Read moreIt's not necessarily the case that raw stats have gone up, but more that everyone has a bunch of hidden damage and squishier now.
Let's compare Lux in the last clip to season 7 for reference. Since season 7, duo lane xp has been nerfed twice, which means Ashe would probably have been one level higher at that point. The difference between level 14 and level 15 is about 100hp.
On top of that, runes reforged meant that you no longer have 9 armor + 12 magic resist per game. Accounting for the mr/lvl compensation buff, Ashe would have had (12 - 0.5 * 14 = 5) more magic resist at level 14.
At 3 items, Lux would most likely have had Morello, Ludens and Deathcap, compared to the Ludens, Horizon, and Deathcap she had in this game (I'm ignoring the void staff component for simplification, but it just makes the problem worse). ...
Thanks for doing this. There are a few other consideration to give, though, which include Lux's flat MPen Marks and AP Quints from 2017.
But yeah, this probably does line up with mages being more lethal than before.