League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

12 Oct


Originally posted by Thothowaffle

Thank you for the comment. I personally feel that she is struggling right now because glitches she has with her passive limits her abilities to make plays and builds. Any item with a visual inducator on it like GA or Banshees veil will show through her diguise. Like wise her passive also breaks if she copies Gnar, Kayle since she doesn't copy their auto ranges.

Yeah there's some unfortunate bugs I've been trying to squish on her. I killed that bug where if she had Alternator and took damage in W her clone instadied at least lol


Originally posted by FlyingLotus_Beats

This man really just suggested QSS for a ~4 second ability.. Lord have mercy.

When I'm Tryndamere and Teemo dies in 3 autoattacks QSS can be pretty good for me


Originally posted by OneTwoTrickFour

If you want to fulfill the fantasy of the "swift" scout you should maybe instead change the w to be more than a hamster wheel powering a wheelchair

But jokes off that's a somewhat reasonable response, but why do you have to power through three big changes at the same time x) A slight buff to Q is okay because it can be slightly underwhelming but that's just too much maaan

Generally we like to bundle changes that are all in the same space to make sure we're actually hitting the goal.

Ending up buffing teemo 3 times in a row with what looks like small meme buffs to Q imo is a worse experience and is worse for our understanding of how changing his Q into this new shape affects the char


Originally posted by FrostWareYT

Honestly, I think it’d be neat if you looked into shifting Teemo to the jungle role more.

I believe he's actually decent in the jungle, not good but playable


Originally posted by OneTwoTrickFour

The fact that you just read my comment and are not concerned is concerning to me

Frankly there are a lot of tenacity choices in the system and QSS. Those are more valuable against teemo now. Also pretty much every character has pretty substantial dps from non-aa abilities.

Teemo should be quite powerful against autoattackers as the only true blind in the game and when the spell is limp and doesn't counter them too well then it's hardly filling its niche.

This is all to say it still might be too powerful and we'll nerf or adjust as needed, but we shouldn't not make changes that help characters fulfill their fantasies and their niches.


Originally posted by moody_P

hey can i ask how stride/gore cooldowns work with item haste? since they scale off of your champion's haste too, would the total haste just get added together for these two items?

I think it double dips


Originally posted by Exmerus

You have just been gigatrolled, sir. πŸ˜‚

This question gets asked enough in a serious way that I want to answer it straightfaced for whoever might be curious


Originally posted by OneTwoTrickFour

Alan234 Challenger Teemo EUW OTP here - If this goes through Teemo is absurdly broken. I'm down to discuss more here, also writing/complaining about it on Twitter a lot.

Summary: A very normal Teemo build is: Sorcs+Liandries+Cosmic Drive+Zhonya, thats 25+(10 mythic passive)+25+10=70 Ability Haste => so around 41% CDR

7 sec blind Q*(1-41%)=4.13sec Q

Enjoy being blinded for 3 seconds every 4.13 seconds without transcendence, cdr boots, other items or AH in runes!!

Throw in an Anathemas for negative tenacity if you want to get spicy

Edit: see somewhere down the comment chain for more info


Originally posted by homer12346

jungle teemo



Originally posted by Thothowaffle

How is she doing compared to Neeko? I know it is rude to ask for champions buffs directly but Neeko's playrate is lower then most midlaners with op.gg listing her as a lower playrate then Asol or Corki

I personally think Neeko wants a bit more work than just a simple buff.

Fwiw I think Neeko tends to be a bit better on average


Originally posted by SauloJr

Sion buffs are good tbh, considering you started Doran's Shield with no HP shard, you have 625 HP; 8% of 625 is 50, while 11% is 68.75.

18,75 hp more shield on W at level 1, almost double as the previous buff. I accept it.

The HP shard buffs are huge. At level 18 you'll have 373.8 gold worth of HP compared to the 120 gold worth of armor or 144 gold worth of MR (considering the numbers on the wiki)

I pitched sion buff! Wanted to buff specifically tank builds as tank representation in top is a little light nowadays. I estimated this to be between 15% and 25% buff to his shield for most of mid-game which is sizable.


Originally posted by arborcide

What's up with the Guardian nerf? Was it really that strong?

(I wonder if this change actually makes Omnistone Bard the right choice.)

Guardian has been the highest winrate primary rune in the game for as long as I can remember, it's actually better than aery on almost every enchanter


Originally posted by crazycalvin22

Finally an Akshan nerf. Rest in peace angel <3

turns out hes a bit op


Originally posted by CarrotvsBrocclee


its her time


Originally posted by our_last_moment

oh thank god crit viego buffs, maybe people will build shieldbow/kraken now over divine surrender



Originally posted by WolfAkela

No mention of those monstrous Teemo buffs yet? Longer blind, shorter CD, and more importantly almost double the Q middle speed?

Oh he be blindin now


Originally posted by MonstrousYi

Any idea when her skin will drop?

So tbh I have no idea when any skin is released. That whole pipeline is in such a different area that I'll only see that there's a new skin for a champ when I'm looking through the patchnotes before ship.


Originally posted by Right_Commission9820

If you dont mind could you give us any insight on the reason for lux being buffed? Seems like these are quite big buffs seemingly out of the blue.

She was honestly pretty underpar in p much every role in almost every elo


Originally posted by ProEngineer3000

Holy f**k those buffs


Edit: Would the health rune be worth taking now? I thought an early game buff would be better, so I'm not sure if this buff's that good

It's now usually the best shard in that row for mid/lategame if you feel like you have a free lane or whatever.


Originally posted by Cubic_Corvust

Note that Karthus' mana refund values are wrong on the post - it should be

20 / 27 / 34 / 41 / 48 -> 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 instead of

10 / 17 / 34 / 41 / 48 -> 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55

Yeah small typo on that one thanks for the post!