League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

16 Oct


Originally posted by TheWorldisFullofWar

Isn't this game just an Arena of Valor reskin though?

No, developed completely independently!

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Originally posted by 1upvoteisallIhave

did you saw senna and lucian splash art?

It’s not her Splash. It’s also a depiction of younger pre lantern Senna, which is why she looks different then Senna in the CG


I wanna cast this

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by videodragoon

This would break qiyana

If played Qiyana on the new map changes. It’s pretty damn fun


Im super glad that our game was able to help you though so many tough times, I hope you can get your machine fixed soon! When you do we'll be here waiting for you :)


Originally posted by lucasrattz

It would be interesting a champion whose skill kit revolves around paint buckets. His passive would be buckets he carry around and use it to change his paint brush color, changing his abilities.

While he is carrying the buckets, his move speed decreases, and he can place the buckets somewhere to walk in normal speed again and have to go back where he placed the buckets to change the brush color.

Edit: Thanks for the opportunity to share and watch one of my ideas getting off the ground. I love creating characters, items or maps in my free time and I came up with this concept about a year ago, and i'm delighted that you all liked it. And thanks for the gold!

I'm feeling some old school WizBall from this

15 Oct

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Eternity-ab

What’s your favorite champs to play? And does blitz give you nightmares because he does for me :D

My favorite Champs to play are Zoe, Akali, Fiora, Sion, Talon, Vladimir, Jinx and Soraka

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by FlashnFuse

How do you guys feel about the current state of Diana? Is she on any kind of internal gameplay update list?

Also, might a propose changes that make moonlight affect ALL of her spells?

We are currently working on a small Diana update, hopefully we can ship it sooner then later

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by WatermelonCalculus

Isn't he frequently banned?

How does ban rate figure into evaluation of champion design?

Ban rate is a sign of frustration but it's also a hard stat to make decisions off of because popularity also factors into ban rate. Usually if a Champion is very popular and frustrating to play against, or is just a hard carry that has the ability to take over the game they draw a higher ban rate. Ban rate in pro play is a better indicator since they are usually not picking a Champion just because they are fun to play or have a really cool thematic.