League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

15 Dec


Originally posted by DevastatorDerekK

I'm good at Vis charge Q but I struggle with Pykes I even time the waves and use it out if stealth, I also can't do the hook E combo to stun and I miss ult a lot. I actually used to play him a bit when he came out but if I have one traumatic game I'll stop but I wanted to try again since my teammates only ever wanna play adcs or APs, I like to bring utility or tankiness

There's no secret to landing skillshots. Just gotta practice!


Originally posted by gigZ2g

To counter that: he has not seen my pyke. I usually go 6/14.

I am both of these Pykes


He's not that strong on ARAM because of how frequent there are minion waves and how many people there are, in that regard, other hook supports are stronger. Pyke's only super strong if he can actually execute people or use his E, both of which become tricky when he's always around 5 people.

What are you struggling with in particular?


Originally posted by DiusFidius

I'm honestly surprised that this wasn't already on the radar. ARAM has been around for many years, and this is an annoyance every ARAM player will experience, and the solution is pretty obvious and straight forward. I know it's not a big deal, but beyond that is there some reason it never got brought up before?

Game dev is a long and complex process, especially when our game is updated extremely often. 2 weeks may sound like a lot, but it needs to run though various teams like QA, Localization, etc before we can even consider shipping it to players. Because of that our structure needs to be very, very rigid. We have to plan all of our products fairly far in advance in order to not only maintain our normal patch cadence and update cycle, but also implement new products (like new champions, reworks, item updates, etc). The reality is these types of changes need to be discussed and we need to make sure they are right for the game because we proceed, because no matter how small a change might seem or how much of an easy win it appears to be, we can't just ship it willy nilly. Even just having these discussions is a certain time cost, and so its never just as easy as thinking up a change that seems popular and proceeding with it.

14 Dec


Originally posted by F0RGERY

What is the "Ally regen" in reference to for Pyke? Do they mean the %hp stored when around enemies?

"Pyke stores 10% (+ 0.25% per 1 Lethality) of the post-mitigation damage he takes from enemy champions as grey health on his health bar, increased to 35% (+ 0.5% per 1 Lethality) if there are two or more visible enemy champions nearby" straight from the wiki


Interesting idea and as others have said this is already implemented in Wild Rift. We have passed it along!


Originally posted by duckdimmadone

Its useless on most champs, but the champs that can use it use it very well, I'm guessing this nerf is mostly because of karthus

It's not even Karthus's best keystone.


Originally posted by Abd5555

Please let the kai'sa buffs be hybrid build buffs


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Originally posted by PeanutPotPlant

Sorry, do you mean the champion roadmap will be coming this week or the ruination retro blog?

The Ruination retro

13 Dec


Hey all, I wanted to say that we really appreciate the discussion around Firelight Ekko's lack of SFX. We completely agree that SFX are a standard and expected part of an Epic (1350) skin, and leaving them out was an unfortunate mistake on our part due to a miscommunication internally. While we do everything we can to avoid delaying content, we're going to hold off from shipping this skin for a few patches to work on adding new SFX. This also means the skin will come off of PBE for now.

We are also going to take advantage of the extra time to address some of the other feedback we’ve seen on PBE including a unique homeguard. Homeguard animations are a feature that we have included on a very limited set of Epic skins when we feel it meaningfully helps sell the fantasy in a way that we couldn't otherwise. I want to reinforce that this level of scope is not something we can add during a regular PBE cycle or to every Epic skin due to time constraints, but we're also in an unusua...

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SMH ADC is so weak.


Originally posted by Skwiw

Great to hear (pun half intended).
Judging from the Skin Spothlight video, the mini Gnar Q On Hit is also quite loudish. I see you have done an analysis of the sfx's volume, so I trust you deemed it not out of line. Maybe the linked video exaggerates the effect. It may also be the case that the sound is more harsh than the kinda mellow base sound and for this reason I perceive it differently.

Yup! Q hit is also loud + a bit more harsh, it should sound a lot more soother to listen to now.

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Originally posted by TreeKeeper15

Is the plan still to release it before the end of the year? As far as I know Riot is on break from this point onwards and I wasn't really expecting anything else to come out but I would be happy to be wrong.

Yes, it will be out this week


Originally posted by Hellioning

Fiora or Camille, maybe. I don't think Pantheon wants that much attack speed.

Oh I thought we were talking about Maw. Yeah, nah Wit's doesn't fit the more caster-focused ones.


Originally posted by Nibz11

It's only compelling if the items that can be damage and durability at the same time do less damage than just damage items and have less durability than items that are just durability.

Sure, of course. OP items break the principles of choice.


Welcome to League! If you can find 4 other people that love the game the way you do, playing as 5 in League is one of the best experiences you can have, in any game ever. (I swear I’m not biased.)

My best advice is to just enjoy the game for what it is that you love about it and not try to rush anything because someone else tells you to. The game is beautiful for all types of players no matter where they live, who they are, or how they like to play.

I’m excited for your journey. It will surely be a long and sensational one.