League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

31 Aug


Originally posted by Abarn279

OK nobody is talking about this but this is a BIG issue for anyone who runs amateur leagues in customs. Client match history only goes 20 games back and the web match history is currently the ONLY way for you to pull history for your own customs. opgg does not work for this as the riot Api doesn't support pulling custom games for a player

Cc /u/RiotTuxedo

We're also looking into solutions that will allow players to query for their own private custom games with OAuth tokens through the Riot Games API. These are tokens unique to a player which allow us to ensure a player is looking up their own match history. This solution is something we're looking into but wasn't a requirement for deprecating web match history. In the interim, the tournament code solution is what should be used to create public custom games.

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Originally posted by mazrrim

ah I see, is this a continuous line for each patch since launch? What does the thickness of the line indicate?

It would also be a lot easier to visualise if there was a direction arrow on the line if the patches since release thing is true.

The thicker the line the more recent the patch

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could you share the B/Ds for this year's releases so far like Viego, Gwen, Mundo etc, was there a marginal increase in engagement from releasing champs tied to one another

It's hard to say since so many things factor into a champ engagement


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Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Hey Reav3, can you please send me current state of Dr. Mundo, Nautilus, Volibear and Mordekaiser? Thanks a lot in advance if you do, would help a lot right now!

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Originally posted by mazrrim

Does the really small line going right then up mean there are a really small number of neeko players who play her a ton (~2.2x more than the average player of a champion?). Do all champions have a similar branch off.

How does this graph have multiple data points for Breadth in general, especially with multiple data points on the same Breadth? How can Neeko have a Breadth of ~1.1 and for this Breadth also have a depth of both ~1.18 and ~1.3

Each dot on the graph is a patch. The thicker the line the more recent the patch. The thin line to the right is when she launched, Champs are always very deep the patch the launch (which is all the thin lines to the top right)

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Originally posted by mazrrim

If you filter on most unpopular you get

  1. Aurelion Sol

  2. Skarner

  3. Neeko

  4. Taliyah

  5. Udyr

This is plat+ soloq though, curious what metric is used to say "FAR" from the most unpopular.

Oh yeah forgot the picture


This is data from ALL Games, so includes non-ranked and blind pick as well

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Originally posted by Naymliss

It's always been funny how neekomains is so popular but neeko herself is one of the least popular champs in league.

Neeko is FAR from the least popular champions in the game. She's actually on the high end of our "Niche" Champions. For context the further a champion is to the bottom left, the least popular they are. Top Right is the most popular champs



Originally posted by playhacker

On Aug 11th around 10:00 AM PST, the League Web Match History site will be permanently taken offline.

August 11th of next year??

I believe this should be Tuesday, Sept 7th Monday, Sept 13th. The article should be updated soon.


Originally posted by Smallzfry

Is that date a typo? Should it be September 11th, or is that saying August 11th for next year?

Also, the reason I stopped using the built-in match history page is because it stopped working years ago. It then took long enough to fix that I (and my friends) got used to using op.gg instead. Just like Dominion and Twisted Treeline, this seems like it's just being removed because Riot neglected it to the point that it can't be salvaged easily. I really don't like that everything is being moved to third-party tools, but I guess I see the reasoning when there's good drop-in replacements.

I believe this should be Tuesday, Sept 7th Monday, Sept 13th. The article should be updated soon.


Originally posted by weebwindman

Will you do any compensation nerds or what to call it?

Draven, no matter how bad he feels with new items, is currently pretty strong according to win rates. Just straight up buffing him when he is already a strong pick will make perma ban, no?

Perhaps some base damage is lowered or cool down on ult?

I love Draven more than any other champ, played since some weeks after his release, with you know, real passive and all. Managed to get D1 Draven only some seasons back. So I am very happy and excited to see this. But also afraid to see him gutted after it.

Winrates are an extremely fickle thing. This change likely does not do much in most normal (non-pro) League of Legends games, but is a non-trivial amount of power. Ideally, this change does almost nothing to buff him in non-pro, and encourages pro players to pick him more. We don't anticipate the change to be enough of a buff to warrant compensation nerfs currently, and doing compensation nerfs would also hurt his chances of showing up in pro. We would of course nerf him still if we determined he was strong enough that these changes would push him over the power threshold that we determine him to be overpowered.


Originally posted by prowness

Yo real talk, that Draven buff seems legit.

  • It helps him kill if he’s been playing properly (getting stacks and not dying).

  • It doesn’t help a Draven get more ahead (since his stacks reset to 0 upon a kill).

  • it isn’t a mechanic that’s too powerful when behind (he loses half stacks on death, compared to how useful Viego’s passive is when he’s behind).

