League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

06 May


Originally posted by Elden_Bonk

I'm more interested in knowing if anything is going to be done about bruisers building things like death's dance and maw and becoming unkillable gods with assassin tier damage that take a team-wide effort to be handled. Increasing the durability is good, but bruisers are already insanely tanky, should we expect them to be even tankier? Cause if that's the case then it's going to feel terrible. Are they gonna get a clear direction and be forced to make sacrifices like every other class in the game does, or are they still going to be able to just get everything they could possibly want with a couple items without any concession whatsoever? The goredrinker->death's dance->maw combo for example covers absolutely every possible area and is so stupidly overpowered it completely warps the game around. Even assassins who build just DD and maw suddenly become bruisers while still retaining their massive damage.

Another thing that I'm concerned about is that poking i...

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They will not do assassin levels of damage when the target they are killing is more durable. If items are still OP after the durability update we can nerf them. Poke is something we are watching as well.


Originally posted by Tormentula

Will Elise get compensated at all?

I like the changes overall but can’t help but acknowledge Elise is going to be missing several legs this patch.

  • void nerfed
  • MR increased
  • towers kill her laners faster when diving
  • less healing
  • more enemy HP
  • the changes don’t benefit her like other champs cause she can’t take extended duels and her DPS was hard gutted.
  • already struggling on live as a tower diving cheese pick with certain AD laners.

We will balance champions on a champion-by-champion basis.


Originally posted by SometimesIComplain

Do you anticipate that these changes will necessitate a ton of champion balance adjustments throughout the following patches?

Yup, loads.


Originally posted by iDobleC

Any reason why Dragons and Herald didn't receive changes like Baron did?

Really excited for the changes btw!

Dragon we could likely adjust too. Herald I believe just doesn't do enough damage to be threatening in most cases anyway.


Originally posted by viking_oden

What exactly is the point of this given that the champions that suffer from these changes will eventually be buffed to alleviate their new weaknesses?

For example, everyone knows assassins will be hit hardest by this and will eventually be buffed, and those buffs will most likely contain extra damage somewhere, circumventing the extra durability and bringing us back to where we started off.

So what is the point exactly? A meta shake-up?

That information is in the article. We want assassins to still be able to fulfill their fantasy so long as you play well. Currently on live, Zed kills squishies without landing anything very consistently, for example. Or talon builds tank. We want to remedy these issues but maintain that assassins are threats when itemizing correctly and playing well.


Originally posted by JungleEnjoyer

Have you thought about how this will affect under-tower CSing? Or will the increased turret damage only affect damage to champions?

Only champions, thanks for the question


Originally posted by masterz223

Are you guys going to be taking a look at Death's Dance as a result of these changes? Out of the list that was the one item I was expecting to see the most. Increasing durability and decreasing overall healing is great, but I feel like DD is just going to be even more oppressive than it already is right now. Maybe a decrease in its damage conversion by like 5%?

No planned changes but no items/systems are off the table for future adjustments.


Originally posted by Paralent

Less of a hot take/question and more of a general comment - please keep in mind the small number of (mostly older) burst champions who already have to use their whole kit in order to score a burst kill, which I agree is generally a healthy dynamic. Naturally I'm approaching this as a Fiddlesticks main, as Fiddle can aid in kills without his ult but isn't soloing anyone (beyond level 3) by walking up and using EQW on them.

Fiddle's also susceptible to being collateral damage here, as he still derives a huge ratio of his total damage from high base damage values (and thus, penetration) rather than AP ratio damage, when compared to most other mages. This means flat buffs to health and MR cut against his current state more directly than other mages, and are likely to render him even more reliant on penetration or pseudo-penetration (Void Staff, Shadowflame, % damage amp...). But I agree, it will take a bit of time to see how it all shakes out a...

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We can make adjustments on a champ-by-champ basis to ensure each individual champion can still fulfill their fantasy


Originally posted by Deadedge112

What will be done with champs that regen missing or max health? Seems like Garen will come out big on these changes. On the flip side, top laners with no built in sustain will feel very weak or Mana hungry.

I was on pantheon yesterday against a pretty bad Fiora (never ripostes effectively), and i couldn't touch her despite being up 2k gold, and levels. She had hullbreaker and bork. I had yomuus, DS, and DD. I feel like this change will only exacerbate that GSP between champs with and without innate sustain.

