League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

16 Dec

Originally posted by PanderPower

What are your guys' favorite non-riot video games?

Late reply, but I love Stardew Valley, Transistor, Pyre, and I'm currently working my way through Spiritfarer and Cozy Grove. I've also had a lot of fun playing through WoW Classic and Shadowlands in retail (team The Ascended!). I also play Beatsaber at least a few times a week!


Originally posted by PanderPower

What are your guys' favorite non-riot video games?

How could I forget Rocket League.

I play way too much Rocket League.

Originally posted by YoungDumbBrokeJS

You guys are f**king legends

The true legends are the folks in this community still rocking with us. It's something we treasure, and I hope we continue to make music you want to keep listening to.

Originally posted by AmityAfflicted

If you could pick one other current game studio that you think is absolutely crushing it in the music department who are they and what draws you to their work?

Supergiant Games! Darren Korb's work is incredible.

Edit: hit enter too fast! I'm particularly fond of Transistor and Pyre, and both soundtracks fit each emotion in those games perfectly.

Originally posted by Thirdeyewanderer

You guys f**king rock.

YOU rock!

Originally posted by pielova372

I'm sure there's a lot you all can't disclose right now about current projects- so definitely just answer what you can.

Do you all currently have plans on any future league Groups? (Like PK, TD, and KDA)

Is your usually your decision or the narrative team's choice on what champion's become part of the group? (Though I'm sure it's likely more of a collaborative decision, was curious who had the penultimate decision)

What does your involvement for music videos look like? Do you all provide a story board per se and do the editing, or is most of that outsourced?

How many projects do you all usually work on at the same time?

Thank you all so much for all your hard work. It's always been hard for me to even explain to friends who don't know league what art you all created, but now I've been able to by forcing them to watch Arcane.

I'm excited see how much you all grow over the years.

Stay awesome.

I can only answer the last question! It depends on the time of the year, but I typically work on 3-5 projects at one time. I can have varying responsibilities for each, so some may not take up a lot of my bandwidth per week.

edit: forgot a word!

Originally posted by ScottThompsonc107

Not a question, I just appreciate you.

We appreciate you!

Originally posted by SirGallahadOfHearts

Guys you probably won’t see this but I love the sessions so much I’ve probably listened to vi about 30 times, great work :)

Just wanted to say that we do see this and appreciate you for listening! What's your fav Vi track?

Originally posted by crouchspammer

f**k man, ur sessions playlist is the only thing keeping me focused during my exams lol

Thank you for listening! I hope Sessions helps you crush those exams!

Originally posted by Dowas

The whole Arcane OST is so unbelievably fantastic!

Thank you so much - it was a labor of love and I'm so glad that folks are enjoying it!

Originally posted by LdbZanaty

You guys by far the best and most consistent department in Riot. Everything you touch turns to gold. I bought Project Jhin only because I love its music nothing else. My friends -even non gamers who listen to your music- and I appreciate your hardwork very much <3

I'm touched to hear that you and your friends enjoy our music. Thank you and we appreciate you!

Originally posted by izeris_

Would you rather have unlimited bacon, but no more games

Or games, unlimited games- but no games

More games forever

Originally posted by shioris

Do you guys play League of Legends or only focus on the music aspect of it? And if you do play, just out of curiosity, what's your average rank in soloqueue ?

I play extremely poorly despite playing for 8+ years! I really love playing ARAMs though, and enjoy a good TFT game with the music squad (somebody needs to be 8th and I'm fine being this!)

Originally posted by AtlanKeys

that’s a lot of awesome people in one Reddit post = )

ATLAN! YOU ARE JUST AS AMAZING! Pentakill's legendary keys!

We had a ton of fun today (and are still having fun replying!)


Originally posted by Wall_Stair

How many of you are fans of imagine dragons?

Even looking back, "Radioactive" was an early-2010s essential for me. They're legit huge League fans and really cool people/collaborators. ID have contributed to the scene in a lot of ways and are always a fun band to follow.

Originally posted by Luccinett

Not a question, but I truly love your work, both music and art team are out of this world, and I swear you guys never disappoint me. Absolutely incredible.

Thank you for being a fan! We strive to bring our A game with every track we create, and words like these help validate that hard work. I hope we continue to not disappoint you!

Originally posted by commissionermiao

Oh no! I am late to the party! Okay one question to stir the pot: KDA - which one is your favorite member?

Another one: How will you outdo the Akali rap?

Another one: Can we please please get a sing-off/dance battle between TD x KDA?

Fav is so hard to choose, but I have to go with Akali!

Man, I'd love to see a dance battle! I'm still failing to learn the dance for POP/STARS.

Originally posted by zzlgaming1

What do you do?

Good question!

I help run our music production side. I work with the composers to make production plans (how we plan on tackling making music for that particular project along with milestones/dates to make meaningful progress), manage the budgets and stakeholders, unblock issues so that everybody can work without issues. Depending on the project, I will also work with other production folks across different Riot teams to make sure I understand what needs they may have for the music.

Originally posted by PassionateRants

Any Japanese Punk bands to check out? I'm always looking for underrated Japanese artists. そこに鳴る are mind-blowing!