League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

07 Jun


Originally posted by Elitewarriors

Yuumi looks like it had way more time to flesh out and did a better job with her audio queues that she was clearly attaching to the allies and helping them out - using her dialogue to provide emphasis.

For Qiyana, the flexibility of her kit made it look like she had tons of abilities and that none of it had to do with player choice. The top down camera angle in particular (at 0:50) did more to confuse me then it did to provide context.

In your other comment you mention it's hard to communicate the choices without the mouse cursor, but I feel dialogue could have been used more effectively to convey it. Like if you used simple phrases such as "Wall!" before showing off that skill type, "Grass" for that section, "Water!" for the last, it would have gone a long way in helping describe that she is adapting to the environment available to her. Yuumi's stuff such as "Shield!", "Heal!" helped a lot, plus the dialogue with the allies of "Go faster, faster!" really helped e...

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Sweet. Thanks for the thorough feedback! I really appreciate it!


Originally posted by _Cotton_Teeth

Not OP but before knowing her abilities it was super confusing just because of how low her dash cooldowns are. I had no idea what I was looking at the first time I watched it. I read the abilities and rewatched and it made a lot more sense. Hype? For an AD assassin with that much mobility? I’m a support main friend, this is my nightmare! Lol her design is awesome though for sure.

Hahaha that's fair. I am a Rakan support main and also a mid assassin player. The internal turmoil we go through...


Originally posted by Prinz_

I think I explained myself poorly - I mean that having a champion ability reveal page with the video itself is helpful. I think tone/theme is accurately conveyed in this video, mostly because of the VO lines.

Got it! Thanks for the clarification!


Originally posted by FireHS

Try making shit glow, shit glowing always works


Originally posted by aventine_

Yuumi's was on point. So was Neeko's. Qiyana's trailer is harder to understand because her kit is more complex than the other two, specially with two dashes. But I do understand what's happening on her trailer after knowing what her abilities are.

Sweet, thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by NornmalGuy

What I felt watching this vid was this: "So this chick, who sound like a spoiled brat, basically come in and own the battlefield in a ever-changing elemental dance."

In my opinion, if you guys wanted to make an "elemental dancer assassin" you've nailed it, because the way she "dances" is even better than Irelia and Fiora, looks far more dynamic and "artistic". I really hope this sensations are in the also gameplay, because if not it would be a big disappointment.

I don't know how close my perception of her is, but I like what I'm seeing.

Hell yeah! That's what we were going for! Glad you felt like we hit it.


Originally posted by Snowcrest

Just a personal opinion, but I loved the Jayce + Caitlyn sequences.

Jayce cuts were especially crisp since there is the traditional pov where you can see the situation, then cut into those zoom shots. Absolutely no confusion in what is happening.

The part I hated was the Camille sequence. The environment cutting might seem slick but really confused me in what was going on. The topdown view also was a bit foreign, and I had no clue what was going on during the entire thing other than 2 things moving around.

Got it! Thanks for that feedback!


Originally posted by Atlene

"what is an element" ?

no where is explained what is ment with Element. is it only in range of the circle? do you keep the water element in the river only? do you need to recast it to change it while in brush?

it's a new keyword but no explanation on it

That's fair. Here are some answers:

What is an 'element': That's deep. Who really know what anything is when you really think about it.

Is it only in range of the circle: So pretty much if your screen is centered on the champion anywhere on your screen is reachable with your W. You will always dash the short distance but the selection range is quite large. You hover over any of the 3 elements (Rock, grass, or water) and press W and you will dash towards that element and gain it.

Do you keep the water element in the river only: Nope. You get it everywhere. You just have to be near the water to gain it initially.

Do you need to recast it to change it while in brush: Yes, you will hold your element till you use it. Once your use it it is gone and you will need to select another one.

Hope that helps!


Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

Trailers without knowing the kit always look confusing. I remember that being the case for Pyke and Xayah/Rakan, never mind Irelia and Akali.

But did it make you HYPE!? Or is it just confusion? Not knowing exactly what is going on can be kinda fun sometimes, no?


