League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

23 Apr


Originally posted by MaridKing

Appreciate the reply. I'm no statistician, but I and I think most people would read your comment as, "If you list all individual champion matchups and sort by winrate delta the ones at the top would be ~5%.".

If you're telling me that of Sylas' 8-10% delta only 5% can be explained solely by the matchup, I guess I can believe that.

No I’m just taking 5% as a reasonable measurement of a hard counter. Sylas malphite is the hardest counter in the game. If the single highest matchup delta is 8%, then just saying anything north of 5 is a hard counter holds water in my book.

That’s what I’m saying. The average actual hard counter that’s worth considering crippling a comp for is one that provides +5% win rate. The question is then how much is hurts your overall comp.


Originally posted by MaridKing


Illaoi vs trundle 59.9% winrate, gnar vs illaoi 43.4% winrate


Jayce vs Malphite, 43.5% winrate, Vayne vs Malphite, 41.09%


Anivia vs Vlad, 57% winrate


Corki vs Akshan, 61.7% winrate


Lucian vs TF, 42.9% winrate


Alistar vs Pantheon, 57.8% winrate

Like this is so f**king easy

Hey, so you’re doing this wrong. Champions have arbitrarily high resting win rates so just taking the resulting win rate doesn’t say much. Illaoi vs trundle is “illaoi is strong” and “illaoi is good vs. trundle” until you separate those two you don’t have anything to say yet.

Some matchups are north of 5%. Sylas malphite is +8-10. But in general a hard counter is roughly 5%. Then there are a bunch of roughly flat ones that pros call “counters” that aren’t.

22 Apr


Originally posted by Nightlapse

What if there is a blind GP? Doesn't Lucian hard counter that lane?

I think Lucian in a solo lane is a defensible option. But the winrate delta of an extreme counter-pick is like 5%. The winrate delta of picking no engage is much higher than that.

So, sorry, you’ve inted if you’ve gotten the draft to that point.


Obviously the context here is without an engage somewhere else in the comp and I stand behind that.

Thank you Pira for the interview! It was fun!


Shoutout to Ahrisoo and everyone on my team (and so many more) for helping out with writing this one! Was a fun time :D

21 Apr


Originally posted by guaranic

Lol, do you really only reply on the degen threads?

pot calling the kettle black :P I also reply on threads about payment issues, if I see them. But those tend to get fewer upvotes compared to degen threads, so here I am.


Originally posted by KurtMage

I know this isn't what you meant, and I hate to be the one to say it, but in the context of "Evelyn can change form to seduce her target" you did just say "adult version of a character, or better yet, child version of that same character."

Totally agree with the part about loving Arcane though!

The Zoe flair isn't helping their case either...

But +1, I'm hopping on this heckn love Arcane train too! :)


Hello, designer for the tank here.

I understand the concerns here; high skill generally translates to high agency (semi pro-skewed), and tanks in general tend to be pro skewed as well. One thing I want to clear up is that 'high skill' isn't really a mechanic that has too much game impact. Its more a consideration of audience. The current roster of tanks tend to have fairly easy to figure out patterns and approach fights in similar ways. Our goal with this character is to create a tank who appeals to players who like deep mastery curves and characters who really test your ability to approach fights in clever ways. I don't believe we'd ever cut that aspect of the character, since that was the whole impetus for making them.

We have a couple things we're working on to mitigate the balance concerns. I don't want to get into specifics since we're still pretty far out and not everything is sorted yet, but generally we're looking at making sure they're more gold reliant th...

Read more

20 Apr

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Settfanboi4

Hey Reav3, sorry for asking but did something happened with the ahri asu or everything is going good in dev?

The Personalization team works on ASUs, and I don't comment on other teams work, which is why I didn't mention it in the roadmap


Originally posted by kandaowojiupa

surprised that people don't know it, but this bug has beem there for a long time: one of gp ult's upgrades which makes allies moves faster inside of it will cancel AA everytime a wave lands. It's been there for like more than 10 patches but rito never bothers to fix it because we don't see gp in proplay these days.

as gp: don't upgrade that one

as allies: run away from gp ult if he upgrades it

Great catch! I can confirm this happens and we have made a bug ticket for it and are looking to fix ASAP


Originally posted by The_Real_BenFranklin

I wasn't following esports specifically in 2017 but I heard Rekkles benched himself to wait out some meta

TBF he didn't bench himself because he didn't want to learn bruisers (8.11 was wild..), he benched himself because he couldn't get the hang of it and they had Bwipo around who could play them already.

The ironic thing was the reigning world champion, Ruler, and reigning MSI champion, Uzi, played exclusively marksmen at that point in time.

Yet Rekkles still claimed marksmen were non-viable. 🤷‍♂️


Originally posted by Tails365

  • Server: EUW
  • Type of Bug: In game bug
  • Description: Janna's Q base damage (the initial damage, without ramp up) does not factor in AP scalings. This could be a target dummy only bug.
  • Video / Screenshot: none
  • Expected result: Janna's Q deals damage equal to the predicted damage
  • Observed result: Janna's Q deals damage equal to the base amount of the ability
  • Reproduction rate: 100%
  • System specs: Irrelevant

Alright we are going down the rabbit hole on this one. Thanks for the report, we are looking into it.

19 Apr


Originally posted by RiotAugust

Can’t wait for Jhingle (Jhungle?) to hit 44.44% winrate

We were so concerned about whether or not we could, we didn't stop and consider whether or not we should.


Originally posted by Haiku0205

- **Server:** NA
- **Type of Bug:** In-Game Bug
- **Description:** After hitting blast cone into dragon pit, dragon is not in vision for a brief period of time
- **Video / Screenshot:** https://streamable.com/glhlfr
- **Steps to reproduce:**
- **Expected result:** Should see dragon immediately after blast coning in
- **Observed result:** Dragon not in vision for about a second
- **Reproduction rate:** didn't try, but I've never seen this before and I've played a lot

We are actually investigating this issue, it occurs with all jungle camps and generally happens when you dash into vision. No promise on a ship date but we want to look into this in the coming patches.


Originally posted by CrustyNippleFlakes

Side note: seriously love your tiktok content, I check it everyday :)

ty <3 I've been having fun making them. Gonna try to make more about design stuff in the future