League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

02 Aug


Originally posted by MisfitsGaming

Quickshot Papasmithy in our game vs OG? Can't complain about that

<3 WOOHOO Don't let me down, I voted for you to win.


Originally posted by -raijin

Why is PapaSmithy even here if I don’t get to know the average gold a team with Tristana and 2 ocean drakes have at 23 minutes into the game?



Originally posted by MrJammin

Papa - Quickshot - Deficio was the dream but I won't push our luck, so hyped to have him here!

I did actually reach out to Deficio to see if he was able to cast, but he was booked this weekend. Maybe we have to do it another week in the LEC.


Hey Everyone,

For week 7 of the LEC the special guest is none other than Papasmithy from the LCK! I HIGHLY advise EVERYONE to tune into the start of Ready Check at 17:30cest for what will be a very special show opener.

Papasmithy will be joining us for a bunch of games, and the usual Ready Check / Post Game Lobby shenanigans alongside Excoundrel who is our guest host once again.

Here is the weekends talent rotation!

Friday Games
Game Casters
SPY XL Medic Vedius
RGE SK Medic Vedius
G2 VIT Medic Vedius Papasmithy
MSF OG Quickshot Papasmithy
FNC S04 Quickshot Papasmithy Ender
Saturday Games
Game Caster
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01 Aug

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Are you able to share where Axes goes after Panth

Axes has been working on a new champ for awhile now with LoneWingy and JohnODyin.

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Captain are Jinx's bonuses permanent or temp like on SR

Last for the rest of the fight

31 Jul


Happy wind (wo)man :D

Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

The wording in the article is a bit weird, do allies focus Camille's ult target?

if they can reasonably do so, camille's allies will switch their AA target to Camille's ult target


Captain Gameplay did some great work on all 4 of these (he's making their spells). It's been fun working on Jinx again :3


Originally posted by alrightrb

I mean I just did, if you would actually consider the criticism maybe LEC and LCS would have good casting lol. I don't even blame the casters, it is clearly Riot's fault and Papa has even mentioned the difference between casting for a live studio and casting English LCK.

But there has to be a happy medium, and LCS and LEC do not meet that medium whatsoever. What more can I say other than what I said above and that the cast is not fun? As I said in another comment, LCK even makes the longest of pauses fun. LEC in the other hand doesn't even attempt to make them fun, it just rehashes talking points until chat is so bored that everyone is leaving so then they go to a break, and then come back and still need more time so again rehash boring points.

Why can't anyone have fun on the cast? It's supposed to be entertainment, but it feels like everyone forgot. LEC is supposed to be my home region yet I feel as connected to LEC as I feel to the DOTA 2 pro scene, a game I have...

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So one of the things you said was specifically in regard to medic and myself. I do find a sense of irony in being told that I have no personality. Regardless, to me it just sounds like there is a style that you very much enjoy which is not quite what we do in the LEC. The LCK allows for more opportunity to have these 'casual chats' that you are a big fan of because the games are objectively slower. The LEC is not quite the same given that we, as a region, are almost as kill heavy as the LPL. So my initial point is that each region allows for certain things to happen.

My follow up to that is slow games do happen in Europe and when they do, you're definitely right in that we do much less 'casual chatting' than the LCK broadcast do. We find value in focusing a little more on player stories or narratives in those moments. However, that's not to say we don't engage in those kinds of conversations too, it very much depends on the context. Not too long ago, Trevor and I had a nic...

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Originally posted by Indoktor

EU production man... Love it

Thank you kind citizen.


Originally posted by alrightrb

No thanks, the casting style in LEC would make Papa's talents go to waste.

Papa thrives in banter and casual chat during the LUL state, and LEC instead has medic and vedius harping on about some bs that is never gonna happen and also has eternally boring fake decorum with no casual chat or anything of interest so boring games are totally unwatchable and even good games are far less entertaining becuase the cast has no personality.

It's funny really to watch LS accurately predict what will happen in 5 mins and then start talking about Pokémon or some shit.

Despite spending 5 mins not even talking about LoL while nothing is happening, his prediction on what is about to happen is still way more accurate than the random crap LEC says and the cast was actually fun to listen to during the time when nothing was happening unlike LEC.

LEC casting style (and LCS) is just terrible and BO1 compounds the issue further. Both feels like some crappy American sports ...

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Tell us how you really feel friend

30 Jul


THIS IS AWESOME. Lulu forever.


Originally posted by drewster300

/u/Ovedius I enjoyed your segment with Frosk and Medic about the difficulties you go through trying to be known for analysis vs FLEXIUS and I just wanted to say that although not every viewer will be able to recognize y’all’s Deficio level analysis and incredible insights, I certainly do and it’s the reason I watch EU instead of NA consistently. (Other than Cloud 9, because I’ve been a fan since S3.)

Your work does go appreciated, and whenever there is a great point I will make an effort to let y’all know!

Also paging /u/MedicCasts and /u/thatEuropeanFangirl for the incredible color casting provided by the team.

Much appreciated! However it was Ender that I was on the podcast with ;)