League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

14 Nov


Originally posted by Ocarina3219

The problem is having her damage gutted makes her feel atrocious to play with an actual ADC build so you’re even more forced to play the support build that everyone hates.

Yep. Once we get some data on the AH nerf, we’ll try and give her some damage back


Originally posted by WaveCore

Probably not entirely, I imagine they want to see how her winrate increases first, and then take away just as many damage buffs needed to bring her winrate back to what it was. She's currently +15/-15, maybe she can stay power neutral with tenacity and energy buffs, if her damage buffs get brought down to +8/-8

This is it exactly. We have a general idea of what win rate impact the damage mods have at this point but we have no data on any of the new ones. Once we get that data we’ll look for the best places to shave off power.


Originally posted by an_angry_beaver

I have mixed (but more negative) feelings about it as well. I like that it’ll give more value to mobility abilities like Talon E. However, I really dislike the idea of narrower chokepoints in ARAM. You’re up against a team with Seraphine, Xerath, Veigar, Teemo, etc. and that’s an even more miserable stalemate. I guess good snowball usage can mitigate such concerns but still.

If you have to walk at the enemy, the narrower chokes can be a detriment to the pushing team, but simultaneously if the pokey champs push into you, it gives them less room to maneuver away from someone with a snowball gap closer. Hopefully you’ll be able to use them to make clever flash plays, but we’ll be monitoring what these changes do class by class


Originally posted by IamLevels

Whoever put Akali in every single one of those buff groups, I want what he’s having cause he’s smoking some shit that’s so strong even Snoop Dogg can’t handle it.

The intention is to use alternate buffs (like energy regen) rather than damage/durability when applicable so as to improve the skill floor of champions without making them expectation-breaking like they are on live.


Originally posted by Thepancakeman1k

Gotcha. Do you want Game IDs or just profiles?

Just profiles, I can identify the games pretty quick knowing them. I've been getting a lot of good submissions, it's been helpful


Originally posted by activefou

God I’m so mad I didn’t take a picture but at worlds s6 finals there was a similar sort of vibe from the casters as silver scrapes started playing…. I think that memory is carved into my brain, seeing them look out at the wholeass staples center full of nerds cheering for game 5 was really cool

I was on the caster desk for this crying. It was my first world final cast and I was so sure it was gonna be 3-0 then that magical come back.

Omg what a memory .


Originally posted by teckno7

Hahahah Quickshots hair <3 <3

What a great f**king shot though, for real.

I giggled too. I can't wait for it to be longer


This typically happens because your account has been sold without you realizing it. Attackers will grab username and password lists found on the internet and use it to log into League. Sometimes the person buying the account is a little too invested in playing and won't change the password right away (and, if you have a verified email, they can't), and this situation happens.

Any account they get a successful "hit" on, they will note down what that account has, and will then either list it on a website or (more typically) send an announcement on a Discord channel that is filled with people waiting to buy accounts.

The upshot of this is that your username and password is compromised; you probably re-used an old username and password from a website that got hacked. This is very common. You should consider checking out ...

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Originally posted by NWStormraider

Braum ult is both an insane Engage and Disengage tool, and the definition of "Reliable high Impact Ability", so what are you talking about? K'santes only tool when someone jumps the ADC is to ult the enemy, unless he happens to have the Q charged, and if you don't hit a wall it covers about as much distance as a Poppy e. And Poppy has another unconditional cc and a conditional one to back that up.

E is a shield, w is a stun, and r is another stun+displacement. None of those require setup. Q is a slow without setup, which is admittedly less powerful. Literally every button on K’Sante’s kit helps keep a squishy alive.

Braum R is horrible engage. Virtually every other tank engages better than Braum.


Originally posted by NWStormraider

I honestly think the main problem Tank mains (me included) have with K'sante not feeling like a Tank is reliability. A tank has two jobs, which are starting a Fight, and keeping your backline safe. For both of those you need reliable high impact abilities, that you can instantly use when the time is right. K'sante does not have something like that, sure his R is powerful, but it is neither an Initiator nor a protection tool, and while his Q provides a lot of cc, it is not always up when you need it, and you can't keep it ready.

