lmao. who do you play?
The only character worth playing: Falco.
lmao. who do you play?
The only character worth playing: Falco.
Curious to know the network equipment setup per live venue though
What would you like to know? There's some stuff we can't go into detail about but I'm happy to add what I can!
"Nothing quite shows off your passion like covering all your computer screens in your favorite champion splash art. Download Senna’s splash, several high resolution images from the cinematic, as well images as of the Shadow Isles and Lucian right here."
Actually there's just the splash art in there.
We fixed it! Zip should be updated now
Thanks for the info. He does great work.
I love his video editing with the same passion I hate his Marth.
It's so good :D Thanks for bringing her to life!
lmfao, inside the zip file… is another zip file (and inside that is her VO)
Yo dawg. I heard you like Zip files..
Suffering from success
Aston Martin music
It’s actually not related to login queue but to a limit of concurrent players we want to have per shard (China also have multiple shards for example). The reason for that is game stability. Doesn’t mean we won’t change that in the future but we are balancing improving the tech vs making new stuff / features.
For what it’s worth, we’ve been better on scaling our tech in new games. We will still shard our new games around the world to optimize the experience for players (ping, etc...), but we will likely not do it for ccu load reasons like we did when we split Europe years ago.
Great video Jatt.
Out of curiosity, do you do any of the video editing yourself? Or do you come up with a script that is then edited around?
So of the editing done in the videos is great and really shows off what you are saying. The dual layer of Ryze walking to his real warp range is a good example.
The editing is done by Graham, our video editor. https://twitter.com/smoresmores
As a support player who refuses to play tanks because the income item sucks to get gold from late, I think there are ways to adjust it to help the lower elo players. One suggestion I have for it is when you reach a certain point in the game, much like the quests for sightstone, give the item a passive where you mark the last minion hit so when it dies by anyone, support also gets the gold.
Edited cause mobile autoswiped tanks as table for some funky reason.
If we had a mechanic like that (cool idea, btw), then we'd implement it from level 1, rather than require players to relearn what an item does again.
Read moreNormally the risk of doing dragon early is that you lose out on so much time/health that the enemy jgler risks falling too far behind that you avoid doing so until you have killed bot (or sometimes mid). With basically all dragons (except infernal) being too strong to solo early game you cannot do it early now. (Infernal is almost always warded early because it's easy to solo and the most contested for obvious reasons)
With nerfing dragon health it becomes a lot easier to take and you can actually do something like
- Top jgl -> Bot -> Dragon
- Clearing Bot -> dragon -> top side
- Top -> dragon -> bot
Some of these might not actually be able to be punished in some match ups because of how certain champs needs to clear a certain side. On top of how some jglers has it a lot easier to do so with the lvl 3 from blue buff jgler now.
The early dragon health now is what makes it needed to be at least lvl 4-5 with a full jgl item befo...
Yes. Great analysis. It's hard to keep track of in a comment thread this long, but I was going about some junglers being able to solo the dragon in today's world, not on the PBE. I think that is a valuable piece of differentiation for a small selection of junglers right now. I am undecided on the state of the early dragons on PBE right now.
Sorry about the audio quality. We actually have the same road kit that we used for worlds episodes back in 2016 which was fine, so will definitely do some investigation to see if we can improve it for next time. On top of that I had frog voice for two days so we didn’t get a chance to re-record audio after I sent it in on Wednesday (we normally do audio on Monday or Tuesday). Anyways.. that’s probably more context than I needed to give but felt like sharing lol.
Beyond that, hope you enjoy the episode! It’s fun to be doing this content again, and I’m looking forward to the next episode!
Just for clarity. This was an old skin that was scrapped last year. This is a bug and is not one of the remaining prestige skins for the year.
Wait wait, you wont reply to my answer, which seem to be what people actually care about, but answer some trivial things about drags? So riot is fully understood how the jungle change will impact and still push it forward for a more clownfiesta game?
