League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

19 Apr


Can’t wait for Jhingle (Jhungle?) to hit 44.44% winrate


I was testing this, decided to buff something else tho

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by SpiritMountain

Do you collaborate with the LoR team? Their design and story & world building is phenomenal. They released Udyr and I am wondering if there was coordination between the two. I think they also depicted ASol perfectly. Other than balancing issues, when he enters the battlefield he completely feels dominating. He has the presence he deserves and his followers also depict his essence.

Yes we did actually! Since we knew LoL Udyr would come after LoR we coordinated to make the stories connect and progress his lore. Basically the Udyr in LoR is shortly after he got back from Ionia so it's like in-between Spirit Guard Udyr and LoL Udyr VGU. Then the Udyr VGU we are working on is after he went into the wilderness to train for a few years and now is more rugged and shed more of his Ionian stuff


Originally posted by RiotAugust

You better aVOID the new jungler if they're on the enemy team.

Get it? aVOID? (cause they're OP)

I see what you did there

18 Apr

Originally posted by Ayo_The_Pizza_Here69

tries to promise balance



Originally posted by Konradleijon

what other MOBAs did you work on?

SotIS/Aeon of Storms (not Aeon of Strife) and Rise of Amon in SC2 arcade

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by GetrektMalphy

Can you reveal if the botlaner its an adc or a support? i still have the Senna traumas (im an adc main)

Its a damage carry

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by queasybakebitch

hi u/Reav3! i was just wondering if "A Whole New World" was inspired by SOPHIE at all! its the first thing i thought when i saw it lol

It was a Aladdin Reference actually


Originally posted by Coldhimmel

I bet she will be a super hot and attractive humanoid. The void is full of monsters but i'm sure they will find a way to excuse it anyway

I don't know who or what this Empress is, but I already want her to step on me.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TreeKeeper15

Hey Reav3 could you maybe confirm what you said last year about Riot making a shift away from only human champs? And maybe say if there will still be a creature this year and humanoid(s)?

Yes, we still plan on doing less pure humans going forward. We will still make humans, of course, but just less then before where we were mainly only making humans

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Will Spirit Guard Udyr get a new splash art?


    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Whackedjob

Who would you say is the closest to fulfilling that fantasy now? As an ARAM only player I find Ornn to be super difficult to play with a decent amount of room for outplays (that recent clip of Ornn using R2 to dodge Yone ult comes to mind).

Probably Ornn, yeah. Most of our tanks or low skill/complexity, with Ornn being more like a Medium Skill/Complexity Champ

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by L_Rayquaza

So what I'm getting is it will be a full gameplay rework with animation updates to align with the new abilities, but that's the closest thing to any physical change and he will still be our little sarcastic space puppy

Correct, his VO isn't changing

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ThySlayage

Can you tell us a bit about the differences of the original teaser image for the non-trad botlaner vs the setting we got this time around?

Did thematics/plans perhaps shift or are both the teasers relevant to each other?

I’m only asking this because the original image doesn’t necessarily carry any bilgewater thematics in it!

Well I did say the Champion isn't originally from Bilge, they just live their now. Both are still relevant


Originally posted by TheTruexy

I'm asking for more nerfs after this post.


Originally posted by RiotAugust

You better aVOID the new jungler if they're on the enemy team.

Get it? aVOID? (cause they're OP)

dont worry about august, peeps. As a veteran with 10 of the 200 years of moba design over three different mobas, who is the balance consult on the new jangler (previously yuumi yone and gwen), I promise they will be perfectly balanced


Originally posted by Raknorak

Took me a few moments to realize you didn't type smail
