League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

08 Apr


These guys have been an absolute pleasure to interview and make content for. They show such genuine dedication for each other and I hope everyone sees that in this video.

07 Apr


Jhin players who always have their camera focused a screen away


Originally posted by RoloSaurio

No problem and I'm very glad you liked it. Would you mind if I tag you again when I get around to make another sound mod?

Absolutely!! Please do, will give you a lengthy feedback next time around :D


Thanks for the post -- would it be possible to shoot over your logs to me in a DM? We're not able to reproduce this on our internal accounts, and recognize that this is potentially a bad blocker for players.


Originally posted by Epheremy

You're contradicting yourself.

Azir is played mainly by those who main the champion since his pickrate is abysmal, the average Yasuo player does not. And yet, Azir has storically had lower stats than Yasuo. So do many others. Interesting.

Pick rate does not imply mastery rate. Why have you assumed it does?


Originally posted by RoloSaurio

u/RiotKDan can I have some feedback pretty please?

Sorry for the late reply!! All I can say is:
I LOVE it. Great usage of assets from the game. I think I'm definitely hearing ENEMY CHASER in my sleep tonight.


Originally posted by jokekiller94

According to one riot engineer, people like us are the reason why they can’t work on the backend of the loot system lol.


06 Apr


Originally posted by Epheremy

That makes no sense.

He's been averaging 50% winrate across low to high elo despite the high playrate. Compare that to Azir, Syndra, Ryze and other pro play champions and tell me who's tuned down and who isn't.

Yasuo has fancy mechanics, but in the end he's another mobile champion with muscle memory combos that gets to autoattack you to death even when failing everything in 1v1; gets ridiculous virtual tankiness through itemization, sustain and passive reset with the additional power to make any projectile champion useless for seconds; gets ridiculous free engage because he can press R on any champion's fart. Many other champions require more micro and macro than him, includes those i mentioned above.

Stop with the Yasuo waking, you're not fooling many of us anymore. We know you guys can market him for millions of profit, but it's getting old.

If the average Azir player had as much experience as the average Yasuo player, Azir would have like a 53% solo queue win rate.


Whenever my group of friends play and lose a game, we often say, “Hey but we we’re winning right up until we lost tho.” Absolutely epic quote.


Originally posted by BlackKaiserDrake

Genuine question, how many times has Zeri been on the "Nerf" section since her release?


05 Apr


Originally posted by JabberwockyNZ

Whats the point of having Karthus Q doing 95% damage to camps just remove the damage penalty at that point its just silly.

Also those Jayce/Lee Sin nerfs are harsh, f**king 22 base armour lmao

It retains the lever should we need it in the future (also 5% damage on a spell like Karthus Q can be a big deal)


Originally posted by Bluebirdsingsong

Please explain how you plan to do that because he already has a crazy 57% WR bot lane and he's no fun to play against either. This seems like a situation where you do a buff nerf and buff his jungle while hard nerfing him in bot lane otherwise it's going to be a major issue.

The solution is fairly straightforward, you adjust the jungle damage mod for Q or E and his bot lane is almost not at all buffed while his jungle can be.


Originally posted by throawayjhu5251

Would you happen to have any insight as to why mages bot have such low pick rates, given that they're actually quite good?

Hard to say. Player preference is likely the culprit. The big example here is Seraphine, we designed her to be a mid laner, her strongest lane was and still is mid, but players clearly preferred her and player her in support instead. Sometimes players just really want to play a certain way or style and they aren't always the "optimal" way to play.


Originally posted by Ryuumoku

This patch is compétitive focused. So yeah, its understandable why galeforce and TWT are nerfed (less safety mean more actions > bloods).

Galeforce provides a lot of safety and contributes to a lot of why the meta dominant ADCs are picked in pro, and TWT is similarly a popular pick that provides a lot of anti-dive protection in pro.


Originally posted by throawayjhu5251

I'm very worried about Karthus bot lmao, it's already a decent pick.

A lot of mages are really good bot, this will be an entirely jungle-focused Karthus change however.


Originally posted by TitanOfShades

May I suggest considering a sheen legendary more geared towards fighters? That way their class, and possibly assassins too, could be separated from essence reaver, possibly making it easier to balance.

Not a bad idea. Would be a bit confusing with trinity and sunderer existing though. Lots of sheen options for one class.