The teams have been working hard for a long time on this stuff and everyone was excited to share. Thank you for the support and faith, especially through the hard times!
We won’t let you all down.
The teams have been working hard for a long time on this stuff and everyone was excited to share. Thank you for the support and faith, especially through the hard times!
We won’t let you all down.
I'm pretty sure it came directly from Riot
/u/Reav3 thoughts?
I have never commented on release dates, and likely never will. I'm not sure how that rumor got started.
Melee carry like Jax,Yasuo,Trynd style correct ?
Do you think Senna is gonna be viable as an ADC or do you really need to lock her in as a support?
I think she will be viable as a ADC or support
No, just a VO update
Hey /u/Reav3 could you share whose working on the far off new champs, it should be Maxw3ll and Jag right
Maxwell is working on the Jungler and EndlessPillows is working on the melee carry
I'm confused. Is the "faith" section about Senna or is it teasing another marksman? Fiddle looks pretty cool.
It’s a different new Champ
Wow 30 days? You guys said the mission were going to last a while but damn thats generous
Our goal with these isn’t to function as a daily login requirement. We just wanna give away a bunch of free stuff in the most effective way we can. :)
Wait so I don’t have to actually login every day this week and can do it, for example, next week or the One after that? I don’t have access to my PC until Sunday so I’m kinda scared of missing out on the skin..
You don’t have to login every day to get them. You can catch up next week. Also the final reward (Annie-versary skin) is separate from the 10 days of gifting mission chain.
Are you able to share what tier the skin is
The skin tier is epic, although we’ve spent a bit more time on it than the average 1350 since we know every player will have it. You’ll have to let us know if that extra effort comes through in the experience of playing. :)
He also gets f**ked over by Infernal, so feels like Rengar will turn into the biggest coinflip champ.
Just want to drop in and say that some brush is larger (plus some new ones in the dragon pit) during ocean games, and 1 brush is missing per jungle quadrant in infernal games. I don't think that makes Rengar any more of a coinflip champ than he already is!
a lot of people complaining about the support marksmen, to me that's amazing, now I want a tank marksmen( my favorite role combined with my most hated role) :)
Support is a position not a class. Just like there are Assassin and Mage Midlaners.
Cant wait to be the same gankbot I've been all season but with less xp.
At least bot is gonna be underleveled
We are willing to test stuff but only as long as you guys are willing to remove bullshit features if they turn out bullshit instead of forcing them upon us just for change's sake. And well, Riot has implemented a lot of really bad ideas over the years and let them stay for some reason, so excuse me but I don't really have much reason to be optimistic here. Still going to try it, but I can already see what is going to happen.
I don't know dude, we've certainly removed a lot of things that didn't work, too! It's not like we keep stuff in the game that people hate just to upset them.
Can you share your favorite response? Must have been something that made you chuckle
Tbh someone put something along the lines of "I dont care that this survey wasnt about shaco. I dont care that you probably have nothing to do with balancing shaco. I hope whoever is reading this gets a paper cut every day for what riot did to shaco"
Pick one
1v1 me for casting dibs yo!
You're going down
Lmao this is real talk.
Why are they changing so much? I can't be the only one who thinks the game is great the way it is.
The game is "the way it is" thanks to all the previous changes we've made. It's the beauty of having a constantly updating and changing game: we try to keep it feeling fresh forever.
They do that every season, they're doing it again this year too. That's not really a massive change.
Season 9 was the smallest pre-season ever, they changed Turret plating and.. what else? We've had regular patches bigger than that years pre-season.
Season 8 was big with Runes Reforged, but this one is by the biggest Pre-Season ever.
We had changed to bounties and some reworked Runes too.