League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

15 Oct

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by MaliciousMetal

Oh I got quite an odd question regarding VGU's.

How do you guys feel about the outcries of former mains when it comes to their champions being changed this drastically?

I personally adore the new Mordekaiser, but our community has been somewhat split with the release of his VGU, which is kind of sad to experience.

Aatrox mains is a very prominent example of this actually since the old mains are still very upset about this radical change.

On a brighter note:

Really looking forward to what you guys have in store for champion VGUS down the line, especially Fiddlesticks and EVENTUALLY even Skarner!

Happy 10th anniversary, glad to have been here for the past seven years!

Overall we feel it's important to keep the game feeling modern and fresh since we believe that LoL has the ability to last a very long time. This means that we feel it's good for the long term to update things that are old and dated in our game like old Morde and breath fresh life into them. We feel this is important enough to do, even it it does cause change aversion among some of the mains of a Champion. It's also something that the community asks for and wants as player demand for VGUs is always very high when we survey players.

Aatrox though is a case where we felt we strayed too far from his previous game play identity. While he was pretty successful from a engagement perspective, we decided not to push Champions that far from there identity in future reworks.


Originally posted by RiotMoriGrl

like this if i should celebrate the 10th anniversary by creating a twitter bot that will reply to every single one of cactopus's tweets with "uwu," rt this if i should celebrate the 10th anniversary by writing a fanfic about cactopus meeting garen IRL

Here it is, my magnum opus:


The sun begins to rise, its rays cutting through the morning haze. The smell of bread fills the air as bakers prepare to open their shops. Children began to wake for school. And in a courtyard in Demacia's capital city, one man in commoner's clothing practiced maneuvers with a greatsword, while another in full plate offers suggestions, adjusts his posture, demonstrates with his own weapon.

After a particularly challenging set of exercises, the smaller man lowered his sword and leaned on it, breathing hard. He wiped the sweat from his brow, and smiled at the man in plate. "Well, what do you think?"

"It may not feel this way, but your form is beginning to improve, my friend," said Garen, watching the man in front of him attentively. "Though maybe not as much as I'd expect. Have you been practicing daily?"

"I've been trying," said the smaller man, with a hint of a whine. "It's...

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    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Predatoratorr

Thank you for being available! What do you think of the skarner rework? Now that he lost presence on competitive stage, do you think a gameplay update like the shaco and garen ones, to remove the spires, would go a long way to his problems? Because that's what most skarner mains agree on. I'd love to go deeper on skarner situation of needed =)

I think Skarner needs a full VGU at some point, as I dont think a small rework is enough to get his kit to where it needs to be. He also needs a lot of work on the visual/theme side as well

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Also to /u/Reav3, how do you and Danny typically come up with the art goals for a champion

I usually come up with the Goals for the Champions. Anyone on the team can pitch ideas, but I am the one that puts them together into opportunity spaces and then into a larger Champion Roadmap. I share this with my entire leadership team though as well as our Stakeholders, get feedback, then refine it. After it has been refined I share it with the whole team.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by htorefieS

Which reworks do you consider failures?

The ones we ended up reverting, like Rengar, Zac, LeBlanc. Sure there are lessons we learned on almost every VGU or Rework we did, or places we think we could have improved, but for the most part we think all of the big VGU's put the Champions into better places then they were before the VGU, even if there was room for improvement


This thread is so wholesome!

Enjoy the celebration today everyone.


    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Tsuyuyuyuyuyu

Is this a typo or will you tease 5!!!!! new Champions tomorrow?

Does this include the non traditional marksman?

It does include the Non-traditonal Marksmen. It wasn't a typo, though 2 are really just mentions, kind of like how I mentioned we were working on a Assassin (Which later was Qiyana), but didnt go into detail on it. Just kind on mentioning the classes on the 2 Champions after Voli/Fiddle

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by zeroluffs

Any plans on updating Ahri’s visuals?

Not anytime soon, no

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by itisMoha420BlaZeIt

can you bring akali in a healthy state?

Fingers crosses she is in a good place right now. She is still seeing some competitive play, while also having a healthy playrate in SoloQ. I know SoloQ winrate is low, but she is a hard champ to master, so that's to be expected

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey guys, thanks for hosting this AMA. I wanted to ask how do you guys generally approach finding a gameplay hook when designing a champion, and what sort of process goes into creating the kit around the hook, since it sorta feels like that sometimes a kit covers the weaknesses too much of a hook.

And related to hooks, how are narrative and visual hooks generally formed too.

Gameplay hooks can come from a variety of spaces. Like RiotScruffy mentioned one way is from designer brainstorm meetings they hold pretty often. Sometimes they can come from product strategy, like Pyke's hook came from the opportunity space I created to make a support Assassin. Others can be derived from a thematic/visual pitch. Kai'Sas hook, for example, came from the idea that BravoRay came up with when he was doing concept exploration for the champion. He came into one DNA meeting with this awesome drawing of this "Void Diver" her called it and said that it was Kassadins daughter. The concept looks so bad ass, that the whole pod got excited about it which led to RiotJag coming up with the Ultimate which was basically her "diving into the void"

It really depends on the designer. August, for example, prefers to start with cool concept art, then derive a gameplay hook that he feels matches the character art. He's always like "Draw me a awesome character and I'll make you ...

