How's a Japanese linguistics major getting into riot these days?
Edit: love this community, I appreciate all the advice
How's a Japanese linguistics major getting into riot these days?
Edit: love this community, I appreciate all the advice
Japan office or localization team might be up your alley!
Other skills like project/product management don't necessarily require a specific degree but are based more off of work experience and skillset.
Did u dropped this already ? cant find it
It's out now
CertainlyT did the original design for the next Marksmen
Holy shit yes, I'm so excited. He's my favorite designer (don't hate me Reddit, I have my reasons and I know it's controversial) and it seems like it will be a very difficult ADC to master judging from the description.
Probably the most difficult to master in the game, get ready to put some games in
I love you, this + the new marskman by CertainlyT is making me very happy. I was disappointed with Senna being support, but the new champ being a full Marksman compensates quite well.
I didn't say monster, I said non-human.
I dunno how you thought rainbow anime girl would be niche lol like what?
It was because usually deception/clone type champs tend to be niche, it was more based on gameplay, rather then theme
How about a solo lane?
Doubt it, some of her abilities are much stronger with a ally nearby
Are they cute
Of course ;)
Don't you think there is already too much Ionian champion?
I'd appreciate more Shuriman champion for example. Or Noxus.
Every other region is dwarfed by Ionia in numbers.
There are a lot, but when we were exploring a juggernaut we realized that there currently are no Ionian Juggernauts, so we felt we could create something unique in the Ionian space. Ionia is also the region that always comes out way on top when we survey players on there favorite region, so it make sense we would make more Champs from that region since there is high demand
Out of the Ionian underground comes a smokin’ hot new juggernaut.
/u/Reav3 Are you able to tell us if this is a male or female character?
Not yet
I wonder if they will make it shorter. Most tft games i play go for about the same time as a SR game. If they had a 10-15 minute version i would spam it.
Right now we're aiming for the same, full TFT experience you're getting on PC. That said, as we start designing more for multiple platforms, we'll want to consider all of them when making design decisions.
2020 is quite a timespan. It could mean anything between 01/01/2020 and 12/31/2020 and if they are aiming for late 2020, a delay until 2021 wouldn’t even be that unlikely so yeah. The comments from Rioters don’t sound like it is that far away so let’s hope for Q1/20 but we’ll see.
We're aiming for early 2020, but could be later.
Honestly this is a great move. It’s a game meant for mobile. I might actually play it now
We definitely felt like it was a perfect fit for mobile when we started working on it for PC. Just glad we're gonna be able to get it onto more platforms our players want to play on.
When did we have a confirmation that TFT mobile was not on the works? I remember a certain person with a good track record saying otherwise.
We downplayed it pretty hard initially, because (1) we weren't sure how TFT would be received by players and (2) we didn't know exactly how much work it would be to do it on mobile.
Will be able to log in on both? Can I play tft whilst queuing for example?
No, at least not right now. You can only be logged in on one device.
Catch me in class playing TFT in lectures lmfao
Focus on your studies my friend :D
Is the date of release known?
We're working to get it out as soon as possible, aiming for early 2020.
Who is doing the next marskman and juggernaut?
CertainlyT did the original design for the next Marksmen, and then Stashu took it over when he went to work on TFT. RiotAxes was the designer on the Juggernaut. He also recently went over to work on TFT so TwinEnso has taken it over