League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Dec


FWIW the winrate difference for LT vs. Conqueror on Yasuo mid is 0.2%. For Yone mid it's a small but more meaningful 0.9%. Though in both cases, Fleet Footwork is +/- 0.1%, so we're pretty much just within variance and it's not like LT is completely warping these champions' power levels.

That said, the numbers shift more toward LT for top lane where auto attack trades are much freer but that's also the less popular role for both champions.


FWIW, the intent for Rocketbelt is that it's the single-target access item. It's meant to be the burstier "I'm going to get you" option. Its success on champion like Akali (who largely just get their one kill with E+R) speaks to this item doing reasonably well there. Obviously it also fits the "I just need target access at all" crowd, like Fiddlesticks, Singed, and Galio.

Night Harvester's goal is to be the long-duration teamfight reset item. It's why its damage is per-target and why its mythic passive is ability haste. It's meant to be the long-term one. As further evidence, Rocketbelt has a once-per-teamfight cooldown on its active and is never reliably going to hit more than one target. Thus I think flat pen would not make sense for Night Harvester's initial goal. If NH users are meant to eventually fight everyone, flat pen is not the stat for that. Haste does make more sense as an "I'll get to you eventually" piece.

Now that's not to say Night Harvester...

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Originally posted by raphelmadeira

Hey u/GalaxySmash how are you?

Could you please also send this Aram update to the team? It's related to the bonus, I've been talking about it since the beginning of the year but until today they haven't changed, I believe it didn't make it to the right team.



Merry X-mas! <3

Thank you and I will pass it along!


Originally posted by axolotl_the_idiot

Also don’t forget that he has 3 dashes, 2 cc abilities, shield and percent dmg based on enemies hp(if that wasn’t changed), straight up zed ultimate but with true dmg, his ult makes you stand still even if you unstoppable, decent early game good mid game and late game. I hope I haven’t missed anything

FWIW Zed ultimate is also the "same amount" of true damage.

Both abilities only pass through resistances once. In Zed's case, I believe it stores all the damage pre-mitigation, then passes it through armor for the pop, and for Yone's case it passes it though post-mitigation, and so it's already gone through armor/mr for the pop.

TBH just to make players feel better about it, all abilities should probably work Zed's way because of posts like this. I'm legit not flaming you. It's just not really that intuitive. But they're functionally identical except for generating posts like this.


Originally posted by RedditIsTooEasy

shieldbow followed by ldr and u have the best tank slayer at 2 items.

Imagine building LDR on Yasuo, though. Like I thought Yasuo players weren't very smart (trust me, I am one) but that's a whole new level of just giving up on rational thinking.


Originally posted by Naerlyn

No, this is specifically a Krakenslayer bug that isn't related to Pantheon.

Bring It Down stacks and triggers its effect on-hit instead of on-attack from basic attacks that do not utilize a projectile.

So, for instance, Pantheon's W treats it as being on-hit, and Viego's Q-passive treats it as being on-hit, when neither should, and that's why the incorrect number of stacks is granted in both cases.

Pantheon's W behaves normally and consistently as is, there's just an item that's bugged by itself, and that bug has nothing to do with Pantheon. And if anything, Pantheon's W works consistently for the bugged version of the item.

AFAIK Kraken Slayer's interaction here is intentional: it's meant to be functionally on-hit for melee champions and on-attack for ranged as a melee/ranged balancing lever.

16 Dec


Originally posted by Skywest96

Just wanted to say thanks a lot for the Diana Sessions. Diana is my favourite champion by far and I've been an OTP since season 5. I really loved the animation and the playlist. It was really great !

Thanks so much! She's awesome and it's great to explore her inner world/imagination.


Originally posted by BlackberryPlenty5414

Will we be seeing more Jorn Lande in upcoming works?

IMO Jorn is indelibly tied to Pentakill. I would love to see him continue as long as PK goes. Which is hopefully for a long while.


Originally posted by TheManondorf

How do you feel about reaction videos of other professionals to your work? Do you sometimes think they are overinterpretating?

I f*cking love them. There are plenty of creators out there who have a specific lane of expertise who I really think add a lot to the overall conversation and it's deeply appreciated. Especially the music producers in the community; I think it's all super valuable.

