If you'll forgive me a minor drunken rant about things that are in no way your fault, the fact that a web designer can somehow screw up scrolling is insane to me.
I'll take this moment to say I'm not criticizing y'all as bad designers, but criticizing HTML, CSS, and Javascript for making that possible in the first place.
Sidenote: I'm one of probably a single-digits-number of people who use a mouse without a scroll wheel (random HP 3-button mouse I bought off eBay) and while I love it for gaming, dear god, does everybody and their mother just assume you have a scroll wheel these days. Using middle click to bring up the little scroll thing works in most things, but then some programs (like WINDOWS EXPLORER FOR SOME GODDAMN REASON) just don't support it, so I have to click on the scroll bar/arrow keys (BTW your website supports this, but only if you're not mousing over a match. Amusingly, it works on the filters on the side, but not on the...