On another note, I really hope you guys don't change the stat adjustments too often. You put up the initial changelist, hotfix in another bunch of changes, and then added even more changes in 9.8. It's too much to keep up with.
For me, ARAM has always been about good champions and bad champions. I get excited about rolling a strong champion or having a really good team. I need to be able to actually assess whether a champion is good or not. It's exhausting keeping up with 30 champions being adjusted every week. Nothing feels worse than being excited to finally get Mundo but then get melted because he got +10% damage taken that you didn't know about.
I'm not saying to keep the OP champions always OP, but you should stop doing microadjustments every patch and just do bigger changes every 6 months. That way there is time to adjust and get used to the new OP champions (and the changes keep the mode fresh).
I have a feeling that your goal is to make it so that e...