League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

24 Oct


Originally posted by alrightrb

pls make the infernal dragon fog effort less obnoxious.

Tomorrow's PBE build will have far less "smoke" particles at the top of the screen, but were you instead referring to the red hue in the fog itself?


Originally posted by IM_AN_AUSSIE_AMA

Have you considered a dragon debuff that decreases the damage you give to dragon along with a healing and shielding debuff but only if the dragon is being soloed?

My rain of thought is to make it difficult for a single lvl 4 jungler to solo it but make it easy for 2 people.

Due to lack of wards in the early game, having a missing laner would be a good trigger for people to check drake

I think allowing some junglers to express their personality or strength through being able to take early dragons solo is totally fine. If all junglers can do it, it becomes THE THING YOU HAVE TO DO. Which is far less cool imo.


Originally posted by SodaBook

I like the dragon buffs for the most part, but the ocean drake has felt a little controversial. It is hard to put it into words, but the main issue is that even if it gives your team a little advantage when it comes to the regeneration it provides, it also has opened up a window for losing. At the skill-level I play it is normal to throw the game a little bit by someone getting caught in the jungle either by facechecking the brushes or not warding properly when going to splitpush a sidelane. The extra brushes, especially the one next to red buff and the one between blue buff and river have been a little problematic in this matter as people start to pick up sweepers over warding trinket and the support cant provide enough vision around the area even if the team provides aid to him/her with pink wards.

So your issue is with ocean terrain, not the buff or ocean soul? The idea that it's now more dangerous to move around the map during an ocean game?

Originally posted by Caenen_

I mean, I guess? I still don't get why you label it 'input-rng' though.

If I knew what was coming up I could base my decision too keep fighting, hold a spell for comet or disengage on that thing coming up. That's making an informed decision.

Not knowing what comes up means I won't decide based on the RNG (since I have limited information on it), and then the outcome of my decision is decided when the keystone readies.

Those are the definitions of input- and output-randomness, respectively, or did I mix the two up somehow?

Input RNG because the system gives you a random input (that doesn't by itself so anything) and the player uses that input to do something.

Output RNG would be "attack 3 times, trigger a random keystone"

Input RNG is desirable because it asks the player to reassess the game state and do something, whereas output RNG does something

Since the game is continuous, the border does blur, but in this case it's about as cut and dry as it can be since the input literally does nothing until the player takes action

23 Oct


Originally posted by VMan7070

How so? I've always found it very tricky to get the execute late game when my team wave clear so rapidly. Felt like gold left on the table which isn't there as an issue on pbe.

You don't think that shouldn't be a drawback on the item?

For a balance team that decided "f**k the individual player, the game is 95% teamplay now" you'd think that having to depend on your team not to kill every single minion before your autoswing timer goes off is an intended thing.

No, that just sounds awful. It means every role around you needs to understand the intricacies of Support items on top of millions of other things to not Rob you of gold and thus make you sad.

It's like back when the correct play against Illaoi tentacles was for allies to NOT kill them. That was also creating bad feels within your team due to unintended nonsense rules.

Originally posted by Caenen_

But when I all-in, I don't get to see what keystone is coming up for me! Suddenly, I land on Comet, just after I put my spells on CD, an auto attack related Keystone was more likely to come up but I rolled low. Or maybe I'm in a close fight, the enemy turns to finish me off - I get Dark Harvest in the last moment before my Basic Attack lands and it finishes him off before he finishes me. If he had known that DH was coming up, he could've played around that random (bound to be low-chance) 'crit' and decided whether it'll be worth the risk, not just be surprised or annoyed with what the Keystone ended up putting out.

Both the Kaleido-user and his opponent should be able to see what's coming up, not just what someone outside of combat is running around with, imo! Otherwise that's not randomness you can prepare to play around for properly.

no, think that mid-combat planning around what keystone you are about to get is too much mindshare on a rune that already takes tons of mindshare.

if you role comet after using all your spells, wait the 4 seconds it takes for a spell CD then trigger comet. if you don't like the input rng that randomly tells you "hey now go figure out how to use THIS keystone", this is probably not the keystone for you.

Originally posted by ghostgnome

Just another placeholder rune, nothing to see here.

these are not the runes you are looking for.

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Originally posted by IWantOffMrBones

What are the chances of Diana getting some fixes to her model and VO with her update?

We aren't doing any work to her model or VO

Originally posted by Caenen_

The 7s I'm refering to is the cooldown between 2 Keystones, after applying one it currently goes on CD and rolls for the next one.

yeah what about it. I expect if you want to all in, you'll continue all inning and maybe get to use another keystone. The more all-in keystones all have longer CDs (except Conqueror), so any subsequent keystone you get after them is actually just pure value

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey captain is the conqueror tooltip bug on your radar

no, whats the bug


Originally posted by akuakud

Go further than reverting its health. Dragon needs a health increase. Why can objectives like Dragon and Baron be soloed at all?

Well that entirely depends on champion. Evelynn's not soloing dragon at level 5, but Udyr and Warwick probably are. No amount of HP is going to stop that, since it's their ability to keep themselves healthy that enables this behavior.

And before you suggest "Just increase it's damage, then", we don't want to make dragon takes riskier for groups of champs, else no one will want to risk taking early dragons for fear of being wiped.

Originally posted by isseihyoudoux

Hello my friend beluga :) i wanted to talk something about the new reworked conqueror i know its hardly released but please can you make it work for garen's E too :)? i would be happy :D

yeah thats a bug i believe we are aware of and will resolve before live


Originally posted by xBirde

Tier 3 relic shield feels awful without relic stacks

How so? I've always found it very tricky to get the execute late game when my team wave clear so rapidly. Felt like gold left on the table which isn't there as an issue on pbe.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Do you think Senna will still be a broad release despite support marksman being an unconventional concept, August said she might be a banger

Yes, I believe so. Pyke was unconventional and he is one of the, if not the highest played support in the game.

Originally posted by Caenen_

So you think people will disengage and wait out the 7s CD outside of a trade? What champion types/playstyles would you expect the rune to be used by?


theres no reason to disengage, the combat lockout is for running out of time to use a keystone, not for getting a new one

Originally posted by Caenen_

Tbh I'm excited for the Keystone, since JuggerSion will likely not be a bad user of it (I can already build almost random items, and all keystones sans Guardian and (depending on build) Conqueror, which already don't appear to be in the pool, are well usable). The one issue I have is output randomness, what is your stance on whether you should already know which Keystone you get next during the 7s CD?

It's input randomness

Originally posted by Caenen_

Oh wait this was about Kaleidostone right? Uhh my reading comprehension is inting by now!

Is there any other thing to the RNG other than 'you can't get one of the last 5' and those specific restrictions for Aftershock and Perdator? Eg. can Vayne with the Keystone gain Comet?

actually the way a keystone is chosen is: All valid keystones are put in a table. Game randoms one, removes it from the table. If the table has less than 3 entries, it refills the table. You can't get the same keystone back to back (so on refill, it doesn't add the previous keystone back into the table until after it picks your next one)

Vayne can get comet

Originally posted by Caenen_

a non-ultimate ability that can trigger it

Pretty sure malphite can go aftershock without it being replaced. It's just any ability. A GP or Olaf for example gets it replaced as their only way to trigger it is hitting Blast Cone with an enemy on it.

he certainly can if he wants to take aftershock


Originally posted by rivingtonthe3rd

Thanks /u/RiotXenogenic sorry to make more work for ya! :D Happy 10 everyone!

If anyone is going to make more work for me /u/rivingtonthe3rd, I always hope it's you <3