League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

19 Oct


Originally posted by pyromanniacc

Speaking of it i wonder how it work? Once you execute with R your CD reduced as the moment you cast it or after it reset?

Ults that have a duration (Pyke/Wukong/Riven) will still refund at the end of your cast. So if you kill 4 people with your R on Pyke and your ult duration ends.......you'll have your ult again!


Originally posted by vooffle

If these items don't make AP bruisers a thing, I'm not sure what will. That said, I'll have fun breaking the game with these...

We did a lot of work here trying to give Tanks and AP Bruisers options. Hopefully the problem now is more of "which of these many choices can I opt-into" rather than, "I guess I'll pick the 2 options that have any HP and kinda work on me"


Originally posted by PureImplosion

No problem, I made a couple of them!



The translation fix will be applied with the next update of the Riot Games Client. I don't know when this will be, I'm guessing soontm . Thanks for highlighting this

18 Oct


Originally posted by TSM_0-6

Elyoya in particular playing out of his mind in the second half of that game

he better does after hard inting in the first half

MAD is truly the successor to G2 :')


Originally posted by mariusAleks

inb4 Damwon gets 3-0'd

Damwon gets 3-2ed by C9, C9 gets eliminated by MAD and then MAD lose 3-0 to an LPL team in the finals as is tradtition


I'm so proud of them. Elyoya in particular playing out of his mind in the second half of that game. EU rookies man


Originally posted by PureImplosion

No problem, I made a couple of them!



Thanks :)

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Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Who's that champion that started near 2.6 - 2.7? Yasuo?

Also I'm curious if the recent Taliyah mid changes affected her breath or depth at all recently?



Originally posted by PureImplosion

Honestly didn't expect an official response, so thank you!

Hey. Can you grab a screen shot of the client ? The team who I was talking to about this say the translation should be "Tutti i giochi" as you say is correct. This would really help, thanks.