League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

23 Jul


Well that's just bloody unacceptable. Turns out the "tank" tag wasn't set correctly.

I've fixed this in OCE and will let the store team know about this, it'll be up to them to fix it for other regions.

22 Jul


Originally posted by Fasmodey

I love that quote you have made. :) That's really helpful. But I have a question... Should all the quotes that champions say be unique to them? Like, can't there be any quote that can be said by multiple champions? Let's go from one of quotes of Mordekaiser:

  • Lives are temporary, I stand eternal.

If you ask me, this can be said by Xerath too.

I have the feeling that if I try too hard to make every quote obviously and specifically unique to Xerath, it might look very amateur.

  • I shall bring a new era of mortals united under my divine presence, all grateful to their true god. (long move quote)

This is one of his quotes. Not gonna lie, that sounds very Azir like, but it is a problem I can fix with your method.

But when you have this:

  • A spark, thrilled to be snuffed out. (Attack quote)

Trying to make it unique for Xerath might butcher...

Read more

Not every single quote has to be that specific for the reasons you pointed out. Especially in a game as fast paced as League, sometimes you just don't have enough room to make every line tattoo-worthy, but what we strive for is to have enough of those in there that when you play a game and the VO lines fire randomly, you get the sense that this is a character with clear and distinct motivations.


Originally posted by Z0MBGiEF

Probably a good thing tbh, I was going to show up to your door to personally delivery it in full Pool Party Caitlyn cosplay, you saved us both from an awkward encounter, so you're the real hero here.

Thanks for the love bb <3

yeah on second thought i regret nothing



Originally posted by bz6

Pulling the game from China is like pulling the life support plug of League of Legends 😁

not gonna lie—losing access to the chinese market would be what we in the business world call "a big f*ckin ouchie"


Originally posted by Z0MBGiEF

Hey now Rito person, you get outta here with those logical shenanigans and fancy talk! Don't you know they got hella clicks to bait?

hey Z0MBGiEF one time you DMed me offering to mail art to my house and i forgot to respond

i just want to say i'm sorry and that i think you're amazing. huge asset to this community


That's a very spicy headline, but the case described here (we built a time limit feature for China) is pretty standard stuff. From our perspective, this is like when any government around the world has specific legal requirements around parental controls or content restrictions. We think it's better to self-regulate than to risk government regulation or even shutdown of the game in a region.

Another good example of a similar case might be what we did in Korea with account>ID linking. The South Korean government requires that accounts be linked to their equivalent of a social security number, so we play by the rules and built those hooks for that region.

If we were ever asked to do something actually nefarious by a government, we'd have to consider pulling the game from that region. That hasn't happened in China.


I wrote the story and VO for this skin and would happily gift it to you if you didn't get it yet.


Originally posted by Fasmodey

Hi! Sorry to bother you. I just wanted to ask, as I'm working on a new Xerath VO, for fun, after seeing your message, I recognized my VO is quite similar to Mordekaiser's. I think they have very similar goals that to differ them, you need to keep going deeper and analyze their character. Do you think it would be wrong for Xerath to have many quotes that could be also said by Mordekaiser?

Here the move quotes:

  • Mortals are unworthy of ruling, that is why I have come to take everything.
  • This sarcophagus cannot stand against my perfection for long.
  • Mercy is a kindness only for those deserve it.
  • Celestial firmament is only one of many to submit to my power.
  • Show loyalty and I carry you to greatness.
  • You should bow to no one. I am no one.
  • I shall raise Shurima like a phoenix with my own hands.
  • Gates of paradise shall swing open to those who show their loyalty.
  • I shall sear my name into eternity...
Read more

Hey! This a great start! What I would suggest you do is take a hard look at each line and see what specifically could be changed to make it a "Xerath line." For example, "I shall raise Shurima like a phoenix with my own hands." is a evocative line and definitely not Mordekaiser, but I can still see that being said by Azir. What is Xerath's motivation? Well, for one, he hates Azir and wants to end his bloodline, so my edit on this line would be something along the lines of "With my unbound hands, I shall end the bloodline that brought Shurima to ruin." In here, "unbound" references Xerath's past as a slave and also touches on his hatred of his former friend Azir and his dynastic rule. I hope that helps!



