Originally posted by Percevalve
That's a fascinating topic to explore, but we need a clearer and more thorough discussion. What are we looking at? What's the sample size, what exactly was asked? Did people judge the splash arts, in-game models, general in-game visuals inc abilities, did it include skins...?
With that missing, those conclusions juste seem very weakly supported, which is a shame cause it's a genuinely fascinating thing to explore.
What are we looking at
Riot's 2018 Mass Champion Survey
What's the sample size
pretty massive, about 200k total respondents, though they only see a random sample of champions so I think per champion per region it's like 500 or 600.
What exactly was asked?
[Likert Question] This champion's visuals are appealing to me.
Another version of this survey (data not shown) uses MaxDiff or best-worst scaling, so "pick which champion is most visually appealing and least visually appealing: Ahri, Yasuo, Irelia, Akali." (and then tons of different permutations of that).
What did people judge?
Up for interpretation. This question is left more vague (others are more specific about ability visuals for example), but I'd say most people answer this according to splash are and in-game model. We have more specific questions, but ...
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