League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

27 Jul


Originally posted by Ssumday_is_love

I really like the crew but Frosk is so fkin biased towards the Top Teams that i can't stand her sometimes

What do you mean by biased towards the top teams? As someone that works closely with her, she has no favourites in our league and there's nothing I've personally heard that suggests she has any clear biases.


Thank you all for the support and feedback over the years. Without you guys tuning in to watch, we literally don't have jobs. We are building this together and it's amazing every step of the way. <3 you all.


Originally posted by DropsOfLiquid

Thanks for the clarification. I thought Dash said it was short notice but maybe I am misremembering. I also wasn’t trying to flame Jatt. I’m so happy he’s back (:

I get it. I haven’t watched it back, but I think he said it was sudden. And it was, but that was because we thought it was the best approach. I just wanted to clarify that Jatt was willing to work with a timeline that we agreed was best for LCS and hadn’t just left us hanging. Anyway, glad you enjoyed the interview.

26 Jul


Originally posted by Drachir133

I feel like they could easily just use the Skinspotlight videos and display them in the client couldn't they?

EDIT: I've made a little edit how i would imagine such a feature.

FWIW - we've talked about letting players demo content before they buy it. It's not as easy as it sounds, but that's how we'd do it if we were to do it.


Originally posted by SeizureLizard

Appreciate the update, kinda wish there was a little more transparency on the issue but I’ll take what I can get (and I realize this probably isn’t your department), I appreciate the information regardless, thanks for responding!

It actually is my department, so sorry for not giving more transparency earlier :D We were not talking much about it while we looked into the solution (since we didn't have much to say), but now that we have a plan it's easier to discuss!


The voice in my head was right. Who would have guessed.


Originally posted by PepaTK

My god.

Quickshot with Frosk is absolutely unbearable. That was hands down one of the worst cast all year.

Besides that. WONDERFUL game from MSF. Lider and H1Iva.

I'd love to know a few specifics as to why, what was it that you didn't like?


I got in my own head about the song. What I WANTED TO SAY

I Wunder how I Wunder why Claps teleported to make them die

I SHOULD HAVE JUST COMMITTED! I got in my own head that it wasn't good enough, added more words, and just messed up my original plan.

URGH I'm so pissed at myself.


Originally posted by Indoktor


I love you Quickshot

Oh man I worried it was overly harsh, but I'm glad you guys enjoyed it.

I was just SO surprised - and someone below said that I was salty I was denied a team fight, it's so true, I WANTED ANOTHER BIG 5v5!!


Thanks for bringing this up! We did have a bug that kept the Stats page from updating - it wasn't throwing errors in the typical way, so it took us longer to notice than we'd usually like.

The bug is fixed, but backfilling the stats we missed will take a little time. We're going to start the process soon, but it will take some time until we get everything in there.


Originally posted by JimmytheNice

Abandoning Ornn

As a Riot employee, you seem to have a lot of experience in that one! /jk

Love you, but had to.

You take that back right now



Originally posted by DropsOfLiquid

I didn’t realize Jatt gave super short notice. I felt abandoned as a fan so I can’t imagine how Dash & co felt. No wonder it was so rocky at first.

Also please don’t ever leave us Dash. Not even a funny joke.

To be fair to Jatt, he didn’t give the LCS team short notice. He was working with us around best transition timing and the decision was made that it would be less ideal to start the split with Jatt and then have him leave week 2 or week 3. We wanted start of season to be focused on the pros and teams.


Hey everyone! Riot aeneia here, Researcher on the Skins team. At Riot, we talk a lot about "Player Value" -- and, as Rioters/Gamers/Game Devs, we all have our own ideas about what that means.

I'm curious: What does it mean to YOU? (Specifically with regards to the stuff you buy in game).

If you're not sure what I'm asking here, here are some prompts:

  • What makes a buy feel good?
  • What's your favorite thing you've bought , and why?
  • What makes a buy feel bad?
  • What kinds of things make you regret a buy?
  • What can we do for you, the consumer/player, to help you feel like we've got your back?

Thanks for your input :) Just hoping to bring some fresh perspective to the table.

EDIT: I don't work on the balance team EDIT 2: I just want to say thank you all for the really thoughtful replies. This level of engagement and detail really gives me something to work with. In case you're curious, this is informin...

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Really cool to see Crown take chances like this and Arrow was super awesome to help out. Cool interview.


Originally posted by Chad-Ochocinco

Lcs casts are so stacked now...

Dude, is this thee Chad Ochocinco?


Originally posted by JonhC

I disagree, i can see Bjerg leaving and play for another top team in NA or some EU team. I Can't see Sneaky not playing for C9. I believe when Sneaky will not be skilled enough for C9 he will retired and be a full time streamer for C9

Bjergsen leaving for an EU team would be the most significant American import in EU in the history of lolesports.


Originally posted by Zeaket

Man, I'm really happy Jatt's back - but I also enjoy the casting of Kobe and Azael! They're all reasonably talented and really there's just a marginal difference between the three.

Your meme game is on point. Super meta.


We’d likely keep him the same gameplay wise, but update his model and animations (he’s already way different than league voli tbh).

We’d then rework him to be more like new volibear if he ever appeared in a future TFT set (we plan to roatate entire champion sets every few months)


Originally posted by KindOfHardToSpell

Jatt's comments about game balance come at a sharp contrast with the points LS made in his recent video. It is very interesting to hear both of their thoughts so soon after each other. I wish Riot or independents (Thooorin, Travis) would arrange some kind of round table with different analysts.

The Dive, Scarra, Phreak, and LS all comment on the patch notes when they come out, and usually all of their opinions are extremely different. It would be awesome if we could get a conversation with like Scarra and LS about the balance and their perception of the game. Or bring in LS to flame Jatt about champion balance. I realize theres a lot of politics involved but I wish there was more discussion or debate between professional analysts (in public).

To go further, in the most recent EUphoria, there was a discussion at the end where Frosk, Ender, and Vedius talk about Reddit and public perception of casting. And they discuss how analysts might have extremely different views...

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You lost me at EU.

25 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]

If Volibear sticks to that concept art, I now main Volibear.

Abandoning Ornn to main Volibear

Top 10 anime betrayals