We will adjust on a champ-by-champ basis post-ship


Originally posted by Orageux101

Have you guys thought about where this puts tanks? Sustain increases make duellists even happier into tanks and the flat increases do less for tanks

Yes we have tested tanks and found them to still be very effective (if not more effective)


Originally posted by MCrossS

When you say you're going to reduce healing and shielding, do you mean those item changes or are we going to see individual value nerfs on skills?



Originally posted by AmuzaniEgak

Will there be adjustments to account for the resource divide between mana based and manaless and energy champions the number of abilities needed per fight rises?

This is an area we are watching closely, and will adjust if needed


Originally posted by Bluebirdsingsong

Hot take from a Kaisa and Vayne main. Kaisa will become trash tier unless you also buff her burst damage from level 1 since her range is so short that she can never take lots of little poke trades. You pair Kaisa with supports like Leona, Blitzcrank, Nautilus, Pyke. If Kaisa and her support land every key skill and don't get a kill she'll become worthless as a champion and by the way she usually gets her early kills by a single auto or hitting W for a passive proc.

Vayne on the other hand will become insanely broken given her interaction with the broken new version of Lethal Tempo. Silver bolts value is about to go through the roof since it's percent max health true damage.

Not adjusting both Kaisa and Vayne before this goes live is really stupid. I'll be OK I guess thanks to Vayne, but it's gonna be sad almost never playing Kaisa again.

I'm hoping data from the PBE will actually be considered and if players truly hate it this whole idea is scrapped BEF...

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You should allow your personal bias to take a back seat for a moment.

We intend to micropatch immediately based off data for any champion that is significantly outside of balanced bands. That means that Kai'Sa (or vayne) will not remain weak/strong for too long. Balancing off PBE where X champion main (who is 1/10,000,000 of our players and likely only in the US) is giving subjective feedback about how their character feels is extremely unlikely to be more effective than balancing for the entire playerbase. As noted in the article, there are so many champions/systems that we know are going to be imbalanced and we are committing to remedying any rough patches immediately.


Originally posted by gaom9706

I'm asking moreso for examples of what they want things to look like in the future. Like a hypothetical scenario and how it would play out in the present contrasted with how they want it to play out in the future.

Zed kills you because he lands 2-3 shurikens in his R combo, but does not kill you when he doesn't land any skillshots and just hits E+auto attack.


Originally posted by sanketower

My hot take is that it was better to reduce damage than to increase durability. Let's just hope, in the future, damage doesn't need a buff, otherwise we will be back at square one, but with more damage than before.

Still, I'm excited for the changes.

In theory yes, but that is easier said than done.


Originally posted by Ryuumoku

How riven is allowed to be so broken for so long ???

That is not related to the durability update.


Originally posted by Rexsaur

Did u guys forget to nerf deaths dance aswell?

Its one of the most busted items right now that also heals a alot, and considering fighters will be even harder to burst down in a team fight this item should defenitely be getting nerfed.

Also i feel like some lethality or atleast dirk should also be getting nerfed, the amounts of damage they bring to rotations early game is too high (dirk itself basically eclipses every other early game component item in the game at its cost).

Deaths dance is an anti-burst item, which should make it comparably weaker in a world with less burst. We did not pre-nerf deaths dance (I think?) because we can just nerf it right after if it's a problem still. Predicting every item in the game and spending time adjusting them just to likely have to adjust again is not an effective strategy.


Originally posted by FirstPhrase1195

Will the -10% healing change be enough to counteract the grevious nerfs and survivibilty buffs that make healers stronger? Or will they be getting a larger nerf then -10%?

If we need to go harder/softer we will adjust. We took a general swing at as many champs as we could but didn't value exact precision on first attempt.


Originally posted by UNOvven

Whats the plan for balancing bruisers vs assassins, especially bruisers like Lee Sin that are doing assassin-level damage anyway? Now that it seems bursting is weaker, isnt the gap between the 2 just gonna increase more?

The intention is that bruisers will not have assassin-level burst in this world and should benefit from sustained combat, especially in skirmishes.


Originally posted by Hydrandis

Pets, esp Daisy and Tibbers should get a similar durability buff, as they are going to be in fights longer.
