This is AMAZING! If you guys are ever in LA let me know - would love to bring you onto campus for a tour and what not :)
This is AMAZING! If you guys are ever in LA let me know - would love to bring you onto campus for a tour and what not :)
Wym she knows people. Riot clearly showed her as she said she just “saw the results”. And if she’s not supposed to know why would she tweet about it
i'm sure EU is cool with her tweeting about it, without spoiling results. We don't tell the casters in NA.
Sjokz already knew ghe LEC MVP at the end of March fyi
Sjokz knows people.
lets just hope teams don't donate their dragons to enemies like khaleesi does
TSM did and survived.
sick player cam reax after the replay.
Mark was grinning after Dash said it, too. This is super speculative, but he definitely looked like he was trying not to laugh and knew Dash f**ked up.
Listening to MarkZ accuse Crumbz of stealing his HAYAAAA! was best part of day.
Dash doesn't know who the MVP is yet. The casting team is not told because of this reason, so they don't have to dance around how they say things. They don't tell me either because they know i'd probably blow it. My guess here is that Dash probably wanted to say the x-time mvp, but temporarily fumbled the number and the pause came from trying to course correct with the "of this team"... but then again, how do i know what dash was trying to say and why he said it this way? only Dash knows. But it's just so damn fun to making up hypothetical scenarios about the sub-text around what people say. I think Dash could possibly have been trying to secretly communicate to us that the GoT season premiere is going to be hype af and that FLY vs TL will be the perfect hype af appetizer.
Hi there!
To give some context. When a team or player does something that's a little unfamiliar given the context of the meta, I often question my own knowledge and I wonder if I missed something. Therefore, I wondered if I missed somewhere in old notes that the top resistances were removed. I had to focus on the game so I pinged production to see if they can confirm. I got a ping back saying that the resistances were the same, but they missed the small buff that top and mid got. These small mistakes do happen and while we do try our best to give the most accurate information, in high pressure situations it happens.
Thanks for understanding! My production team is really awesome :)
Read moreI find some interesting things here:
NA has 4 non-human designs [Bard; Aurelion; Warwick; Kindred]; counting the Vastyah as 'human designs' since their designs are mostly human [You can probobly argue Warwick]. China has 0.
Ahri; Miss Fortune; Xayah and Irelia are on both lists, which implies their designs are universally appealing. Notably no male champions are on both lists.
NA has a 10.5/4.5/1 split of Male/Female/Neither [Lamb is Female but Wolf is Male so they are 0.5 for each. Bard is neither]. China has a 5/11/0 split of Male/Female/Neither.
Note every female champion [Except Lamb] on NA's list is also on China's.
None of China's picks are explicitly old characters in terms of age, and most are quite young. NA has Swain; Thresh; Bard; Aurelion, Kindred and Braum [Who's far older than he appears if the myths are true]
I wonder how much of this came down to the interpretation of the question as well. 'appealing visuals' could be ...
Great callout RE wording. We have a pretty fantastic localization team, and I can also confirm that other questions around visuals shiw this trend too (“this champion’s visuals fit their overall theme” “this champion has unique visual”, etc) I forgot the full list, I’m just on my phone rn but there’s a set of questions RE visuals for champions.
I appreciate the effort you go to with posts like these. However, the reasoning that "We make conventionally attractive characters because people like conventionally attractive characters" seems kind of hallow to me. If you had taken a poll about what people wanted to see no one would have told you they wanted a wierd chubby guy who floats around gathering bells. But I imagine Bard is still a pretty beloved character. I just wish Riot were more willing to push at the boundaries of how they design female characters the way the do for male characters.
I don’t think I’ve said “we make conventionally attractive characters because people like those characters”, but I agree with the spirit of your comment! I also think we’ve been improving in this area but still have plenty of room to grow.
I actually talked about this phenomenon in my GDC talk RE champion data. If you made the “Avengers” of League of Legends champs, and just picked the most played champions, you’d end up with a lot of overlap of themes and not much diversity.
So a lot of it comes down to goals. Are you trying to find the most popular champions? Or in your case are you trying to make a champion that’s most popular? OR are you selecting champions that will have the most appeal to the most players, and making champions that give your overall roster something for everyone?
Framing around the latter goals helps explain why champions like Bard, Illaoi, Ornn, etc, are just as valuable as Kai’Sa, Xayah, etc. it’s not also about making wha...
Read moreGood to know that public data made his situation look worse than it actually is. It's true that its common for people to mistake balance for design. I do think that the rework made steps in the right direction and now agree even with the removal of W shield that I used to hate.
I talked with Repertoir a bit on twitter and linked him a twitlonger of my thoughts as a long time Ornn player. Its more thought out and less emotional and dramatic than this post, so if you are at all interested I'd love for you as his designer to check out the experience of one season 2 veteran who liked Ornn so much that he is now the only champ I'm interested in playing.
I think you have some good points, and I appreciate how much you care about Ornn. I agree that shifting some power around would probably be helpful for him overall - and that he needs more personal power rather than shared power. Any buffs we do are probably going to look like that.
