LCS cloud drakes™️
LCS cloud drakes™️
Feels bad for Fnatic... was really rooting for them in the end there.
Also, wow /u/PhreakRiot with one of the best puns/lines yet
"Morgan is not a serial killer he is serial killed! Not getting Dexter out of this Morgan."
Might have misquoted but thought that was great
Thanks! I was pretty proud of that one :)
Awesome!! Do you know why observers sucked last worlds? Even with the small delay, they didn't do a great job.
No idea honestly! Usually eu and na observers work together on these big events for the english feed at least, but neither of us did last year :D
nV lira was cracked
Dude got mvp on a 10th place team lmao. Unheard of.
Dude, I didn’t see your riot flair, though you were just some random reddit guy
Thanks for the info :)
Well, technically I am just some random human xD
yo phreak how exciting is this October though? Godly POE league and worlds?
Shaping up to be a pretty good month. Only downside is I decayed out of Diamond in solo queue. Gotta play some decay games on 150 ping to keep D2 in Flex.
And god is it satisfying. When do the posts start flooding in criticizing and nitpicking every single aspect of the entire region's infrastructure, culture, and playerbase?
Ping diff
Wait, is this true? Because according to other users seems right, but it may be confirmation bias
Yep, it's true. That is how it is coded.
NA is the new EU, except instead of f**king up LCK to help LPL win Worlds, they f**k up LPL to help LCK win Worlds.
Anyway NA 2nd best region, when do we start the discussion about demoting EU to wildcard tier?
The top half of your post is pretty much exactly what's happening.
However, it's also LCS is beating LEC to help LCK win Worlds. We're taking down BOTH of Korea's kryptonites.
The universe was too thrown off by the events of yesterday that we needed some normalcy.
- NA team ending groups 3-3 and not getting out ☑
- NA team only sowing up after it doesn't matter ☑
- T1 ending 1st over EDG in groups ☑
- EDG losing a random game to miss out on a first place finish ☑
Had to keep some parts of the script consistent, otherwise Worlds wouldn't be believable this year.
Nah, they've learned not to do live observing, there's a small delay to adjust to plays.
I noticed in a previous game, the observers randomly focused a ward, and suddenly a teleport came through, they knew and have a team telling them where to point the camera.
It's the same delay it's been for years, though :/ Aka as close to live as possible but without being live or you'd experience stutters!
So how do replays work? Do you just rewind one of the screens and then flip to that one or something?
Correct, observer 2 just uses the timeline to go back to the play and then we swap to his screen.
So you have one screen on directed camera and then one you control on another screen 3 seconds behind? Do you also have the casters audio so you can do things like stats or gold?
Yes that's how i do :D I don't have casters on for Worlds since our feed goes out to every single region, so i'm staying neutral to all casters! I just try to flash the gold instead on a regular interval.
In LEC however, i love catering to everything the casters want to talk about :)
I'm just repeating what someone who helped observe for some mi or league for riot - good to know it's only 3 seconds!
Also incredible what you can do with only 3 seconds of heads up
It's funny because you're not the first one to say it, I've seen multiple mentions of it! :D
I'm also using the direct camera mode on a second screen to show me what happens instead of having someone tell me what to do :) (It's easier for my personal focus if i don't have to rely on someone else making calls)
They have 2 observers and the one we see is about 1 minute behind. When something cool happens observer 1 tells observer 2 what time be ready for
I like how my 3 seconds delay became a 1-minute delay according to people PepeSad
Congrats! Enjoy your well deserved victorious skin :)
Are you working for worlds?
Yeah, I'll be back tomorrow :)
AS a EU fan its not worth watching anymore. Pretty sure EU teams will not make it out of Groups. All our best players went to NA..
Don't give up, if yesterday proved anything, it's that comebacks happen.
Bellissimoh! I've missed your comments!
Had a baby earlier this year. Back in the saddle though. :)