League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Oct


Originally posted by mehngo

So do you have to log in on the first day, or you can log in any time between the 10th day and last day and get access to the missions? I’m assuming you’ll have to play one game per mission, per reward?


Originally posted by RHunterGN

Will it be any game, or Summoner's Rift specifically?

Any mode that uses matchmaking (so everything but custom games).


Originally posted by [deleted]


All the rewards at a rate of one per game.

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Originally posted by IWillNameMyChildZoe

no ionian juggernauts? Maokai can do both tank and juggernaut

Maokai is a Shadow Isles Champ


that's awesome! what's your SN? I think I can help ya out :D

16 Oct


Originally posted by warsonggulch

pretty generous rewards

is there a particular day/reward you're most excited about?


Originally posted by verregnet

Thank god, I'm still in hospital for the next few days and missing out on this would have been beyond sad :')

No need to worry, hope you're recovering well. The missions will all be available until Nov 19


Originally posted by RagingAlien

Will TFT count as a matchmade game?



Originally posted by SirDante830

I was around back when buffs had small sentinels protecting them, Krugs didn’t split and there were only 3 small raptors.

Edit: or when inner turrets gave shields


You mean S T O N E B R O T H E R S

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Originally posted by madwolf898

But will she jungle?

Doubtful, but you can always try

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Originally posted by EROTIC_RAID_BOSS

I guess I could just wait n find out in 2 weeks but I gotta ask, will lucian and senna talk to each other like xayah and rakan?

Yes, of course

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Originally posted by Soxviper

It? I thought you guys always assigned a gender, even to things that technically don't have one. (Blitzcrank, Bard, etc.)

No one knows what Fiddle is

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Originally posted by Soxviper

What about the juggernaut? Weren't these two supposed to come out before the end of the year originally?

Who said that?


Originally posted by Gervh

It's kinda f**ked up to be in League with your parents/loved ones. A lot of the time you'll have to beat the life out of eachother, literally.

How many times did Kass kill his daughter already?

Alright, so this was interesting to me, so I pulled the data. Across all regions, and as of this month, Kassadin has killed Kai'sa just shy of 7.4 million times.



Originally posted by bigfish1992

It will be a dodgeable execute, so things like Zhonyas, Flash, Fizz E, Kindred ult etc. would be able to negate it.

Right now the current Elder drake is probably actually stronger than this proposed version, as this one only comes with the execute and not the dragon stacking.

I wanna wait until we see the actual numbers, but I am thinking it will be like 10-15% which I think is reasonable as it is a big objective and it gives the team that gets it a big advantage that you need to be aware of when fighting and a chance for teams who are behind (who maybe didn't get dragons earlier) a chance to get back into the game.

Not flash! Don't waste your flash!


Originally posted by Blastuch_v2

Does capping it at 4 drakes create situations when you want to give first or second drake to enemy team to get 3 of a kind?

I don't think it does mostly because those dragons count towards the dragon soul which is a pretty powerful permanent buff. For example, I don't think the promise of 3 Infernal Dragons outweighs the risk of 'gifting' a dragon to the enemy team.


Originally posted by Blastuch_v2

What if one team gets first 2 drakes and second team gets 3 infernals for example?

Infernal dragons will then continue to spawn until one team gets to 4 dragons. In this case, another infernal dragon would spawn and then either the team with 2 dragons would get it which prompts ANOTHER infernal dragon to spawn or the team that already has 3 gets it and then they get the soul which prompts an Elder Dragon spawn.


Originally posted by Sinikal_

"When a team kills their fourth Elemental Drake, instead of stacking their elemental buff, they'll gain a powerful Dragon Soul from the dominant dragon. "

Wouldn't that be the one you have the most of going by what they say right here?

Here's how it works:

  • First two dragons will always be different from one another and also will not be the element that the Rift eventually transitions into.
  • When the second dragon dies, the Rift will transform into whatever element the 3rd dragon is going to be.
  • For the rest of the game, only that type of dragon will spawn until a team gets 4 dragons. The team with 4 gets the Dragon Soul.
  • From that point on Elder Dragons spawn.