Why is "make LoL less gate-keepy" a goal? A division is elite because most people can't get into it. Making it less gatekeepy seems to defeat the whole point of an elite division.
Not saying it's necessarily wrong, but I don't think it's obvious that it should be a goal. There's a clear downside to putting more people in masters-it makes getting masters mean less. What's the upside?
Because it's meaningless at this point. I understand that we started with diamond being "the best of the best", but now we've added in masters + challenger, and recently grandmasters.
- Masters = the best of the best of the best
- Grandmasters = best of the best of the best of the best
- Challenger = best of the best of the best of the best of the best
It's a little ridiculous. Furthermore I think there's a perception issue when masters+ players are like "UGH why are these DIAMOND players in my games" when in reality, we look at the MMR of the D2 or D1 player they're complaining about... and it's the same elo as them.
Sure there have been legit matchmaking issues this season, but I genuinely think having a more normal distribution of ranks as well as clear distinction between normal divisions (iron to diamond, 99% of players) and elite divisions (masters, GM, chal, top 1% of players) would just make more sense.