League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

12 May


Originally posted by Weakonomics

Or summoner spell book bug Summoner has switched Exhaust to Season_12_Ugrade_Teleport_Name

Unrelated issue, but known and tracked!


Originally posted by PlotShield

Still no Ornn passive fix with item names and descriptions. I guess I’ll keep buying display_game_item_3233 again

Also a lot of those descriptions that do work are outdated or just wrong. Its a known issue that will require a large overhaul of how the system works, but we are working on getting it done :).


Originally posted by Namulith94

It really seems like a 40% nerf on illaoi’s heal is completely over the top. I get that effective health on heals gets better when champions are tankier, but the nerf goes so far past that extra effective health to the point of absurdity. It doesn’t make sense to me to nerf her due to the gw nerf by essentially putting a constant unnerfed gw aura on her that stacks with actual gw. Do you have any context for why she’s seeing a 40% heal nerf while 90% of the roster is seeing it in more the 10-20% range that’s actually in line with durability increases?

It's intended to be a nerf from 5% to 4%, not 5% to 3%.

The target here is nerfing heals from around 10% at level 1 to around 25% at endgame; not all champion spells have the tools for us to nail that perfectly. She definitely should not be nerfed 40%. (We used a different target for shields, as heals are also accounting for Grievous changes)

11 May


Originally posted by NitronBiohazard

Iirc the durability changes were intended for preseason and ended up delayed. Was apparently explained on one of the devs streams about why it was delayed.

We started exploring them around when preseason shipped. This was the earliest patch we'd have been able to ship them since we started that investigation. They were never at any point intended for last preseason.


This is an absolute bloodbath of nerfs to compensate on the advantages champions get that prioritize on shielding and healing after the whole champion durability buffs.

I want to really emphasize the bolded part here. If we don't act on healing and shielding, their relative power levels go up quite significantly and champions with them end up much more powerful relative to champions without them, so we've applied an across the board (with only a small handful of exceptions) approximate nerf on all of them. We additionally elected to go slightly further on healing in order to allow us to nerf grievous wounds, which we feel has been tuned inappropriately too high for a while now (but which requires something like this amount of retuning when we nerf it, so has been difficult to get traction on).

Some nerfs are clear placebos however

These numbers changes are not intended to get you...

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This data is probably still a bit misleading because its early on, but as others have said his tank build was historically drastically better.


Originally posted by Pletterpet

Kinda woried riot is going to completely forget that most mages are going to be hit hard in 12.10. Let ad assasins be weak for a couple patches please. I want to be able to play Orianna again

A big part of my work these past few months (and the upcoming months) was helping ensure we have no blind spots.


Originally posted by CrystalizedSeraphine

Olaf looks completely dead in the jungle but very op in toplane.

Taliyah aoe Q is back, a lot of changes and as nobody plays her I can't say in terms of damage how much better it will be.

NOT SO FAST LITTLE SPARROW Damage from enemy champions or structures now prevents Taliyah from casting R - Weaver’s Wall for 3 seconds

This seems kinda big however as you can't just run away from a bad situation.

Glad they aren't targeting Ahri's damage and finally hitting her safety/utility for once.

Not sure if that Nidalee nerf is enough as she is one of, if not the best high elo jungler right now.

Interesting that they pulled the Qtap slow buff on Pyke they had planned, removing his ult gold should kill midlane Pyke by itself since the reason it was so good was his increased gold generation from getting both 100 cs together with his ult gold, and not his roaming abilities by "ignoring lane".

Has Thresh ever bee...

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Originally posted by PersonalSycophant

Unironically might make for an amusing April Fools mode. Just the reverse of everything that's URF--less damage, longer cooldowns, lower maximum level, with an evil counterpart to Urf the Manitee as mascot.

Probably wouldn't catch on past April Fools, but Urf wasn't supposed to catch on either.

We made the joke some years ago (talked about it, did not ship anything). I promise it's not an amusing mode though - it's funny to read, but the novelty lasts much less than the duration of a single playthrough. It's miserable enough that I'd hate to see it even as an april fool's joke. Or at very least we'd need to allow players to disconnect without penalties or something.


I won't rest until we've turned Summoner's Rift into NURF mode.

10 May


Originally posted by ForgottenCrusader

Can u possible buff the attack range when she uses q? All other attack modifiers have increased attack range.

🤔 This sounds like a good idea - I'll ask the game designers!


Originally posted by ADeadMansName

110 units = 1 Teemo (his radius is 55)

Metric? Nah.
Imperial? Nope.
Teemos? Yes pls


Originally posted by HiItsMeGuy

Also IASIP reference in olafs ulti changes :D

I'm so glad someone found them! Couldn't fit in the entire scene unfortunately


Originally posted by OtterNL

So they decided to not give Olaf the armor shred on Q? or did they forget to add it?

Hey there! We're updating the notes now but I'll drop the armor shred update/numbers here as the update gets pushed to the live notes

[NEW] BEATDOWN CITY. POPULATION: YOU :: Q - Undertow now shreds 20/22.5/25/27.5/30% armor for 4 seconds upon hitting an enemy champion. (Note: Subsequent axes will refresh the debuff duration.)

Edit: Forgot to say thank you–thank you!