League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

06 May


"A summoner has disconnected."


Originally posted by akhelios

While the guaranteed loss is quite annoying, as someone that plays ARAM's I'd be even more annoyed with remakes. Sometimes you just want to play the game, regardless of the outcome. Waiting through queue, champ select and loading screen can easily take up to 5 minutes, and waiting for remake would be another 3 minutes (assuming its the same as Summoners Rift, which it should be).

Remaking an ARAM after wasting 8 minutes is kind of bad for a lot of people who just like to join ARAM to chill. I don't know many people who really fuss over whether or not they win. It's a "why bother" situation. While I'm not completely against remakes in ARAM's, you'd be ignorant to not realize there's downsides to this for casual players.

Pretty much this. We've thought a lot about this one, and the downsides here (players look at team comps, decide they are GOING to lose and say "its more efficient to afk so we can remake") outweigh the upsides by a lot. Not budging on this one.

05 May


Originally posted by FakerJunior

I respectfully disagree with Blaustoise. What we've previously seen in the bot lane does not make for a healthy or fun game. Even now, out of 20+ marksman champions, less than half are being played competitively. By introducing ''non-marksman'' carries to the bot lane, they cut down the already small pool of viable ADC's. Instead of ADDING champions to the available pool in the bot lane, they actually replace them. Several AD carries get retired for the likes of Vlad, Swain and Malzahar, which also happen to promote boring gameplay patterns.

Another problem. ADC's have historically only been viable in the bot lane, with a support to offer peel. What Blaustoise refers to as ''non-marksmen carries'' here are overwhelmingly AP champions playable in the top or mid lane. By giving them another lane to possibly play in or get picked for, you raise their presence and winrate at the expense of champions that were already struggling. Not to mention that you turn the professional Lo...

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Great points. I think for so many years we designed the game around the paradigm that marksmen would be played in the duo lane (itemization/scaling for ADs, support changes and designs like Braum with his passive and TK saving low mobility champs, and even specific champ kit designs for marksmen)... makes it hard to undo all of that at once.

For what it's worth I think the current state of bot is actually pretty good. I like 85-95% of botlanes being traditional marksmen+sup combos, but that spice of a Yasuo or Swain is really nice. I just don't know if in the longterm of League (1 years later, 3 years, 5 years later...) we want to have only 1 class dominating a position.

Alternatively we could also look to diversify the position by creating more champions that specifically diversify the types of situations and play in botlane while still being somewhat familiar marksmen. I'm thinking Jhin (at best) and Kalista (at worst). I think we have some of ...

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Originally posted by Lekassor

I dont understand the arguments of Loco

Specialization is good for the game, why change it?

Specialization in league comes from the positions, not from the class you play. Toplane is mainly focused on 1v1 or 1v2, jungle is about map awareness and prediction etc.

If marksmen hadnt been mandatory, Doublelift will never be able to be that good on them because he would had to play other champions

Lol. So Faker isnt a god on Ryze for example just because he had to play other champions? TheShy isnt f**king nuts on carries because he also has to play tanks sometimes? What kind of argument is that

EDIT: To further clarify: Since LoL doesnt have the mechanical depth of games like Starcraft, if you are talented you will eventually reach a hard cap on what you can do with a class of champions. Thats why there are other skills in the game to distinct the good players from the great pl...

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Loco's and Thorin's arguments here are still valid. They claim some degree of specialization allows a sharper and more focused game, and that just because you have an increase in mechanical or tactical demands doesn't mean it's a good thing (example being playing League while standing on your head and slapping a pig's ass would make it harder and certainly separate the good from the great players...).

Now playing Vlad bot in addition to marksmen champs is far from pig's ass slapping, but I could see the case being made that the specific skill and mechanical difficulty of marksmen warrants it being that hyper-specialized role. Furthermore you could argue that it's beneficial to offer different avenues of success & specialization in League (midlaners can be the super flexible players that play everything and people opt in to that experience, whereas bot players really do want that consistent pool of champions to specialize in). Basically ...

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Originally posted by EROTIC_RAID_BOSS

None of that matters.

I strongly disagree with blaustoise. He's basically saying they want to bring the top lane cassiopeia experience to bot lane.

This game is more fun when laning phase is fun. And the laning phase is most fun when there are certain expectations you can depend on, to not get totally cucked. When mages and yasuo go bot and get free lanes because adcs are weak that makes bot lane less fun, just like when mages and vayne go top to abuse melee champs that is less fun.

I'd much rather be locked into adc sup bot lane, and let's get Cass the f**k out of top while we're at it, because when you can only take champs to certain positions, you might have less variety but you have more fun

I think this is a great point. At the end of the day it really should be about what’s fun, and you could argue that League games have plenty of variety already of 5 vs 5 champions even when some of the positions have more restrictive classes.

