League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

19 Oct


Originally posted by DullCaroline

no one you know really, but i remember once when you invited some people from a game (including me) and it was very chill to play in

most recent game i saw you in ony my team was when you were playing with your friend who was new to evelynn and jungle in general; against - you were playing ornn so didn't see much chatting :(

no one you know really

sounds like something that should change :)


Originally posted by CFCkyle


: )


Originally posted by IgotUBro

(who dis?)

Hey its me your brother. Now pls send skins.



Originally posted by DullCaroline

unrelated but thank you for bringing positivity in euw normals

thank you kind person

(who dis?)


Originally posted by Suitwo

I'm hoping Fnatic have sorted out their issues from the first half but even then it's still going to be a challenge to beat either RNG or SKT.

What I am hoping is for two wins today and one of those is against the loser of SKT Vs RNG, that should be enough to secure a tiebreaker match, but even then EU tiebreakers in 2019 aren't looking so hot at the moment, from 7-0 to 7-2.

Edit: Oh yeah I forgot SKT was 3-0, so ideally SKT win the current match and FNC beat RNG in the rematch.

It's happening. 100% Fnatic makes it out of groups. You know why ? Because I predicted it. http://pickem.lolesports.com/share/series/6/user/9064362/my-picks so far my predictions have been 100% accurate, and that means, without a doubt , that it will happen again today. 100%. It's math, you can't argue with it.


Originally posted by simple_noodle

Are you going to update this every day with the story behind the mission names? I would like to know them

I'm only replying because of your username.


Originally posted by SexyBuu

I can now proudly announce that my name was made riot themselves!

Thank you Riot_Interject!

Yooo! I am honored. Sending you a friend request ^


Originally posted by SuperMrBlob

I know you're not asking me but my experience with Angular/Typescript has been pretty awful and this seems like a good opportunity to vent. All IMHO:

  • The amount of boilerplate that's needed, constantly, is insane. In Java I have tight IDE integration to create new classes, getters, setters. In Angular, you want to create a new component? That's 5 minutes of copy pasting, importing in 3 locations, creating 3 (yes, THREE different damn files). Have fun. You could use ng commands, but that's not actually a fix. e.g. you still need to import the new file everywhere you want to use it, and import everything you want to use in it

  • I don't like TS. "var foo: type" just feels broken. Classes, interfaces, and enums are so poorly implemented that you can't help feel it's all a result of the baggage of transpiling to JS. Lots of weird angular quirks too, like, want to use an enum in a template file? You can't without first creating an instance...

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I felt the same way about the npm ecosystem. From a security perspective all those dependencies are a nightmare. I did however love the original version of angular, it worked really nicely with lodash and didn't force the whole ecosystem on you. I moved from web dev to backend a few years ago and was surprised at how much simpler things were. I was intrigued by typescript because OP's code was more readable than most JS I've encountered and didnt seem to rely on a bunch of black-box libraries


Originally posted by Xyltin

Correct but a PR below 1% in top and mid and 4% as a support.

If he would have the same PR In the solo lanes his WR would likely drop by 2% getting him below support.

Using stats out of context is not helpful

No it wouldn't. "It's the mains" has always been a flawed argument to explain why some unpopular champions have high winrates. Depth of play on a champion has nothing to do with how often you see them in game. Some of our most popular champions (Yasuo, Jinx, Riven) also happen to have some of the highest average games played.


I’m so excited you noticed this - I had a lot of fun writing these with Meddler, Riot Scruffy, and Riot Maple Nectar. So many metas over the past 10 years it was hard to choose one per year but we tried!


Originally posted by HunterRipper

Thanks for replying to the post! Yes, I understand that everything like coming up with what you guys want out, to player reception, to bugs are really important, I really hope you guys can test out this idea again next season (or pre-season :o).

Honestly my first idea with the Riot Pls anniversary stream was that you guys where gonna pull a "Nintendo Direct" where they announce a bunch of games and they say "And they are gonna be available at the end of this livestream", and thinking about it, you guys did it with Legends of Runeterra haha. Back to my point, my first idea was say, keeping the "Annie-versary" skin a secret and then releasing her on the livestream.

Anyways, really cool execution on Odyssey and Beemo, and I really hope Riot explores this type of releases for future content.

Thanks for the reply too! Yeah, I forget which skin it was but a skin was released and had a weird bug that somehow affected a bunch of gameplay. Testing stuff without PBE costs hours of time that could be used for other player-facing things, so they try to keep it for special occasions (though the surprise Annie-versary would have been super dank, I agree). Theres a LOT of really exciting stuff rolling out in the next year, I think/hope you'll enjoy!


Popularity or "marketability" weren't really part of the equation when we started the music endeavor of Pentakill.

The real reason was that we had a few metalheads on our music/sound team that were dying to make some metal. (Kyugene(Eugene), Protoshredanoid(Jason) and I, to be specific. The skins had been out for a while, we thought "wouldn't it be fun to make a few Pentakill songs and put them out, just for sh*ts and giggles", and we started it as a fun weekend project. Because we could play the instrumental parts and produce all the songs ourselves, we knew that we could probably get it done without having to ask for any budgets.

Eventually, we just kept having new ideas for cool songs, so it turned from "let's make 2 or 3 songs" to "lets... kinda make an album?" -- we got the songs to a pretty finished place pretty soon.

I remember us reaching out to Jorn Lande ZP Theart (I remember that when I called Jorn on the phone, he was currently on the roof of hi...

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18 Oct


Wicked. That's an incredible amount of detail. Who's the artist?


Double cheeseburgers are temporary. *Beemo is forever.*


We love doing this! AFAIK it requires a *lot* of additional internal testing to make 100% sure the skin doesn't cause weird issues, but it's definitely worth for certain things (like Odyssey and The Best Teemo Skin Beemo)


"Guys Lets Invade"


This is awesome! Happy Anniversary to you too!