League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

15 Apr


Originally posted by AttentionFun6779

I think it is best to weaken the armor of Q, 25-35, change it to 15-30, the basic shield of W should still be weakened, but delete the 30% remaining HP cap, which is very reasonable, because Olaf It's not the damage that's missing, it's the toughness.

Right now the internal perception is I don't need further nerfs (big caveat we are still actively testing for balance on him, so that could change quite quickly), but the amount of armor shred on Q is very high on my list of things I'd nerf next if he does need more, for what it's worth.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

After testing on PBE and comparing it to live, it definitely does feel more consistent vs monsters (on live it appears to only sometimes~ ghost), would it be possible to add it minions and champs however, or would that be a bit too abusive in lane?

Its abusive in a really low key way. We don't generally want to ghost champions in PvP situations when we can help it, or at least if we do, it's a lot of hidden/unappreciable power and we have to balance accordingly.


Originally posted by Bougeek

I think the best way to create innovation in proplay (but drafting will become extremly hard early on) is to remove champions in a BO that were picked before the 2nd ban phase. Obviously not after because it is where we will see specific champions most of the time because counter pick, not flexible or very specific team comp that is a result of the whole draft before.

Obivously it will not change soloQ or BO1 draft but the second case can be solve if you know what i mean

These kinds of changes are super exciting for me, could do all bans are permanent or whatever too.

Complexity of draft is very dangerous and something that we'd have to be very careful of. (If draft is super fiddly and complex the pro game gets really hard to understand for most ppl, etc)


This is a space we've thought about a fair bit on our end, what's the best way to incentivize/assist pros in innovating?

Maybe it's figuring out a way to give potent tools for practice, maybe it's draft format changes, maybe it's changing the pace of pro-focused balance changes, could be a ton of other things. I don't think the solve is easy nor is there likely any single solution that solves it, but I'd love if this conversation was kept alive. Pro play is at its coolest when there are constant new champions and constant evolution.

I do think the costs to innovate are decently high right now, and rewards for innovating can be kinda low. Regular season means the temporary advantage you get washes out after a few games and bans means the actual advantage you would gain turns into one free ban for your team. I would expect middle of the pack teams in regular season games to innovate though, you shouldn't expect to win by playing the same meta against a team that's mo...

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Originally posted by Meriipu

How can I tell whether a bug has a ticket?

I have reported a bug with Lulu Q indicator breaking on death (100% reproducible, just die and try to cast with indicator) multiple times but I am not sure if it has been registered yet (just at a low priority).

Well I'll look into it and assuming its real you now know it has a ticket :)


Originally posted by yeeyeeAssMidlaner

Ezreal Q can now crit

We tried a version of this when we were doing the item update. If his Q "Crit" then it fired a 2nd, identical projectile at almost the exact same time. Unfortunately it didn't really work and wasn't very fun.


Originally posted by Sp00ky_Senpai

Thank you so much!

In case it helps, Elise had a bunch of rappel bugs in 12.5 that showed up in bug fixes on that patch, and this bug is separate from those - it existed before, it temporarily went away as a consequence of the other rappel bugs, and it exists again now. I don't have an exact date, but my best guess is that this bug was introduced sometime around the beginning of the year.

Sound about right. If you want you can go through all the other bugs here and that might help get eyes (8 to be exact) on them


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Live, wasn’t aware you tweaked in on PBE. Would you have the details on that since it isn’t in the main post

"Should feel better" is about as far as it goes. It's a bit of black magic stuff.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

I just saw that you added some nerfs to him, outside of his current balance, could I ask for your thoughts on adding some more ghosting to Olaf since its a bit annoying to get minion blocked trying to pick up his axes, iirc he's only ghosted vs monsters

Is this feedback based on your PBE experience or based on live? I did tweak it actually.

14 Apr


Originally posted by Sp00ky_Senpai

Elise - any skin and any game mode. This has been in the game for months.

Self-casting rappel while an enemy target's (any target, including plants) character model overlaps with Elise causes her to descend from rappel instantly.

Server: NA

Type of bug: In game

Description: self-casted rappel will descend instantly.

Steps to reproduce: place a target dummy directly underneath Elise and self-cast rappel with alt+E.

Expected result: Elise will rappel for up to 2 seconds, with the option to descend early.

Observed result: Elise descends instantly.

Reproduction rate: 10/10. Can be done on every attempt.

Alright we have this made as a bug ticket and will be looking to fix this soon. Elise mains rejoice.


Originally posted by Burpmeister

You can poggy or you can woggy but surely you can't just poggy woggy from one pun?

Oh the exchange rate is like 3.3 poggy woggies per pun.

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Originally posted by Magnaha23

Thank you for taking the time to respond! I do agree that the client is in a much better state now. I just thought it was weird that the updates just kind of disappeared out of nowhere. It is good to hear you all are still working on it behind the scenes!

Is there any thoughts on the custom lobby issues? I am in a few smaller competive leagues and it seems like the lobbies break a good deal of the time for multiple people. This can be anything from lobby chant disappearing to some players not showing champ select has started and they are still in the lobby.

Again, thank you for responding!

Custom lobbies are owned by another team here. I know they are pretty busy with some upcoming launches but will check to see if they are planning on addressing anything in this space


Originally posted by Hammershank

He did during the Fly vs EG series... Josedeodo got out of a risky situation was Volibear, and Captain Flowers cast it as him "bear-ly getting out"

Exactly. So I get one back.

13 Apr


This is a known problem that should be fixed in 12.8!


Picking for team comp or physical/magic damage split is way overrated outside of pro play, pick champs you're good at.

Mages are almost always better than ADCs to have in your bot carry role.


Originally posted by Turbulent_Diver8330

Yo, a comment from THE Phreak. I just Parks and Rec pogged

Poggy woggy!