But I think there’s a balance. Maybe 90% of your games are traditional sup + marksmen, whereas 10% you get a little spice. Though I could ALSO see more of your concerns manifesting in that world because it is such an infrequent thing that those lanes become earflicks. It could be that the BEST version of botlane is almost entirely marksmen OR really a huge hodgepodge of champion classes 2x2.... and I don’t think we would go to the latter world soon.


Originally posted by NotLikeThisManNo

Wow Blastoise got f**king destroyed by Thorin @ 0:38 min mark. Holy shit. But Thorin is right if you view LOL as an sport it makes you wonder why it's banning system is so f**king terrible. Why can someone go unbanned for 30 games where they are 0: 11 or some shit? Ruining the game for everyone involved. As well as pro players getting banned for saying a bad word.

but did he destroy me with FACTS and LOGIC?

Also what's interesting about that is that he didn't actually destroy my argument. My argument was "you can't just say it's only a game" regarding how people feel about the League. I argued that it's closer to a sport (Hockey, Football), than a traditional game like Mass Effect or Zelda (which would be closer to a show or book).

Thorin didn't destroy that argument. In fact I'm pretty sure he committed some sort of fallacy there because instead of addressing the substance my argument (that people are invested in it as a sport), he attacked a specific aspect of Riot's player behavior being that if it was a sport we would treat professional players differently in solo queue. He says my argument is great without that context, but it's invalid in that context.

(1) My argument can still be valid (again he never argued against the crux of my argument which is that the motiv...

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Originally posted by mychatexperience

Hearing more from Blaustoise is actually so good for the community. I feel like he's one of the most active rioters in reaching out to the reddit-twitch playerbase it's cool thanks. Thorn and Loco a great duo as always.

hey thanks bud, I'll keep I get fired or demote out of plat <3

04 May


Originally posted by TerraRising

Let me add a good reason why this should be possible.

There are moments when the loading screen freezes and you can't click on anything to flip the card. That freeze often leads to a huge jump in the status bar at the bottom, thus costing you the opportunity to see how good your opponent is on that champion.

This happens so much on ARAM it's not funny. (Yes, I do want to see how good someone is on the champs they drew, ESPECIALLY if they've begged for a particular champ and only have 400 mastery points on it or it's the new hotness!)

Yea, we've thought about a "click and hold" interaction where you can simply hold the left mouse button down and drag around to quickly "swipe" all of the cards over. We thought about using right click for something like showing champion info to help players out in either ARAM or if they're just getting started as well. Gotta balance discoverability with feature set, though.

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Originally posted by IMainStashusAssassin

Hey what difficulty would you say the new assassin has? 1-10

Probably around 8-10


Originally posted by Deauo

Do you not work for Riot anymore?

Wizardcrab's still at Riot. We're meeting up next Tuesday! :)


Originally posted by M3TRONOM3

pray tell, what's the hour percentage for twisted treeline?

Even lower, but that's not the point. TT is pretty negligible but adding/swapping to something that isn't exactly lighting the world on fire doesn't solve any problem.


Originally posted by PM_me_cute_Zoe_pics

But it was a beta unfinished game mode? It makes sense people wouldn't want to play something that isn't unfinished and has some glaring flaws, especially after you force them to play it with extremely grindy missions during an event. Also if the ridiculousness of certain rewards was toned down it would probably attract a lot more players.

Also I bet it was more popular than Twisted Treeline.

The second run was closer to what would be permanent. We put in a solid amount of work from the alpha and saw underwhelming results. If we saw overwhelming results we'd have invested more. Maybe this is a non linear relation and getting over a hump would cause it to stick more but there are other things to work on and we made a call.


Originally posted by Skruff94

Literally any post about NB: Amazing gamemode, i miss it so much. No hate in the comments, only sad people missing it.
Riot: Not enough players played it according to our SHTASTICS, so f**k everyone who want NB.

Any thread with even 2000 people mourning the mode just means 2000 people feel strongly about the mode.

There's several million others out there who simply don't care about the mode and probably don't even know what Reddit is.


Originally posted by AbilityAngle

Prob same reason why URF (original urf nor arurf) wont come back, players play the game mode so much they burn out and just stop playing league overall and riot loses players.

Original URF and even ARURF crests 50% of hours in some regions, Nexus Blitz struggled to break 5%. Not even close.


Originally posted by ionux

yes but wrap up says it had success but they dont add it anymore

weird logic

It hit the target audience as intended, and had some initial success but it simply wasn't played enough overall to convince it was worth making permanent.

And those that feel strongly about missing it (myself included) are part of that target audience, hence the success. There just aren't that many of us.


What you're seeing is a promo code bundle. If you've ever gotten a code at an event, you're actually getting a bundle like that. We price them ridiculously high in case they accidentally go live... ;)