League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Oct


Originally posted by Heaell

Hey do you have to do missions 10 days in a row or you can do them over the course of a month?

you can do them over the course of the month, but you have to finish 1 to unlock the next (total of 10 games for all 10 rewards)


This is awesome, thank you so much for sharing these! I think they are some of the oldest screencaps I've seen!


Originally posted by ReginaAeternam

Hey! That's me! Thank you so much!

haha, I remember your name... I had to triple check to make sure I had it correct


Originally posted by TheSkyUnderUs

Ordered. Very exciting - surprised they didn't play this up on the 10 year stream more.

Check out the section with the sound and music dept (after Ghostcrawler before Legends Never Die). Riot Iceburrg makes a special delivery to one of the rooms.


Originally posted by Shrengar

So it doesn't have to be 10 days in a row?

For the first 10 days every day a new reward becomes available. You can then play a game to claim a reward any time during the 4 weeks.


Originally posted by OmoNoHomo

You're way too kind! It's OmoNoHomo on EUW, I appreciate it greatly <3

no you! RP should be headed your way :)


It’s fans like yourself that keep the community both positive and thriving, so thank you for taking the time to write up your thoughts. It’s threads like these that fuel us to work harder and be better tomorrow than we are today.


One game per reward. You just need to play 10 games over the next 4 weeks, with a limit of 1 reward per day that's passed during the first 10 days.


Originally posted by BiteSizedTaco


I also got one. I don't know who the person in the picture is, but I just want to tell her thanks for making my day :)

Don’t worry—we’ll make sure she sees this. Awesome summoner name btw!


We're keeping this right in our lobby entryway now and every time I look at Voyboy riding Dark Star Cho'Gath I can't help but smile


Originally posted by mc16584

That's my thought. Fiora killed her fourth unit before Spazie's poros hit the enemy nexus, therefore Fiora executed her win condition first.

This is it!


In this frame, I also appear. Probama cinematic confirmed!


Yay you got one! I'm glad it was a nice surprise. :)

As part of our L10 celebration, all Rioters took the day to do something to give back to players. One of those events was a "thank you card room" and Rioters could pop-in and make a thank you note to honor level 5 players.

Don't be sad if you didn't get one though! There were over 5 million summoners' names we pulled. We were busy all day and got through like, 400?


Adding a few pictures of some of the cards we hung up on the conference room:

Image 1 Image 2

Sadly, we won't be able to get to the millions of you still remaining. But I made a very special thank you for everyone in this sub!

Image 3


Originally posted by ThisShock

Just imagine walking into work, being sat down into a group, and then they give you this massive list of players and tell you to make a personalized thank you note for all of them.

Cool for the player but holy shit that would be a miserable day at work.

Told to? People volunteered!

Believe it or not, we like doing stuff for players, including things like this.


If I'm not wrong, that image looks like it's from our old office. So what you're seeing is from prior to April 2015. Sorrrrryyyy :(


Originally posted by TomeRiddle

All the stories lately are super heavy and epic, sometimes all you need is an ad featuring great in game couples, like Ashe&Trynda, Kat&Garen, Rammus&The cactus. :P

Now seriously, it means a lot to me that you took the time to read all of that, and I'm glad I could let you guys know what an impact you had on my life :)

Hahaha so true. Move over, Senna and Lucian. Rammus and the Cactus will always the ultimate OTP. :P

Aww, your post really made a huge impact on us too. May you be blessed with plenty of victories for years to come. <3


Originally posted by Netsuko

Kudos to you for trying to work out comfortable Mobile controls. I feel so many games fail at this horribly because there’s no tactile feedback from a touchscreen like there would be from a key/button obviously.

Having said that, this looks promising. :D

Good visual feedback is one technique we use to try to overcome the lack of tactile feedback. Keep in mind that your mouse doesn't really have tactile feedback either for positioning, but you've gotten really good at putting it over a minion to last hit them. :D So tactile feedback isn't the only way to good feeling controls. I do think that movement controls are the most challenging ones to adapt to because you don't have the physical sense of where your thumb is relative to the center like you would with an analog stick. But you can always play on console if you want that experience!


Originally posted by otakarg

Can't imagine how hard working on HUD for phones has to be. Do you guys get limits as to how many buttons you can use to make everything work?

We are constantly keeping an eye on the complexity from having more buttons (for example we have 4 abilities when most mobile MOBAs have 3). There's no hard limit, but every time we consider adding a function that requires a new button we look very hard at the value we get from doing so vs. the cost of a more complicated interface that covers more of the game space. We also look at comparable games like PUBG mobile and playtest extensively to judge whether we have too many controls.


Originally posted by MiskTF

Pardon me for asking, but with you working on the HUD and controls .. Which software background do you come from? A UX design background with a bit of programming here or there, or do you come from a computer science or software engineer background? Thanks.

My background is Industrial Design (design of physical products), but I also have a partial software engineering background and previous experience. I don't use the programming skills as much anymore though, but it does come in handy when engineers don't have time to do something that I really care about and can justify doing a lot slower than an experience developer.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Once 10 days have passed you can play all 10 games and collect all 10 rewards in one day if you really want to.