League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

03 May


Originally posted by RiotRayYonggi

In the works for a while is correct and certainly has been high priority work for LoL Gameplay teams

Nope this is the first I've heard of this. Time for some late nights.


Originally posted by Wiil23_

12.10 is the damage reduction patch. I did NOT expect it to be this soon.

While it does make me excited, I hope they don't under deliver because they only had the average however many weeks of pre-PBE-deployment R&D to come up with stuff (i.e. treating it like your average patch/patch cycle). In a perfect world this has been in the works for a while, even if I know they might only reduce damage by like 5% or less, since the game being fast is how they want it to be.

In the works for a while is correct and certainly has been high priority work for LoL Gameplay teams

02 May


Not the hardest per se but that ivern mechanic where you press Q while auto-ing blastcone so you can use your P on both the wolves and blue buff near instantaneously is pretty sick.


Originally posted by bajungadustin

  • *Server:* NA
  • *Type of Bug:* TEXT
  • *Description:* ARAM "inner relic south" display text is using developer code
  • *Video / Screenshot:* https://i.imgur.com/OreY6zk.jpeg
  • *Steps to reproduce:* Mouse over or ctrl click Inner relic south
  • *Expected result:* Text = Allied Inner Relic
  • *Observed result:* Text = Respawn mTooltipRespawn": "Game_DynamicMenuText_[Timers]_Relic Respawn after taking the Relic
  • *Reproduction rate:* 100%
  • *System specs:* 2070 Super, i7 8700k, Windows 11

Ticketed and tracked :D Thanks!


Originally posted by KarateAngi

• Server: EUW

• Type of Bug: In Game Bug

• Description: Everfrost Active is visible in fog of war. Anywhere on the map.

• Video / Screenshot: Nope, sorry

• Steps to reproduce: Have an enemy with everforst

• Expected result: You see the everforst active

• System specs: Dont think they matter here

Thanks for the report! Ticketed and tracked :D


Originally posted by PaleHeart52

You can also report it in r/leaguepbe to see if it's a bug.

bugs like this are best put in the bug megathread once you determine its a bug!

  • 90% Evil Geniuses win MSI
  • 50% G2 finally takes a game off of EG in six tries
  • 10% Wild upset in the semi-finals

01 May


Originally posted by Zeddit_B

I thought the experiments Riot was doing with SUPER low damage numbers to see how it affected the game were really cool. How did these experiments lead to this gameplay decision?

Edit: I just read the tweet (of the comment) so I presume you'll talk more about this in an official post. Just curious if there's any details you could share now :)

I thought the experiments Riot was doing with SUPER low damage numbers

They told us that there was very likely a better version of the game worth pursuing, gave us an idea of what the specific values we're after were, and illuminated some of the areas we'd need to pay attention to in a real implementation. It was a very useful exercise.


Originally posted by AgnewsHeadlessClone

Just wondering, does this mean damage is being pulled universally? Or does the skill expression statement mean that champs like Lux, Nidalee, etc that are supposed to reward combos or long shots with high damage will still be oneshot type champs?

We're likely targeting champion base durability, plus a variety of systems that we know will need adjustment.

We're not doing much direct champion pre-balance, but a lot of the work we've put in over the last few months has been aimed at understanding our balance levers so that we'll be able to react to what we see. I do expect some rougher balance for a bit after changes go live though.

30 Apr


Originally posted by NocaNoha

What a time to be alive.. a link on reddit to a tweet that has a screenshot of a reddit comment

For everyone that would like to follow up through Riot comments

Can't remember.. but I think it was that Spideraxe30 does screenshots for Twitter mostly not to conflict with Reddit's policy of promoting posts/comments or similar [not sure] but generally.. he mostly meant them for twitter audience. So, people, just find that comment on reddit and link it up in the post for ease of reading here

I didn't know that subreddit existed and I don't know how to feel about it lol


Originally posted by -Yunan

On the topic of damage, I would love to hear your opinion on liandry's / demonic embrace? Particularly these items on supports. One of my good friends and duo queue partners two tricks brand and zyra support and in many of our games he does more damage than our mid laner.

I'm mainly hesitant about the items and their ability to do carry levels of damage with limited gold investment but I do have some concern about brand's ability to continue doing damage after dying too (and Liandry's Demonic plays into this aspect).

I would also love know if it seems like the general consensus within Riot is similar to yours overall (all of your opinions not just about liandry's).

There's a lot to unpack about mage supports but they're not a primary focus right now - if nothing else, Brand and Zyra topping team damage charts has been happening for a very long time and is really the only thing they bring to the table as supports, so it's not the cause for any recent damage creep.

Allowing players to pick damage oriented supports and get enough gold to really scale with them was a major part of the changes that ultimately solved support autofill problems and we'd be hesitant to go back on those; we'd prefer to tune durability around the reality that many teams swap a defensive character (support or tank) for a damage dealing one and balance the two approaches against each other.


Originally posted by Dazzi

Can I post this comment on twitter next?

Just make sure you sign someone up to screenshot your tweet


Originally posted by SunnyCoveredRain

The thing is some glass cannon champs need to be able to kill fast or they're useless, full damage champs like Kaisa (my favorite champ and old main before I quit ADC) needs to be able to quickly dive and kill the enemy backline. In exchange once her ult shield is gone she's made of paper, Kaisa needs to be able to assassinate back line in less than 2 seconds or the champ is worthless and she builds full glass cannon items to do that.

The issue is champs like Nocturne, Veigar, Kayn, Cassiopia, Vayne and others building literal tank items and still being able to one shot or one combo ADCs.

Champs able to one combo people should need to go full glass cannon and be made of paper so you have a proper risk vs reward ratio.

When I played Kaisa if I dove the enemy and failed to kill them I'm dead myself 95 out of 100 times.

TLDR Tanks Bruisers (they need more tankyness in exchange for less damage) Mages (why on earth are mage items so tank...

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The thing is some glass cannon champs need to be able to kill fast or they're useless

This was raised by several people as a response, so just to take a position on it: I completely agree.

Lux blasts you with Q-AA-E-R? Cool. Zed kills you with WRQE hitting double or triple Q? Cool. Zed on even gold kills you in one rotation with just his base kit? A lot less cool. Kha'Zix or Talon grabs bruiser items and burst kills an even gold ADC? Also a lot less cool.

There is definitely risk that burst champions get weaker, sustained combat champions (tanks, enchanters, ADCs, some mages, some fighters, etc) get stronger as the immediate aftermath of the changes - predicting the immediate balance in detail is basically impossible. With that in mind, a lot of the validation we've done has been aimed at making sure we have clear alignment on when burst kills are ok and also on what we'll do if certain classes are over- or underpowered. There'll b...

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Originally posted by NocaNoha

What a time to be alive.. a link on reddit to a tweet that has a screenshot of a reddit comment

For everyone that would like to follow up through Riot comments

Can't remember.. but I think it was that Spideraxe30 does screenshots for Twitter mostly not to conflict with Reddit's policy of promoting posts/comments or similar [not sure] but generally.. he mostly meant them for twitter audience. So, people, just find that comment on reddit and link it up in the post for ease of reading here

If I comment on this thread, does that take us full circle?


Hey, just wanna say that stuff like this feels great to see as a dev.

As much as we'd like to, it's hard to satisfy everyone, especially with a rework this large. So even though we're ready for the inevitable feedback (trust me we feel just as sad when we don't deliver), moments like these really make our day.

Thanks for trying out Swain!