League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

14 May


I had to bail out of my win moment, I realised I was focusing on G2 instead of TL and chose a bad time to bail out.

TL eliminated G2 from 2nd place was what I wanted to say, but made a call to stop and celebrate TL. Sorry if it added confusion!

  1. IG
  2. SKT
  3. G2
  4. TL

Originally posted by flyinglikeacant

Most of the potential on hit junglers like Shyvana, Xin or Warwick are consistently using other items. Not saying that's a bad thing necessarily, but at some point if only yi is using it it should probably be buffed or removed and yi balanced around that.

Yeah that's a fair point.


Originally posted by Youre_all_worthless

/u/PhreakRiot when you talked about Runic echoes and how bloodrazor is more expensive than runic now, and how its up there with warrior price, do you think bloodrazor should have its cost reduced? or stats buffed? it seems really awful, i never see it built on anyone but yi (with rageblade build which might not be good for him anymore anyway).

i dunno, what do you think about bloodrazor? seems like kind of a dead item to me

I don't think the item is trash as much as there just aren't just a lot of on-hit junglers out there.


Originally posted by [deleted]


There was a rules change a few months ago that let you link your own content.


Originally posted by [deleted]

So every Player I’ve seen with Riot in their username are actually rioters ?

I thought someone just paid for a name change because he was bronze 1

Correct. Can confirm that the "are you really Riot?" questions are redundant. Also, most Rioters don't have Riot in their name so no doubt you've played with some without knowing it.


Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

Send friendly tweets to Rioters! I love having small conversations with Meddler, Mort, and LoveStrut!

I'm also biased since I think they're pretty cool people but THAT'S JUST ME.

No u 🥰❤️

Edit: no joke, I love talking to people. I'm always happy to answer questions or play some norms (I don't duo ranked with strangers soz)

13 May


Originally posted by travy_burr

Can someone tag the writer and let them know that Master Yi's notes contradict themselves for E - Wuju Style?

Summary says

while on cooldown

Ability section says

while not on cooldown

For those that are unclear, I believe that Master Yi's E will now only grant the bonus AD while it is active. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

thanks, dude! changing it now :) it should say "while not on cooldown" in both the summary and the ability sections.


Originally posted by Selutu

What happened to the Zac ult revert? I thought it was confirmed for Patch 9.10?


EDIT: Thanks guys below. Looks like I'll have to wait 2 more weeks.


Originally posted by AniviaKid32

The number of careless mistakes in that casting holy hell

That sleep sched really catching up with them?

Would love to know which ones stand out for interest sake?


Really stoked with how well G2 played mid game and how Spawn explained that Liandry Akali! Just a clean controlled game from the LEC lads. Come on, more domination as you prep for IG!


Originally posted by OvileeMay



12 May


Ayy I'm no longer a Camille one trick baby


Originally posted by EternalHops

Quickshot listen to the casters from minute 4 to 6 talking about top lane. Some casters need to work harder, but i am afraid that some just dont have the talent to do it.

Even this response isnt good enough. You're leaving interpretation to me and what I hear instead of telling me what you believe is wrong. If my perspective is different to yours or I focus on other points I don't understand what you're trying to point out.

I will listen back to this segment and draw my own conclusions, but it's important for me to highlight why just saying go watch, isn't good enough.


Originally posted by Aishateeler

I'm pretty shocked at just how bad casting analysis has become from the departure of Jatt and Deficio. The sad part is that Quickshot replied to the tweet telling mithy and soaz to let them know what they're doing wrong. So the casters don't even KNOW that they've been sucking. These guys get paid full time salaries to know about the game and talk about the game. Teddy picked MF today and no one knew about the Bork build. Conqueror rhaast has been picking up steam in solo q but no one knew about it.

But the worst part is that rather than admit they don't know or don't understand they just criticize. They're really no different than redditors when it comes to how they overreact to little things. Maybe my frustrations are misplaced but I really feel like it's just wrong for a caster to make a mistake when this is their full time while I'm barely even plat and wouldn't make the mistakes they do.

At least we have casters like papasmithy who can do on the spot calculati...

Read more

Not even close to correctly understanding my intent. I clarified my goals in a stand alone comment.

To digest this feedback from Mithy, we'd prefer more specifics and examples and would love to explore and discuss in depth when more information is shared. Obviously players and teams opinions matter a lot, and I'd love to discuss their opinions and perceptions.


I'm always happy when players and fans share their opinions and feedback. It's an extremely valuable tool to develop and grow, I wanted to clarify that specifics are helpful and necessary when it comes to internalizing and discussions. I didn't think the Mithy + Soaz tweets were quite specific enough to fully dive into and would love for them and any of the pro's / coaches / orgs to actively reach out and speak with the caster team to learn and grow.


Sorry for the delay in responding. This IS a bug and we found the issue and a fix was created. The bug is related to the repeatable "Fight for your house" mission and tracking its completion towards the house rewards.

The fix won't deploy until Tuesday when other things deploy, so you may continue to experience this bug over the weekend and we apologize for that.

However, you will NOT lose your progress, it may just show up incorrectly and may delay rewarding you the finishers/spawn ceremonies, so again, sorry about that. Everything should resolve after the fix deploys Tuesday and after you relog.