Guess Braum’s not a tank then. Not all tanks initiate.


Originally posted by HulklingsBoyfriend

I got to play Odyssey's three hardest difficulty missions with Mortdog himself 🥺 it was so fun

I'm happy you got to experience it :)

13 Nov


Originally posted by daswef2

I see what you're saying and that is an interesting perspective. To some extent there is value to really pushing the boundary of how classes feel to give variety, but then obviously you run into the Pyke problem sometimes where its not a tank for tank players, its a tank for people who don't otherwise play tanks, which is fun for some but not for others.

Also i dont personally think the button feedback on Ksante feels that good, and that is clouding my opinion. E feels really awkward to use and W doesn't feel as powerful as like Alistar Headbutt for instance.

Completely biased but I personally think that tank built Galio is a good example of a tank with lots of fun buttons to press, and I think that's one of the most fun and unique tank releases ever.

I think Galio is very cool.

I also think it is a very good thing for League, and by extension its roles, to fit as large a variety of players as possible. This includes unique champions like K’Sante.


Originally posted by daswef2

He doesn't play anything like a tank or feel anything like a tank, if the "solution" to making a fun tank is to just make a fighter then that's a huge disappointment. Maybe the next tank release five years from now will land a little better.

Devil's advocate:

Player inputs are not the same thing as champion outputs. Maybe Riot's done a historically bad job of making fun player inputs for tanks.

Malphite has no (edit: one) interesting buttons to press. His output is clearly tank since 3/4 buttons apply crowd control and his passive and W give him durability. But he's not fun to play (for most people). I'd argue Rammus fills a similar niche in a much more interesting way.

K'Sante, however, has really interesting player inputs. He deals some damage, sure, but every button is CC or shielding. He probably "feels" like a fighter because he has fighter inputs: Tight timing windows (W), auto-attack resets, low-ish cooldowns, and huge positional play. So he PLAYS like a fighter or skirmisher but he still fits team comps like a tank.

Honestly, taking a slightly optimistic view of it, that just seems kinda genius IMO.

12 Nov


Originally posted by DjangoShoelace

Quite rare scenario ? I play ADC in low elo (Bronze) on EUW and I’ve to check my supp’s history on every game to avoid those situations. Whenever I see a supp insta-locking Yuumi, Soraka or Taric without hovering the pick its most of the time a bot and I often have to dodge multiple times a day or make teammates dodge.

You saying « rare scenario » says it all, you do not understand the concerns. This issue is rampant in low elo

just for clarification - I am hoping it will be a rare scenario moving forward, not saying there isn't an issue now. We've just started rolling out improved action waves. If you can drop me some example bots you encounter in the upcoming days though, I'd be glad to take a look and make sure our systems will be hitting the mark.


I know I'm a little late here, so this may get buried, but I do understand the concerns - there shouldn't be bots in Ranked games regardless. We've started to increase our efforts on getting these out - feel free to DM me any examples you run across (which hopefully will be a quite rare scenario)

11 Nov


Originally posted by GiganticMac

Is that with ctrl and shift modifiers? I use 1-5, tab-t, a-h, and z and x, plus a 12 button mouse which is actually probably the game changer lol. Plus shift, ctrl, and shift+ctrl mods for every key so I just never run out of available binds. The two biggest things I did for making it comfortable to use more binds was rebinding one of the buttons on my mouse to ctrl and then swapping over from using wasd to qwer (a and f for strafe, then holding left and right click for moving) so my fingers rest on 4 main abilities instead of all on movement. I actually realized how much more optimal that was after I played league for the first time haha

Yes, that's with CTRL + Shift mods. I don't use a MMO mouse. I don't use shift+ctrl either - just shift or ctrl with wd for back/forth movement and qe for strafing (useful when healing in raids, since you need the mouse for targeting).

the following are all bound without mods, and with ctrl, and with shift:


I also have `, f1/f2/f3 bound without mods (they're awkward to use with ctrl/shift). so actually I have 34 binds, not 36.