Something I’ve been curious about that I was hoping you could share some color on — when champs get hit with the “powerful in coordinated play, weak in solo play” debacle, why isn’t the approach to nerf the part of their kit that causes this. E.g. with Ornn, why not hit his ult range, or with ryze his ult range (or changing his point and click/uber op gank setup [w] to be a projectile or otherwise less consistent somehow).
Is it champion identity?
We might just be disagreeing on what actually is causing the problem. I'm not sure about Ryze, but the feeling for Ornn was the combination of his W's lane dominance plus the R's power. If you remember, the R also was nerfed as a part of his changes (less slow on R1, knockup time reduction for R2).
The short answer is that we do try to target the thing we feel is causing the problem with a strong nerf, and see where we can put power back to compensate. Our track record recently is mixed, obviously, but I think it actually trends toward positive (irelia, akali being examples).
Read moreHi again Squad5! It's me from Twitter/YouTube. Just wanted to give some feedback on recent changes (reminder I talk from a jungle/support only perspective so am sensitive to his top power as a byproduct of any changes that benefit off-roles):
W CDR buff: I liked this and it has made putting points in W feel great in tighter situations where 2 seconds really does matter - also really useful over time on clears and rotations. More W/brittle up time = more damage so obviously will feel good.
Q/E timer QoL: Used this many times in the past week and the surprise turn around with enemies expect pillar to fall but it doesn't has been fun.
Base HP/AR 9.2: Was relatively unnoticed but felt good in early laning phase and jungle clear.
Glad to hear you are thinking of something else but I feel we are very, very close. The 9.6 changes helped and on Twitter, we talked about durability that the shield provided, and now we fel...
Not entirely sure right now, but I think increasing durability early on is probably the safest route as long as it isn't tied to his trade windows like the W shield was before.
Not promising anything but I think we have space for a buff now that things have settled, and one of the things I'm going to TRY to do is see if I can give him a shield somewhere like a lot of players want. Likely going to test it on the E somewhere first.
I know it can be frustrating, but unfortunately I've needed to let things settle and take time for testing and making sure I'm not going to undo the gains we actually got.
What's your opinion on how the aatrox "mini rework" was handled and designed?
It was the first known situation to me of "make champion unplayable in a mechanical and damage sense" in order to give them room to be buffed, essentially reducing the champion in all aspects in order to push it in a certain direction.
These in the past have been targeted at making the champion more accessible to the general populace, but as a result have the effect of hurting their popularity with original players, as making them more accessible inherently must lower the skill level entry point for the champion for it to begin to be picked up at the levels of play with the most dense populations of players (lower elo).
I'm not a fan of this style myself as it negatively impacts higher elo strategies and often removes the strengths associated with the previous higher difficulty of the champion.
I think in the long run a champion being kept weak because of pro strength actually hurts its playerbase more. I do think though that sometimes rough changes need to be made in order to actually solve the problem. The key is having good followup to actually give the champion back power and hopefully feel improvements to make up for it.
he is already seeing players in pro on current patch, if you buff him again, alone with all the tank buffs latetly, he is gonna be back to picked everygame again.
That's the reason there's hesitation to give him a solid buff. I think it's worth the risk though, considering the work we did to make it possible.
Hey Squad5, nice to see you dropping in here. Let me say that i absolutely love the concept of Ornn as i've longed for a blacksmith champ in LoL.
I don't play him that much now, but what do you think of the thematic changes of the rework, since he went from safe solo laner, with good dueling power and good teamfight, to bad laner with good teamfight and passive gold bump to allies.
Did you notice any changes to playerbase ? Did the Old Ornn mains stayed or did he gained new mains ? I'm quite curious about that.
I think he became a bit worse in lane than I expected, but he needed that to give us the space to give him power elsewhere. If anything I think we need to buff his early game a bit but leave most of his strength in later stages of the game, which is in line with what tanks probably should be for.
Playerbase is kind of a mix, some new, some returning, some that were playing and still play. It kind of depends what things you liked about Ornn. Losing his lane dominance is only really one aspect of him.
Hey reddit, love ya, how’s it going?
Context for this is the other day I said (1) that I personally liked the skins and (2) that I hypothesized they’re more resonant with Chinese players.
This data/discussion was NOT to demonstrate Riot’s reasoning for the theme/execution of the IG skins, it was to explain MY reasoning for that hypothesis. Also the title of this post is "visual appeal of skins by region" - it's actually just the visual appeal of the base champions, which is largely splash art, somewhat in game model, and is also influenced a degree by skins, fanart, all sorts of things.
The goal of sharing this was to show that there are pretty substantial differences in visual appeal and resonance by region. When I saw the IG skins, I had this information in the back of my mind, thus I thought “huh this aligns with some of my perceptions of what Chinese players find appealing”
Also to be clear (1) ...
Read moreso the marketers believe that it should be a certain way even tho it looks worse because they believe itd sell more? isnt tht the exact opposite of why ppl buy more?
I don’t know where I mentioned anything about marketing. This data wasn’t used to inform skins, it was used to explain my reasoning the other day.
"SuRe YoU cAn HaNdLe mE, SuMmOnEr???"