League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

24 Aug


Originally posted by mazrrim

Lucian could end up accidentally being way too strong.

Did they forget font of life exists? Is one nami e going to give him an almost permanent massive damage buff.

To explain, font of life procs effects like ardent and staff of flowing water, so the heal from it should count as a buff for lucian

Lucian's Vigilance Passive will work under the same conditions as Aery. So Font of Life doesn't work with him, but will with certain items like Redemption and Mikael's.


Congrats to our new communications specialist Ahrisoo for her first patch notes!!!


Clarification on the Senna summary. This was an error and is being corrected! Senna does not get any changes to her AS ratio this patch. The actual changelist in the Patch notes is what's going into the patch!


Originally posted by IllustriousSquirrel9

Doesn't look too happy about it.

im furious actually


Originally posted by poggersinthechatttt

Quickshot + Ender cast for finals is too good to be true

indeed. thats why im going to be locked away on the analyst desk


Originally posted by SP0oONY

Stay for next year too! You know EU Valorant will eventually dominate NA Valo! Just look at CS, it's inevitable. NA Valo is doomed, beat the crash!

Would love to, but Riot EU made the decision before first strike not to use any league of legends talent for any of their future valorant events unfortunately.


Originally posted by EvilWhatever

Happy to have him back but I hope it's not just because what he wanted to do in LA didn't work out...

LA is working out great! But I'm super happy to get the opportunity to do work and travel as a freelancer too

23 Aug

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could you share Akshan again, a patch later


Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

This is the answer.

/u/cashmiir can confirm that it is the best support champion in the game : )
