League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

26 Aug

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We are actively looking into the following issues with the CEF upgrade, but we have seen a drop in crashes + memory consumption + CPU utilization with 1 days worth of data, but we need more data :)

1 - Crash involving MacOS only

2 - Loot Page not loading for some players

3 - Runes being very slow when opening in champ select

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by caljholmes

It's worse for me, it feels laggy and clunky, and now every time I try to change my runes in champ select, my client completely freezes. I've tried to make posts about it here but moderators take it down before it even posts. I've tried everything I can possibly think of and nothing is helping. :/

We are actively looking into the runes issue in champ select


Originally posted by SuperfluousBrain

• Server: NA

• Type of Bug: Client Bug

• Description: After finishing a summoner's rift game, it closes the game client and then pulls up a lobby client which is all black and unresponsive. Closing that with task manager then brings up the expected "honor your teammate" screen.

• Video / Screenshot: it's the lobby client but all black.

• Steps to reproduce: Finish a game

• Expected result: "honor your teammate" screen

• Observed result: All black screen

• Reproduction rate: It happened in 2/2 of the games I played today. It did not happen before this patch.

• System specs: AMD radeon hd 6800, amd a6-3640 apu, 4 gigs of ram, installed on ssd. I have it set to close the client when I'm in game.

This is known right now. Your client is closing during the game to save memory and then when you return, it takes a bit for the league client to recover. Generally if you leave it for like 30 seconds it should recover. If it's not.. can you DM your League Client logs? This should be improved next patch.


Originally posted by Peaky_Blinders

• Server: EUW

• Type of Bug: Client bug

• Description: When visiting any profile the lighting of the background picture is darker than it should be

• Reproduction rate: 10/10

• Steps to reproduce: Visit any profile and pay close attention the the lighting. It gets darker after a second

• Expected result: Normal lighting

• Observed result: Everytime when freshly clicking on my profile the background skin picture gets darker after 1 second.

This is actually intended for right now. We had a really nasty bug and the best way to fix it is to remove some of the banner animations in profile and Lobbies. This should be fixed for the most part next patch. Nice observation!


Originally posted by kostas52

the only thing i havent figure is #Jett from a valorant player on my friend list

If you play a non-LoL game, you set a Riot ID which let's you customize the characters after the tag. The regional tags were auto-generated for League of Legends players and I believe you can change it online.


Originally posted by AComyn

Any idea who by? Tried searching song title, and can't find anything.

Everybody Loves A Winner Publishers Universal Publishing Production Music Australia Pty. Ltd. [ APRA ]


Originally posted by Kayle_Bot

no clue perhaps /u/havocrumpet knows

Its called Everybody Loves a Winner


Originally posted by Peaky_Blinders

• Server: EUW

• Type of Bug: Client Bug

• Description: Ranked reward icons for season 1 and season 2 are gone

• Reproduction rate: 10/10

• Steps to reproduce:

Check collection and then icons

• Expected result: icons should be there

• Observed result: All icons from season 1 and 2 are gone, ranked data for season 1 and 2 on op.gg are also gone

I passed your report on to the dev team that works on this.


Originally posted by Tioman42

• Server: EUW

• Type of Bug: Client Bug

• Description: I ended a game, and after i clicked on "don't wait for statistics" i now i see "reconnect". But if I do so, the "game" is only a black screen... Even ALT + F4 or closing and re-opening the game does not fix the problem.

• Video / Screenshot:

• Steps to reproduce: Play a normal game

• Expected result: The after-game lobby

• Observed result: The message "reconnect"

• Reproduction rate: me and 3 friends now are stuck.

• System specs: i7-7500U, NVIDIA GeForce 940MX, 16GB DDR4

EDIT: 30 minutes later the bug solved itself

Taking a look...

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hi THere,

We actually got report of this bug with the new CEF upgrade , looking into it


Originally posted by thelastskull

  • Server: LAS
  • Type of Bug: Client
  • Description: In both champion select or in the runes section of the client, the whole game freezes and takes about 30 seconds to let me interact with the runes and change them, and any click or interaction with it has a delay.
  • Steps to reproduce: Go into any game of SR or ARAM and edit runes, or go to the runes page within the client and try to edit them.
  • Expected result: The runes page loads correctly in the normal and allows the player to change them with no lag or delay.
  • Observed result: The runes page takes a lot of time to load and lags the whole game.
  • Reproduction rate: 100%
  • System specs: Intel Celeron, 4GB RAM, Windows 10

Hey there! Appreciate the report. Would it be possible to send over your League Client logs? Our devs are interested in taking a look.

25 Aug


Originally posted by Etna-

  • Server: EUW

  • Type of Bug: client messages

  • Description: no sound when receiving messages

  • Steps to reproduce: receive message

  • Expected result: sound cue

  • Observed result: no sound cue

  • Reproduction rate: 100%

  • System specs: GTX 1080 & i7-9700K

I was able to reproduce this. Great find!

24 Aug


Originally posted by catseye013

Hasn't mid lucian been dogshit in soloq since forever? he's been at the very bottom of winrates for months now even among players that are experienced lucian players

Lucian in both bot and mid has been consistently weak for quite awhile, with pickrates between the two lanes being very similar. In pro however he was still very consistently picked almost exclusively in mid lane.


Originally posted by Samintosh

Rengar mini-rework is next patch I suppose? Damn I was so hyped

There was not a ship date for the Rengar changes, they were released to PBE only to gather feedback to inform how players feel about them before we move forward.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Scrub4LIfe734

Ekko is played more in the jungle than in mid lane, yet jungle Ekko is languishing in terms of power. We're juicing up his jungle clear speed to help him shatter more camps in less... time.

So, instead of making Ekko jungle better, why can't you just make Ekko mid stronger so more people play him mid? Maybe, give lichbane and Nashors their cdr back?

We believe Ekko mid is in a healthy spot and doesn't need buffs. We aren't trying to get more people to play him in the jungle, we just also don't want the role more people choose to play him in to be notably weaker because he's ceilinged by his mid power-level.