I worked on the Villain MV and one of my favorite things of the last few years was TB Skyen's HOUR-ASS-LONG breakdown of it. It felt so validating, and I know Trizz (the studio who made it with us) had a similar reaction.


Originally posted by International_War935

Thanks for answering!! Love you guys and your work !!

Right on, thanks so much! Appreciate the nuanced question.


Originally posted by Artemis_1944

No question here, just chiming in to say that Pentakill, a league of legends band, is one my top heavy metal bands period. It is absolutely insane to me that you guys have produced one of my all-time favorite bands. In fact, on my recent spotify 2021 recap, Pentakill was easily the most listened to band.

Lost Chapter is legitimately so great and I gained such a big appreciation for PK through it. I'll definitely pass the kind words along to the composers & musicians!


Originally posted by WuShanDroid

I love you guys, keep up the f**kin mindblowing work! Even when I don't play league for months at a time, every time a new song drops I ALWAYS listen to them. I admit I have cried bc of how moving some of these are, especially Enemy, that one still makes me cry to this day haha. I love you!!

Much love to you too! Seriously, that's what makes music so universal & cool and it's awesome our stuff hits home for you that way. Be well.


Originally posted by cateredsole6116

Any plans on releasing new metal bands? I love Pentakill but would be really interested in a more heavy band with some screaming.

Mutaris hears you, my child.


Originally posted by neiruuu

What was your favorite song from the Arcane soundtrack? Which artist was the most fun to work with?

Our Love. I just adore it.


Originally posted by zverkan69

How important is ear-training for you and do you have any recommendations for training your ear?

Personally, as a non-composer? God, just talking and hanging out with people smarter than you about music. It's really special to be able to talk with someone making a K/DA track (for example) about what it feels like viscerally to you, then digging into the guts of their process. Helps you articulate what you hear in better ways.

tl;dr, listen to a bunch of music, but talking to people who deal with music in different ways is key and has personally helped me understand a lot of nuances there. Bonus points if you know they're smarter than you about it, haha.


Originally posted by SubooPC

How does it feel to be the only team in riot liked by almost everyone in the community?

There's not a single thing we could do that doesn't also involve the help or creative collaboration with multiple teams at Riot tbh. As music we're a bit more insulated from, say, the actual games themselves - we're just more naturally detached from that specific part of things most of the time, so it's "easier" for us avoid some of the critique - but we all have the same values and share the same goals, and Riot really is a place where you can't do sh*t unless you have the coordination and support of people who work on different things than you do. Narrative, Audio (who helped provide voice acting talent for PK, for example), skins, etc. were all key for the last PK campaign, including a ton of other teams and individuals.

And hey, we're going to f*ck up -- that's a given! As music, I guarantee you we'll miss the mark occasionally given a long enough timeframe. That terrifies me, of course, but it's life. It'll probably make things better after we do. This isn't a post to ...

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Originally posted by ImAnjico

Hey guys!
Super late and super random, but what's this calm song that's playing on the background of the Thieram/Jinx scene in episode 6 of Arcane? I checked the Score but can't find it :(
Aside from that, I love you guys SO MUCH, thank you for everything you're all awesome <3

Thanks for the kind words! Believe it or not, that's actually an Alex Seaver/Mako track that he wrote for that scene. I don't know if we'd ever release that as a standalone track as it isn't really mixed as such, but works just fine in context when given the vintage vinyl treatment and room reverb in the scene.


Originally posted by Riot_pmo

Question to the folks here - what would you like to see from Riot Games Music in the future? Could be bands, genres, merch, experiences, whatever - let us know what's on your mind!

This is delicious feedback, keep it coming btw everyone


Originally posted by shioris

Do you guys play League of Legends or only focus on the music aspect of it? And if you do play, just out of curiosity, what's your average rank in soloqueue ?

I've been playing since season 3 and I'm still playing around 1-2 games a day unless things are busy. I barely play any ranked though - I usually play feast-or-famine top laners and I find the game to be most fun when going for the limit-testing all-ins rather than the more methodical, cautious approach I find myself taking in ranked.