbles at a brick wall and it'll eventually break

I'm...not sure this is true...


Try to understand why they're stomping you and what you can do to emulate them. Last time Worlds was in NA that was the highest quality solo queue of my life, try to enjoy it while it lasts!


Originally posted by dely5id

OG Tryndamere showing up alone in a thread for patting himself in the back.

Tryndamere’s need love too


Well done


Originally posted by 23Udon

Is this issue on the radar? I literally gave up first blood because I have attack move on the side button and ended up fighting while minimized.

Honestly don't know. I'm on a different continent to the team that tracks these issue and it's the weekend.


Originally posted by lWmSldaniwe

Guess it sounds more like

Ah cool thanks for the fix

instead of

Thanks for informing us, we'll look into it.

Fair comment. I didn't want to commit to finding an answer as I'm nowhere near the team that would have info on this. Also as it was late on Friday I don't know how long it would take to get any info. Peope rarely notice my flair and I really just wanted to thank op as I have been suffering from the bug.


Originally posted by max1mum

You shouldn't answer in such way. Or when you do, at least give us some info when or if it will be fixed...

I was just thanking op, I thought it was just my PC / client being buggy the lat few days. If / when I can get some details on the issue I'll definitely let you know.

04 Oct


Originally posted by TowaT

It's an option obviously so bad that it makes the other options look good.

Almost. It was put in place so that you can always use your content for something. Basically if you have 0 essence and 1 shard and you don't ever want to engage with loot anymore, your shard isn't completely unusable. But no, people rarely use it, we don't want them to, and it's not meant to be a trick or anything like that.


Thank you so much , I have my emote wheel bound to MB4 and the last few games trying to thumbs up my team or sad ammumu has been minimising the game.


This is the high quality content I come to this subreddit for! πŸ‘ thank mr skeltal πŸ’€


Originally posted by nizzy2k11

last i checked, their programing jobs are all in LA or China.

Hi! paging /u/Link2011 also - this isn't true!

I'm a security engineer working in our Dublin office and we've had a sizeable programming presence here for at least 3 or 4 years now. There are a couple of teams with software engineering going on.

There are also engineering teams in a lot of other offices, but if you're from the EU then Dublin is probably your best bet.