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Originally posted by J0rdian

Instead of having all these fancy AMAs with "designers" "Engineers" cant we just have a normal AMA with /u/The_Cactopus so I can ask him what his feet smell like?

yeah guys let’s have a normal AMA with some players wait what in the f*ck


Originally posted by Duality_NA

Friendly reminder u/The_Cactopus now has an uwu flair

Be sure to uwu him whenever you see him

Edit: I spelled his reddit name wrong

Imma get u for this


Originally posted by Team_Super_Mald

How do you decide when to go with energy vs mana as a resource for champions?

Default we go to mana - it's generally good to have the long term attrition.

When we have something special like rage or in the few cases where we want a more spammy "action spell" champ (usually melee).

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by KasumiGotoTriss

Who is responsible for Irelia's visual design/music theme? Definitely one of the best, she's one of the most aesthetically appealing champions in the game with her dancing blades (and it's pretty clear you guys like her as well, as you shove her into every cinematic).

How does the process for a champion development begin? How do you decide 'yeah this ADC will be from the Void and this one from the Shadow Isles (Kalista)'.

How much longer until you nerf staple proplay picks like Vlad, Nautilus and Renekton, Kled and Gangplank who are constantly dodging the nerfbat for no reason? I thought if a champion is pretty much pick/ban, it'll get nerfed sooner or later. That's the case with GP.

Can't speak for music as I can't remember the composers red name but the concept art was done by LoneWingy. She's now the Concept Art Lead on Champions Team right now. I love a lot of her work which include, ASol, Nami, EvelynnVGU, Qiyana, Kayle/MorganaVGU, GalioVGU and many more

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by MiG-25

Whats the most fun champion/rework/vgu to work on?

Zoe, Akali & Pyke were some of my favorite Champions of all time to work on.

The origin of Pyke was really interesting, in that, at that time there was a high level goal for the entire gameplay initiative at Riot to make support a more appealing position. This was because when we introduced position select to the game it caused queue time to go up since so few people were selecting support. That's what led me to create the opportunity space for Pyke, which was to create a support Assassin. Assassins tend to be our most popular role, and Champions that tend to get a lot of kills tend to be extremely popular as well, so I thought, if we make a support that can kill people it would cause more people to play support. This actually worked out and Pyke has caused the support role to have a slightly higher queue rate then before he existed. So good guy Pyke has made queue times better for everyone.

Zoe was fun because I think we were really pushing the boundaries of our a...

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Originally posted by Texual_Deviant

The Garen update has been out for about a week now. He's getting some nerfs soon, but in terms of gameplay goals, do you think the update has been a success in giving him some new build paths, damage and lane priority?

Also, in the past, it was floated that there could be some mechanical changes for Aatrox to add some more power after his knees were broken. Any word on if that's still the plan?

And lastly, who are your favorite characters, be it lore, kit, or attitude?


Currently Garen changes seem to be going well - we simplified and cleaned up the villain mechanics (which no one seems to miss).

We're having to nerf him some but he should still have the profile that we want - even though we're puling some early game damage he's still a lane bully (just not an unstoppable god)


Originally posted by ENIG0R

How many more VGUs until every champ is updated to modern standards?


    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by GragasBellybutton

How many new champions/VGU will you talk about besides Fiddle/Volibear and the Non Traditional marksman? Cheers

I will be talking about Voli/Fiddle and 3 New Champs in details, but also a small little tidbit of 2 new champs we have in development for after Voli/Fiddle


Originally posted by Hobbsgoblin123

Do you still view the Aatrox rework as a failure? Is there any talk of a mini/major revert to make him similar to his old playstyle? Or just any talk of him at all? (While I don't think a revert is realistic, I can hope)

Pre-rework Aatrox was easily my favorite champion in the game and New Aatrox just doesn't do anything for me. I just wanna play my boy again :/

Overall in my eyes Aatrox wasn't the perfect rework but not a failure, actually overall a good one. Don't expect a revert.

Things that went well -Super fun and iconic new playstyle weaving sword attacks and dashes -More deep and sticky playstyle has created a larger and more sticky set of Aatrox mains (we see this in the data) -More clear counterplay for opponents

Things we would do better if we could go back in time -Keep more of the oldtrox gameplay fundamentals there (aa based etc). We made something new and fun but unfortunately a lot of old mains feel left out. -He ended up not having enough weaknesses at super high skill play, making him dominant in pro while not really being viable for normal players

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ENIG0R

How many more VGUs until every champ is updated to modern standards?

It’s kind of a never ending cycle since as time goes on new champions look and feel better and better which causes older Champions to feel more and more dated