League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

16 May


Originally posted by justintoronto

Right now I see a lot of Yuumis that just permanently attached, leading to them just Q spamming and healing whenever. Was that a playstyle risk/concern during their development?

We figured some players would want to play it that way. As a playstyle it functions, although the tuning as it is probably makes it lower win rate than we'd like. The good news about it is that Yuumi is the kind of champion where while you're doing that, you'll have the time to explore other things you can be doing. Times to ward, times to auto attack, times to hop between your allies. It remains to be seen if this playstyle still sticks with Yuumi players or if over time they learn to access the full range of her power.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by pedrofracassi

I love the early character models you guys post on the AMAs sometimes (like the gnar riding hecarim kled or thresh with a giant moustache rakan). What did you guys use to represent Yuumi before her model was complete? Can we see? 👀

For the longest time Yuumi was a recolored version of Cyber Pop Zoe

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Aoaelos

What do you think that is the strategic niche of Yuumi? Why should i pick her over Sona or Janna or any other enchantress if my goal is solely to win?

Her untargetablity is one of her strategic niches, you can pick her into comps that have ways to kill Sona or Janna. She has some of the highest safety in the game.


Originally posted by jrespeed

What you’ve noticed monitoring her play so far that caused her to have such a low win rate?

I think the biggest thing is that the learning curve for playing the champion is steeper than we initially thought. There are a bunch of things you have to do differently to access Yuumi's power. You should be auto attack harassing, which is a very non-obvious thing to do for a support that has the option of being untargetable. You also need to learn when to be on characters other than the ADC, and how to drive the Q missile. She doesn't play like other enchanters; her peel is worse, but her aggressive picking potential is much better.


Originally posted by moosebog

So I’ve seen a lot of different yuumi builds but it feels like she’s more impactful when she’s connected to a strong mid or top rather than adc. My question is, is it supposed to be like that?

Yes, somewhat. A consequence of her being untargetable is that among enchanters, she can uniquely follow a diver into the back line and support them without getting blown up. Rather than fight that interaction, we made sure that Yuumi was giving her attached partner the kind of tools a diver, fighter or tank wanted (Movespeed and chase potential being the big ones). She should still be okay when attached to a squishy marksman, but probably not as good as having a Janna right there.

EDIT: Thanks for all your questions! That's the end of our Yuumi AMA! We'll continue to bop into the thread throughout the day and answer as we can.


Put down your yarn and give back that laser pointer! It's time to wake up from a cat nap and ask your Yuumi questions. Starting now, feel free to post your questions and the team will teleport through Book to answer them from 11:00 AM PT to 1:30 PM PT.

These purrrfect felines will be on the hunt for your questions:

/u/Reav3 - Production | /u/RiotMaxw3ll - Design | ...

Read more External link →

Originally posted by DiamondEevee



it's so uwu

but like

where's the 4k

Ahhh! Let me ask if we have it in that resolution. We may not because it wasn't intended for that originally. I'll see what I can do!


Originally posted by 10inchblackhawk

Will they fix Warwick making me deaf soon?

A fix for this is being worked on. Though it's not certain when it will ship. (I'm not a dev, just know this is a known issue)

15 May


Originally posted by _Trixrforkids_

Beach episode and hot springs trip when?


Originally posted by Stun419

Is it permanent? My username is literally Homosexual and I feel this really makes my day.

The icon is forever, but like my wit, the background and homeguard animation are fleeting.

Currently the background and homeguard will be in place through 9.10. But we're discussing other options for the future.


Originally posted by Parulsc

This is what Riot did with rengar:

  1. Nerf Rengar Q to skillshot because he kills you too fast
  2. Buff W because he needs to be 'tankier' because he blows you up slower
  3. Revert Q
  4. ???

You look at that and you really wonder if they actually think about what they are doing.

OFC we do! That's WHY we reverted Rengar, the champion was stronger, still frustrating, and yet was played less. Something was off. We'd be silly however to just mindlessly full revert without capturing the gains of a rework . Some things were good about his update (the W changes), some things were better from old Rengar (the Q), so we mixed and matched. It's almost like we thought about how we could get the best of both worlds.


Originally posted by DeadNames

Rengar is such terrible design lol. Champ has been a design problem since its release some years ago.

Hard disagree. Rengar is an awesome champ that a ton of players love. Also does an incredible job of delivering on the thematic of a stalking hunter. Reliable burst damage is an important part of league that keeps the triangle of burst vs. sustained vs. tank vs. burst in line, even if it's frustrating at times to get popped by a fed alpha-lion.


Originally posted by DiamondEevee

It's not on League Displays.

Hey hello, it's me again! It's going to be added to League Displays. :)


Originally posted by acllive

Finally a champion aphro can play in competitive without getting caught out of position

Please be nice to Aphromoo.


This was a bug and should have been fixed. Can you verify for me that your borders are working now?


Originally posted by Foxy_Royale

Hi! I gave the second silver, meant to leave the message and not be anon... but it's 4am and I'm tired and messes up. Don't worry though, didn't use money for this. Had some reddit coins from being gifted gold.

I just wanted to say thank you for supporting this and please give my thanks to everyone who made it possible. <3

Thank you so much for your support! We really do care, and I want people to know that those behind these projects aren't some faceless PR people. It's just really passionate people who want to try to make a difference any way they can.


Hey guys, just to clarify this was not made centrally and it's something the weebs at the RIot LATAM office put together.

Hope you like it!


Originally posted by beyer_ravn

First of: Yay Jatt is back!!

Secondly: Why didn't they bring BOTH Jatt and Deficio on?

Would have been soooo good

EDIT: Oh, he was sick!

That was the plan but unfortunately Deficio's illness kept him away. Thanks to Spawn for stepping in last minute!


Bamboozled by that thumbnail