League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

06 Aug


Originally posted by Neville_Lynwood

You've described very well why I hate modern journalism.

Everyone is out to make a big story. And if a big story doesn't exist, they will force it into existence. And half the time the story is being pushed to force an agenda.

Like sure, the Kotaku piece was based on some actual issues (though very few people know the actual facts), and it raised some genuine concerns and paved the way for improvements within the gaming industry. That's all good.

But I cannot tolerate that it was achieved by straight up shitting on Riot from every single angle and making it look like all the 4000 employees have a fart sandwich for breakfast and dick pics for lunch and every woman gets groped at the door.

It pisses me off that journalism is 90% over-exeggeration in order to push an agenda, and if that agenda is viewed in a generally positive light, all the collateral damage is just fine and dandy.

I hate how the modern western culture has devolved into somet...

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Be optimistic too: the article has helped us to come to term with some real challenges and has spurred some vital cultural changes and improvements. A lot of things have been improved.

I personally believe that reports of sexual harassment at work are treated seriously and that appropriate investigations and punishments are taking place. For all parties. More importantly I think the process for making that process continually better is in place too, because nothing is perfect.


Originally posted by TenTypesofBread

Yikes, I wouldn't trust your subjective experience on the subject if your first words about it are to minimize the reported harassment of others.

I definitely wouldn't trust you to deal with a situation where harassment is taking place, or someone is looking to confide.

Don't pretend you have any idea what is happening in your workplace when you close your eyes to the possibilities.

I don't know where I rejected the harassment of others. Please let me know where. I will apologize and retract that part immediately.

I am saying that my experience is different. I say it as a minority.

There's a lot of context. A lot. And the minimization of our genuine challenges and opportunities to lame fart jokes isn't it for me. It just doesn't cut it.


Originally posted by GuGuMonster

I did read the Kotaku article at the time, not having heard of the publisher, and the writing definitely had an agenda it was pursuing beyond just reporting and it could have been written better but it didn't take away from the importance of the topic.

However, I seriously wouldn't minimise the incident of farting in someone's face in a work environment to "probably between two friends." Also, it is uncertifiable by the outside public to what extent the link is PR and what is genuine. So it's probably more important to convince peers in the industry, rather than the general public because if every professional can shut down that this behaviour is no longer an issue, it'll change public perception. That said, retaining the COO and him keeping his position will always loom over the company and create scepticism.

I really don't want to minimize the event. I think it wasn't OK. I also don't know what actually happened. All I know is that nothing even remotely like that has happened anywhere near me in the last 4 years.

05 Aug

Originally posted by Mr_Simba

Depends on its mechanics, where do they throw the bomb? Do they average the enemy positions, throw it at the closest, or throw it at the furthest? If at the furthest (like a Blitzcrank's targeting), then absolutely.

detonates on a random unit that has an item atm.


Originally posted by RegulatorRWF

How did you not say, "you better dough it"?

Doughn't tell me how to reply to posts or I'll give you more than just a pizza my mind.


Originally posted by biggunz

This is the sound of a man being held hostage by the vitriolic rollercoaster that is the league community.

nah. I think I encounter more love and passion than hate and vitriol.

it's a rollercoaster, sure, but more ups than downs.


[SPIDER FORM] Spider Form: Elise transforms into a menacing spider with new abilities.

: Formosa: Elise becomes quadrupedal, gains 25% bonus attack damage and gains armor penetration, and becomes untargetable while ETP is set to ON.

Quadripedal Elise rework confirmed


Originally posted by pajausk

so what anime is the best?

Hunter x Hunter


Originally posted by YesWeCrazy23

Controversial take, but I have a feeling TSM will make finals in NA. Don't quote me if I'm wrong, I'll eat a pizza either way.

Don't quote me if I'm wrong, I'll eat a pizza either way.

Holding you to this.


Please give me.


Originally posted by SomeRandomGuy125

Mr. Vedius, what are the posters in the background? Asking for myself.

They're from anime expo. They're from a variety of anime and games


Originally posted by Hamzasky

LEC might be a good region but it doesnt have the quality casters like the LCK and the community like the LCS that make them much enjoyable. Europe casting died back with Joe and Deman and recently with Deficio



Originally posted by Didgeridrew9

color caster in the middle of a really interesting point

Pbp: "I'm gonna have to cut you off there as the blue support gets a little too close to red's blue buff it looks like red jungler might think about the engage here, but decides to back off and go for the safe gromp while in the bot lane they're still farming it out no huge action yet but blue adc will be able to back soon for a pickaxe"

Not even remotely true 😚 we practise intentionally to not cut colours off unless they set us up and queue the PBP to start.


Originally posted by mabdesaken

I really hope this gains some traction in here, because this is one of the few platforms where Riot actually reads and listens to us(the customers, subscribers, etc.). And if we're able to show them that we care about the environment within their offices, it might just help.

One point I think is important to emphasize was the "why should I care about the game industry, I have it the same way..." perspective. This is so stupid, just because other people are treated like shit doesn't mean we should accept that and let it follow over to this industry too.

So it's genuinely a bad idea to respond to these threads because rip my inbox by people who assume everything they read is correct and don't have the nuance of context within the company.

As an individual not speaking on behalf of Riot who has had experience working at many companies, Riot has been one of the most fantastic work places I've ever been at.

I've been at Riot for almost four years and I honestly feel like the company has been a good place to work. The way I think about it is that there were very likely issues in the history of Riot well before I joined and that some Rioters have had what seem to be pretty rough things happen to them, possibly even today. But my experience is radically and diametrically different.

One thing I will say is that Kotaku's article has been a wake-up call to many and really has helped to provide fuel to cultural and just professional improvements that had been slowly coming along in the years before it. There has be...

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04 Aug


Originally posted by Teh_Ocean

Blink twice if you’re being held at gunpoint.

In all seriousness, I’m just curious how long you’ve been working there, and if you’ve heard of other people who’ve dealt with issues at riot.

I've been at Riot for four years. Vast majority of people I work with are happy.

I'm not speaking for everyone, I am sure people have had a rough time. Many of the events described in the articles written were several years before I've joined.

More importantly Riot took the feedback really to heart: Riot has always been employee focussed and so we've made massive changes. I'm really quite optimistic and excited about Riot's future.


Originally posted by Parrotflies_

Are there actual employees interviewed? I feel like I’ve seen enough outside reporting of how terrible Riots been with these issues, but I’d like to see/hear things from people it’s actually affected alittle more.

I think that Travis Gafford did a number of interviews with some folks on YouTube.

I like working at Riot and I'm proud of how employee friendly our workplace is.


Holy sh*t that was cool


The Q that got Soraka the penta took Baron down to 1HP. So close to getting the Baron callout too :V