Hey what difficulty would you say the new assassin has? 1-10
Probably around 8-10
Hey what difficulty would you say the new assassin has? 1-10
Probably around 8-10
Do you not work for Riot anymore?
Wizardcrab's still at Riot. We're meeting up next Tuesday! :)
pray tell, what's the hour percentage for twisted treeline?
Even lower, but that's not the point. TT is pretty negligible but adding/swapping to something that isn't exactly lighting the world on fire doesn't solve any problem.
But it was a beta unfinished game mode? It makes sense people wouldn't want to play something that isn't unfinished and has some glaring flaws, especially after you force them to play it with extremely grindy missions during an event. Also if the ridiculousness of certain rewards was toned down it would probably attract a lot more players.
Also I bet it was more popular than Twisted Treeline.
The second run was closer to what would be permanent. We put in a solid amount of work from the alpha and saw underwhelming results. If we saw overwhelming results we'd have invested more. Maybe this is a non linear relation and getting over a hump would cause it to stick more but there are other things to work on and we made a call.
Literally any post about NB: Amazing gamemode, i miss it so much. No hate in the comments, only sad people missing it.
Riot: Not enough players played it according to our SHTASTICS, so f**k everyone who want NB.
Any thread with even 2000 people mourning the mode just means 2000 people feel strongly about the mode.
There's several million others out there who simply don't care about the mode and probably don't even know what Reddit is.
Prob same reason why URF (original urf nor arurf) wont come back, players play the game mode so much they burn out and just stop playing league overall and riot loses players.
Original URF and even ARURF crests 50% of hours in some regions, Nexus Blitz struggled to break 5%. Not even close.
yes but wrap up says it had success but they dont add it anymore
weird logic
It hit the target audience as intended, and had some initial success but it simply wasn't played enough overall to convince it was worth making permanent.
And those that feel strongly about missing it (myself included) are part of that target audience, hence the success. There just aren't that many of us.
What you're seeing is a promo code bundle. If you've ever gotten a code at an event, you're actually getting a bundle like that. We price them ridiculously high in case they accidentally go live... ;)
Yeah. Sorry - ATM LoL was my favourite type of LoL too.
TI-89 GO
We've thought about a few things to do with right-click in Loading Screen, but we hadn't considered "flip all". Interesting. :)
It's 2000 tokens.
Hey Howl, are the orbs predicted to be back in the shop today still? Getting closer to the end of the work day in PST
Should be up now friendo!
We've made some adjustments to high MMR matchmaking this week based off some problems we've been seeing this season with too wide an MMR discrepancy occurring in really high skill games
Is this a ranked-soloQ-only change or does it apply to other queues?
It's ranked only
Hi mr. Howl will orbs be giftable? Pls let me know thanks :)
I don't believe so - but I'm not 100% sure. Most bundles are not giftable, so event items (that typically come in bundles) I believe are usually excluded. I usually gift friends RP instead for stuff like Event Passes, etc.
I sorta answered this in another comment responding to someone else. One example I forgot there was I was playing ADC in ranked the other day (Jinx main) and someone said "shouldn't you be playing support?"
Before being at riot, for a while i was "faker gamer girl." I had to change my name because I got so burned out with it. The flame wasn't every game, but pretty often. People would insult my gameplay (that much we have in common), one threatened to sexually assault me, and several called me gendered/trans slurs. Not really sure why I put it back in, tbh
really ? is it like difficult to know that when i own 9 out of 11 skins and the 2 left are the oldest ones with lowest quality and I have not bought them despite them being offered to me in almost every Secret Shop, I will never buy it in future also
Are you telling me that in all this data science advancement, Riot team is still coming up with excuses as always like OMG we are already implementing the 101 stuff and now you must wait for 5 years for 102
Ehh... I don't know what you want to get out of being so edgy.
Is this an OS support issue or a DirectX issue?
Path of Exile did something similar recently and they actually ended DirectX 9 support, including DirectX 9 EX(available on Win7) and that meant the game couldn't be played on all video cards that don't support DirectX 11.
There are a lot of PC/laptops that run Windows 8/10 but on DirectX 9 to 10.1 integrated cards.
To be honest, I'm not sure.
a sample of some things that people have said to me in league (by no means exhaustive):
"hey Riot go on a date with me?"
"lol ur trash, ur balance team is trash"
"you must be the janitor, pick up my trash"
"log off and fix your f*cking game" (at 1 AM on a Saturday)
"haha hows the sexism going, didnt think riot would still hire women"
"sorry riot i dont talk to cops" (this one is funny)
Once a guy asked if i work at riot and am female, and when i said yes, he proceeded to run it down top and int for 20 minutes. yes, people flame riot employees.
Woa, been a while to see the Ziggs icon on a post here! Welcome back, Meddler!
Thank you!
as someone with both "riot" and a variation of "girl" in my name, you have my heartfelt sympathies