So I was right, you guy actually have an agenda to push. You dont want a diversified jungle meta, but a gankfest. Thank you for confirming, I wont ever buy any RP again(probably keep playing cause Im still addicted but when I actually getting sick of this I will quit)
Saying I "won't" reply is a bit harsh. There's a lot of comments in this thread and I'm busy fixing bugs.
As for the other part of your post, I'm sorry you feel that way.
i was meaning the fog of war having loads of particles on the edge but cleaning up the other effects around the screen may make that a non issue
really the issue is the visual clutter, maybe it was the smoke on the top of the screen that was the main issue but it was just adding a lot of noise in general to the screen and it just felt annoying to play
im fine with effects but they shouldnt be a detriment to gameplay unless that is literally the whole point of them
Yeah totally agree with you. We had those effects to get that infernal "feel" before we had better, less distracting methods. Tomorrow's version should be better for you. Let me know if not.
Read moreThe entire Elemental Rift system design is based around 'you find yourself in a mixed up rift. Use your brain to make use of your altered surroundings', and that's the same design idea with Kaleidostone you're talking about. The difference, and the point I can't seem to put into words resulting in this tedious argument (sorry about it, but thanks for adressing all my points still!), is that the Element the Rift is changed to won't have that large of a change to the result of your previous decisions:
If I decided to pick Sion in Champ Select, and then I get 'thrown into' Mountain Rift at 15 minutes, it certainly HAS an impact. But it won't tip the scales of winning or losing in either direction, it just has me adust my ults through the jungle based on how open or clogged up the terrain is, and enables/disables lines to take.
Kaleidostone does do the same thing, but not as well. When the game reveals the keystone the player rolled the moment it be...
yeah that reasoning is basically just the judgement call that I don't want players thinking about the keystone THAT much. I think its good when you plan around it before engaging, but after engaging in combat I don't think it's nearly as desirable to start asking you to think about the next keystone on a Xs preview. At that point I think its okay to just show you the keystone when it's ready, since most keystones still have some amount of play time before they trigger.
Iron players (and all lower ELO players) are still players too? We should care about them as much as we care about Grandmaster players.
There's a billion moving parts in League, and NOT hard shoving late game just so your support can grab some gold is not a skillcheck I think we need to have. I prefer players assisting each other in intuitive ways instead.
Logic like this (and everything riot has done to the game from s6 and onwards) is why all of the streamers/high elo players say the game is garbage.
You dumb down the game instead of putting in tools to help the people who are worse at it improve.
Do YOU think the game is garbage? I'm more interested in what you think than what you say someone else thinks.
Also, it sounds a little hyperbolic to suggest that ALL high ELO players and streamers think the game is bad. Removing nonsensical mechanics in favour of logical ones is just better for everyone.
So if junglers who can take dragon early have that advantage, what advantage would you say other junglers have given that the dragon buff would provide a decent advantage for said early dragon takers?
Well, if you know an enemy jungler CAN solo a dragon at level 4, can be fairly easy to interrupt/disrupt them as they do. It's not a given they just get it for free.
Plus, if you drop the first 2 dragons (but clear out their jungle/take herald at 8 mins instead) you can come back into it. There's loads of ways to have impact on a game in League, got to find the one that works against those junglers.
No, that just sounds awful. It means every role around you needs to understand the intricacies of Support items on top of millions of other things to not Rob you of gold and thus make you sad.
You play one game of league of legends with a tank support and you know what the blue swirls around the support mean and do. It's up to you/your team to determine "Do I want to give us extra gold or do I want to just mindlessly push/farm like the iron player I am?"
League being able to make choices is why old seasons were so much better than new ones. There's barely any choices in the game you can do now due to riot pruning items/skills/ratios.
Iron players (and all lower ELO players) are still players too? We should care about them as much as we care about Grandmaster players.
There's a billion moving parts in League, and NOT hard shoving late game just so your support can grab some gold is not a skillcheck I think we need to have. I prefer players assisting each other in intuitive ways instead.