Originally posted by Galbatorick

i mean i think its like you said, the trailers focus on the theme of the champion rather the the gameplay which is pretty obvious if you look at the yuumi one since she keeps teleporting around the map since that's true to her lore but not game play. I just think that since you're releasing these trailers before we know how the champions actually works its super easy for the community to overreact, good example is the zoe trailer, without knowing her kit its easy to assume that she can for all you know always have 3 flashes. i can see why it'd be problematic to release the trailers after the ability unveil but i also think that people see them as- or want them to be a showcase of what the new champion looks like when played in action, which is why having it be a thematic trailer is a bit odd to begin with.

Interesting take on it. I can definitely see where you're coming from. I also love your example of the Zoe trailer, because clearly once she was fully released the community got to see how wrong their overreaction was /s :P

Thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by Prinz_

I'm just glad you show champion abilities with the video - Evelynn was a real mystery, especially for her ult.

That's interesting. Sometimes we try to go more for tone/theme and less showing exactly what she does. I personally love the Evelynn trailer because of how clearly it represents WHO Evelynn is even though WHAT she does is a little more vague.

Totally fair feedback though. Always a tough balance.


Originally posted by StrangeAmoeba

Quickshot is an amazing caster, but MAN his G2 bias is strong. I was really looking forward to Splyce.

I hope there's a little tone down during the LEC at least, international bragging rights are a given for the next few months.

I agree and I was hyped for Splyce, that wasn't Splyce. I actually said that on air, I was disappointed with their performance and expect more from the Splyce Boys. G2 simply outclassed them.


Originally posted by Kazeryu340

no one:

casters: did you know g2 is the best team in the world?

<3 I actually did say after the game that I may have hit that a liiiittttttlllleeee to much, but I think the first game back on home soil and smashing is an appropriate time to say it.

I do wanna acknowledge though that it was on the line and depending on perspective / taste might find it okay or over the line.


Originally posted by FNC_Miju

Honestly, there are so many dashes on so many abilities nowadays that we can't discern which is which (especially without seeing the abilities page first). I had to do a few takes on the Ezreal clip to see that she W'd back over the wall. In this particular case, the CD on the dashes being so short doesn't help either, and her Q and R look pretty similar to me, to the point I am starting to get pretty confused and kinda scared of how that'll translate to live.

Btw, I thought the eagle view was cool, but it made me kind of dizzy, and the scenario changing like that distracted me from the action (even if it made sense thematically).

Gotcha. That makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by StichAndNeedle

I think it's the lack of distinction that it's the different environments that change her abilities. Although I do think that the trailer did a really good job of providing intrigue to the champion. I think if you had shown her w in action a bit more clearly it would have helped display that it's an act of player choice with the ring/passive rather then assuming it's based on the location of the champion.

That's great feedback. It's tough to communicate it without showing the mouse cursor over the part of the map you're clicking on, but we may have been able to find a more creative way to solve that. Thanks for the feedback!

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by stillshade

Does the element you chose stay the same until you pick another or does it have a set duration?

Stays until you use Q or grab another one

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Yikay

Hey just asking /u/Reav3 , isn't her ulti counter-intuitive to her being a sololane assassin? If you're in lane most of the time you're just gonna knockback people, without doing damage

There are walls around mid lane, also you can knock people into the turret and that works as well


Originally posted by oV3

hey any infos about missions not progressing ? I have the g2 pass but the game did not count. Maybe it is cause by default it always shows me the german stream and i change it to the english broadcast. system works fine for vods as far as i can tell

I'm gonna reach out through PM to get your summoner name and region - for anyone else having issues, please let me know!


Originally posted by SoR0XaS

Honestly I'd rather just wait for her skillsets: so much is happening yet again that I have no idea whats going on

Though I personally like wall interactions

Would love to hear this feedback fleshed out a bit. We are always iterating on how we making these trailers and if you feel like we're not representing the character well I'd love to hear it!

For context, we tend to focus on the champion's fantasy in these trailers. We're not trying to teach the kit 1 to 1 but trying to show the intended fantasy of the character. Did you also feel that you couldn't understand the character for Yuumi? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZWEV3bACZo

Thanks for the feedback :)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Indoktor

So how does she change element? It isn't included in the passive (unless I'm dumb and can't read)

Her W, you just hit W with your mouse over the terrain type