So this means he has time to explore onto options that are not vote options and if he manages to find an exciting direction then he is gonna be doing that champion, while another designer will be onto the winner champion of that poll?
So this means he has time to explore onto options that are not vote options and if he manages to find an exciting direction then he is gonna be doing that champion, while another designer will be onto the winner champion of that poll?
He will likely explore options that are on the poll as well, since all 5 of the Champions on the poll are high priority for us, and only one of them will get picked. He is just doing design exploration, not a core pod, so if he finds a cool direction for the Champion that gets picked in the poll that would be a great headstart for that Champion. If he finds something for a Champion that doesn't get picked, that's exciting and we can still work on that Champion and just have a different designer/pod take on the VGU poll winner.
As a Derby player, this is amazing :D
After Channeling for 4 seconds, teleports your champion to target allied structure, minion, or ward. Can be canceled.
Cooldown: 240 seconds
Would it be the voted VGU or another champ you have in mind
It could be, hes just doing early exploration into a bunch of stuff right now as we dont have a full DNA ready yet. If he finds something cool before the VGU poll then we will probably just have another designer do the VGU poll, but if not he will probably jump on what ends up winning the vote
I just heard Squad5 rejoined your team, is he doing a VGU or a new champ
My first main was Nasus, which I really like for learning the game since he makes you focus on last hitting so much. It's a great skill on which to get really focused practice.
Looking cool Yuumi!
Does riot provide those images and backgrounds through some development kit? Just curious.
Yup, it's called data dragon
Maybe someone noticed that I had an identical post up yesterday, which was kinda popular. Since a few bugs came up I decided to delete the old post yesterday and fix the bugs before I launch the site again.
Now, everything should be working :)
Congratulations on launching, was waiting for this to happen. If you need any help make sure you reach out.
That csd stat for doublelift in finals is incredibly misleading by azael due to the sona game from zven that accounts for -86 csd at 15. Yes TL were still winning bot lane but to say that he was up on average 25 csd at 15, while technically true, isnt really a representation of how much they were winning.
Very good point. My bad for overlooking the Sona game, completely forgot about it when looking at some of the stats for the series.
Still think DL performed extremely well vs Zven but will look back into the stats and correct myself if I use it in future!
I just wanted to say I LOVE this! Thanks for having fun with our game, especially with unintended and creative ways hehe -fistbump-
At the very least I hope it stirred up some internal discussion! Thanks again for taking the time to elaborate.
Honestly, it always, always does... :)
That IS the only reason you gave.
"I think G2 are as good as we talk about" immediately followed by "SKT are not the same team as they are in the past, and should not be put on a pedestal before they have international success"
So if that's not your reasoning, what is?
So what you actually took was one of the takeaway points at the end of my talk with Drakos and Frosk. While arguably it could've been worded better, the main point I wanted to make was that I see a lot of comments putting SKT on a pedestal alongside the likes of IG, which I don't think they deserve based on their recent play, and I also see a number of comments believing G2 don't stand a chance against IG and SKT, which I strongly disagree with and believe they should be rated higher. If we were to use numbers out of 5, I would put IG at a 4 and SKT + G2 at a 3, some fans seem to put SKT at 4 and G2 at a 2. This was the logic I was attempting to challenge. Hopefully this makes more sense. (The numbers are arbitrary, please don't infer anything from them xD)
With regards to the matchup, which I will link ...
Read moreu/Reav3 Can you speak out about Talon? There are A LOT of players not satisfied with the rework and would love to get it reverted but a lot of new Talon players also came and would be sad to lose him.
I personally had a whole account dedicated to playing ONLY Talon before his rework came and I dislike the approach you took with this change. Both LeBlanc and Rengar got reverted, Kha'Zix partially too, Fizz required changes and essentially got his W back. Shaco mains are still unhappy with the changes.
Would it be possible to maybe have two versions of Talon in the game? Could he have two different splash arts and work as one champion (or maybe a separate?) so that everyone knows which version you're playing?
It's actually the same with Graves, it would be nice if the old version wouldn't be deleted when the new one is added.
We don't plan on making multiple versions of the same Champion
Azael has a cute dog
Vedius putting G2 ahead of SKT cz this iteration of skt didn't prove anything internationally. I wonder what G2 ever did internationally to prove his point.
Pretty sure that's not what I said fam
Azael made us an amazing commercial and is forever welcome on the podcast, even if he represents a lesser region.