I know whatever I'm feeling cannot compare to the tilt of my opponents.


Originally posted by CryoZenith

The difference is that while both calls might sound weird for people without prior knowledge, only one sounds wrong.

I personally got the inside the park reference, because baseball is my third favorite sport to watch, but I can certainly empathize with people finding it obscure.

Anyway, you do have to realize that we're nitpicking this one particular thing because your casting was overwhelmingly good this week as a whole. Sort of a combination between the actor-observer fallacy and survivorship bias (to use obscure references of my own XD).

For sure, please dont take this as well x is x and it's ok by those standards. Sorry about that. I was more so saying it's not something that we commonly have time to think of on the fly. Thanks for the comments also, casting felt great this week. Also enjoying throwin down with Kobe.

21 Jul


Originally posted by CryoZenith

Kinda hard for non-NA, non-Japan audiences to understand baseball references is the thing.

And that's something that happens in casting. We cant gate our calls off of everything people may or may not know.

Im sure hardly anyone got the "how many licks does it take to kill a champion" by flowers. That's a tootsie lolipop reference. \o/


Originally posted by MegamanEXE79

"And with that house dive, Damonte's saying 'You're not welcome here'"

Odd pentakill call when it was only a triple, but this whole day has been exciting Riv casts

Inside the park penta was the call. He got the double kill just before. Like inside the park home run.


Originally posted by DrAc0niXz

I actually wanna use this post to say do NOT join the LoL club @ CSU Sacramento, their secretary has had numerous issues with racism and sexual harassment at local community colleges in the past

Hey there, I work on the college team at Riot. I'd really like to learn more about what's going on if you'd like to DM me details.

20 Jul


This is awesome! What’s your preferred modeling program? I haven’t found one I’m really fond of yet.


Originally posted by misteryon22

"DanDan so good they named him twice"

Medic has some really memorable calls tbh

He stole it from our new analyst Der tho :/


Originally posted by Spezzetta

I'm quite good, I'm waiting for the LEC to start.

Today I recieved an email saying that I failed a university exam so that's sad news...

I hope LEC isnt taking away from your study time... dw tho you'll bounce back :)


Originally posted by Uncle-Bobbaaay

why is ender so deadset on everything being g2

It was a joke about how g2 dives fountsin instead of ending. Which so4 did


Originally posted by Spezzetta

How are you?

Good. And you?


Originally posted by Spezzetta

Hello Ender

Hello Spezzetta


Originally posted by ArsenalFanTVFanTV

While i love Xerxe, and i think he has been exceptional this split, i can't help but feel like you guys are overselling him and underselling Humanoid. He has been easily a top 3 mid this split, imo only second to Caps.

Xerxe's 2019 season has been pretty consistent. Very good early pathing that gives him an immense gold lead to himself and his sololaners, but then fails to play to "win conditions" in the mid game. This game for example, he blows the bot laners flashes early which is great, but fails to revisit the lane when they have DOUBLE TP advantage, and Kirei playing towards top and trying to invade the top side jungle. During the bot flash timers, he is hovering mid and clearing top/raptors spawn. Splyce's hardest winning matchup was Gnar vs GP and Xerxe didnt go near the top lane until Kobbe rotated up there to get the herald.

It just really feels to me like when Splyce's games go to 35-40 minutes, Xerxe's inability to make tempo plays mid game is a big reaso...

To give some context on my criticism of humanoid earlier in the split, my view of splyce from summer is that they were sort of locked into 4th place. The way that team played I dont think was good enough to go to worlds. I didnt think humanoid had a bad split, but he wasnt good enough to make a difference and push the team to 3rd. As the new player i needed him to step up in order to consider them top 3. His first 2 weeks this split looked similar to spring. Low inpact in games. However the last 3 he has looked phenomenal. And i think hes a big reason why they are sitting at #2 atm.