God damn aussie rioters messing with the script!
The ol' day 1 script switcheroo
God damn aussie rioters messing with the script!
The ol' day 1 script switcheroo
I just wanted to say. Thank you senpai <3 Having a fever and reading all the anger makes my day a bit gloom! This gave me hope ;_;
We will try and scale up more in order to find a good balance where we are making enough skins for all the niche champs but also make some great heavy hitters!
Hell yeah Riley!
Thank you. It's really nice to know we have people out there who understand that we're in a difficult position. Moreover, you go out of your way to explain that to people. I appreciate you.
They do both. In a perfect world for Riot, they would never need to make a skin for a champ like Aurelion Sol. Making skins is costly as f**k, and it's an investment for Riot. Making a skin for a champ whos players will most likely not buy it, or who has too few players to justify making a skin for is basically just a PR move.
If you were an investor, why would you want to make risky investments like an Asol skin when you can print money with Lux skins?
I think you underestimate how much it costs Riot to develop a skin. The team that works on a skin is like 10 people+ (afaik). That's a small company in itself.
<3 This.
Reav3 these Battle Academy skins are the best!!!
Figured you would like them
I expected the manamune change to be a mini rework to make it a not Ezreal only item
I view it as:
Ezreal will always want Manamune and will have to be balanced around how strong the item is.
For everyone else, Manamune is too weak to even be considered, making it an Ezreal-only item. There is a value of AD where Manamune is worth buying on 10% of AD champions. Find that number, then balance Ezreal.
I think that's just fine. Kalista is the same with Hurricane, for example.
It's not league related, but this video of two people dancing by a crossing next to a major mall in Korea is really cool.
Sick. They’re awesome.
The best I have seen so far
Mark Z, Crumbzz and Dash are the best, but this is pretty good.
Somehow they were able to do this in such a location without people standing around watching and taking pictures/videos.
I really love the courage of just doing this while people are walking around. makes it more entertaining for me.