It's a really good question and a complex one. I'll try to hit a part of it:
One thing we value is not being stagnant or chasing trends. Which, sure, is a great idea in theory but the difficult part comes when you consider how fast music moves and what that means in practice.
I think what we all value is taking whatever genre space we're working in and making sure we put our own spin on it; our own interpretation of the sound that's agnostic of a specific time and space. What makes K/DA work IMO is that it has 80s elements, it avoided an overly trap-based sound (I love trap btw), and sort of took a route that felt a bit like a classic/modern mix. Pentakill's latest album had the same mentality, in a more overt way I think.
In terms of picking genres, it's complicated and we're going through that process right now on plenty of fronts. But yeah, from what I've seen and experienced as a non-composer: I think the best answer to your question is "don't be dated, ...
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