League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

10 May


Originally posted by PM_Cute_Ezreal_pics

What was the reason for keeping the Taliyah base movement speed? It's too important of a stat on her so she can land her Qs, and the nerfs to almost every other stat and her early damage make it so the changes to her kit don't feel like they make up for it.

If it were just general numbers changes to her armor/mr/hp or base damage I wouldn't have a problem with it, but Riot never reverts movement speed nerfs, even if they end up hitting the champion exceedingly hard.

I'm excited for these changes since I've played Taliyah mid since release, but while I love the kit changes, I worry she's gonna feel even worse than current Taliyah with these stats

If Taliyah is hit exceedingly hard we'll follow up. MS would be a great place to buff if she's not longer challenger and pro skewed. Have also thought about things like mana cost or Q damage.


Originally posted by samuel110128

Kinda disappoint that the armor shred of Olaf Q didn’t make it out of PBE, but overall it still looks like substantial Qol and power upgrade for him, can’t wait to try him out

it's there, seems like we missed it in the patch notes


Originally posted by ZigMusik

Did the delay changes to Taliyahs W get axed? I thought the goal was to make it more reliable with damage down. .05 seems too small

Important to remember that the AoE size change also increases W reliability.

Also, the W being tested on PBE was bugged D: Its delay was LONGER than on live, but the AoE size seemed to be making up for it


Originally posted by Deymin

Qiyana Q bug next pls :(

What's the bug with Qiyana Q?


Originally posted by IcyColdStare

I'm loving the taglines for these changes LOL




Thank you! Definitely one of the favorite parts of my job. As soon as the Taliyah update was announced I've had that pioneer line living rent free in my head


Originally posted by gorothefly

Any clue how much healing she was receiving? The prebuff amount?

Lillia P heals her when damaging large monsters or champions, with a 33% modifier to the lower value for more than one target. Some bad calculations meant that she was missing out on some PvP healing at her early levels (1-5) where the monster heal value is larger than champ heal value.

The actual healing should match the tooltip and no longer be sus


Originally posted by FunMoistLoins

Fixed a bug where Chaos (Red) side inhibitors would display blue icons when selected

Wait, red side is called chaos? Wtf.



Originally posted by teemo-enjoyer

never got a response to this re: challenges so far:

do "collection" challenges count stuff you currently have? Will all my skins and icons I have now count? Or, like eternals, it starts from day 1? If it's the latter that sounds awful

Hey there! Most inventory related Challenges (skins, mastery, champs owned, icons, etc) will be retroactive


Originally posted by Caenen_

u/Ahris00 the patch notes have Sion P's structure mod backwards, on latest PBE at least it was 40% total damage dealt (-60%) to structures, patch notes say "40% reduced damage".

Could you confirm and get that wording fixed?

Hey there! You're spot on–in 12.9 Sion will deal 60% reduced damage to structures. We're working on getting this updated now. Thank you for letting us know!


Excited for Taliyah and Olaf!


Originally posted by relrax

Full AP outdated
She underrated
Long have we waited
shyv q bug deactivated

but honestly this is kinda huge and i like how they put it as a champion change and not at the bottom for the bugs. e and q bug both basically happen on average 1-2 times per game, and every time it happens you can lose between 20 and 300+ dmg

Jumping onto this comment to let the Shyvana fans know that we also added an update to her E - Flame Breath. Dropping it here for visibility while the live version is being updated!

[NEW] The area of effect zone from Shyvana’s E - Flame Breath now applies marks to enemies that enter the zone.


Originally posted by relrax

Full AP outdated
She underrated
Long have we waited
shyv q bug deactivated

but honestly this is kinda huge and i like how they put it as a champion change and not at the bottom for the bugs. e and q bug both basically happen on average 1-2 times per game, and every time it happens you can lose between 20 and 300+ dmg

Glad you're excited for the Shyvana QoL! That bug fix was long overdue.

One more Shyv change that didn't make it into the patch notes: The AOE zone left behind from Shyvana's Dragon E will apply the mark to enemies that enter it. Her W tick rate has also been reduced from 1s to 0.5s


Originally posted by portugapt

At least you get ahead on something, unlike me in lane, or NA in international events

whoa get your own thread for self-deprecation chief >:(


Originally posted by portugapt

Was that a self burn?

it's funnier if i get ahead of the joke