That’s a perfect example of a wildly experimental change that doesn’t seem oppressive in pro play on paper and can likely be balanced with buffs and nerfs (I.e. reduce ult ratio, or make it so that half stacks is the threshold, etc.).

In the rare cases we see Draven in pro, he often ends up with a huge amount of stacks and the game ends up often being decided on if he cashes in or not. This change aims to help give pro Draven who saved up an additional way to cash out and be rewarded for stacking up huge.

30 Aug


Originally posted by Pedrinhodanight__

Never seen things through that perspective, it must be hard seeing people hate your work and working around such a toxic community such as League's, I guess I am just salty because I really disliked the Lillia rework (plz bring old prance back Lillia is legitimately depressing to play)

It would be a lot harder to see people just not care than to have a lot of people love it but some people really hate it.

I'm comfortable with the fact that sometimes I'm going to explain where we're coming from and it's going to piss someone off. I wasn't under any illusions that I was going to farm upvotes by explaining why we aren't able to do as many updates as people ask for, for example. It's still better to put it out there.


Originally posted by Swiftswim22

We would like to do more VGUs than we've done for 2021, but the rate isn't likely to go up enormously in the near future.

Weird, cuz y'all had previously said you were only doin 1 vgu in 2021 cuz of covid?

Sucks major ass tbh, esp wit the current poll system. The votin def the best way to get the communities opinion, which I appreciate y'all doin greatly! But it also means y'all recognize that there are 5+ champs that NEED updatin & ignorin all but 1 for an entire yr. Like what does that say about your priorities if y'all acknowledge issues & then do nothin bout em, sometimes for 2+ yrs like in the case of shyv & nocturne. Not trynna flame you directly or anythin, I understand there's prob a whole slew of people involved in makin these decisions, but it really is awful to have your fav char look like dogshit for...

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Yeah - something is being lost in translation here?

I said:

We would like to do more VGUs than we've done for 2021, but the rate isn't likely to go up enormously in the near future.

Expanding on that a bit - we want to do more than 1 in a year and are pretty likely to do more than 1 next year. It's not going to replace all new champions for a given year or anything like that. If we can find clever resourcing tricks to get the rate higher, particularly on less disruptive stuff (true VUs, or Ezreal-style light VGUs for champions like Jax), we would certainly pursue that.


Originally posted by Pedrinhodanight__

When you f**k up reworks of course people drop those champs, for example, Amumu has been an actual good rework, minor tweaks, and some interesting changes, while with Lillia you guys f**ked up her early game and gutted her mos fun mechanic (Prance), is it really surprising that people would stop playing a champ you guys make unrecognizable instead of actually solving their issues and talking to mains to at least make them feel similar?

No but seriously, it isn't just when we mess up reworks. Even the reworks that have gone over best cause churn. The Sion VGU caused churn. Pantheon did. Irelia did. Volibear did. It's the reality of this opportunity space. All of those things did more good than harm, but they do have additional downsides that content like new champions don't.

We still do them because we believe that doing them raises the quality bar of League of Legends over time. We do less of them than some folks tend to ask for because we're balancing the good that they do against the downsides, and also because our resources are finite and the opportunity cost is higher than most other content we could do.


Originally posted by bns18js


Wish (R)

Heal :: 100/135/170/205/240 >>> 100/130/160/190/220

[NEW] Clears Grievous Wounds on Allies before applying the Heal.

The numbers you listed are for Soraka's W Astral Infusion. Not her R wish. So which one is it are you guys really buffing?

I think it makes more sense for her ult. It's your ULTIMATE ability so that should feel good and impactful. It's also unlikely to break anything while slightly increasing her performance overall.

Where as her spammable W heal is the more problematic of the two. This is the main source of player frustration where a single target gets repeatedly healed and not dying. This should still be subject to grievous until soraka's power budget shifts at least, because it tends to leads to really bad gameplay patterns if strong.

My apologies, this is what I actually meant to write:


Healing 100 / 135 / 170 / 205 / 240 >>> 100 /130 / 160 / 190 / 220


Removes Grievous Wounds on allies before healing them.


Originally posted by _AIQ_

I do not (or at least "hope not") think that Riot is reducing it to 1 a year. This year was unique because of Covid and because of their dislike of VGUs in general they were put on the back burner.

VU IMO are very important in that a EZ/Morg level update would help so many champions feel better.

VGUs on the other hand just need to be peeled like a bandaid. Riot just needs to do it and get them over with.

Corki, Shyvana, Shaco, Quinn etc... they know the list already, just do it and complete it. VUs will always be accepted better than VGUs as no one will generally complain that Chogath is changed from the 2009 pixel mess he is now to an actual void creature that does the same thing kit-wise.

Riot needs to weigh the opportunity cost of losing half of a .5% play rate champion and realize the amount of players they could get instead if the champions fantasy was more modern. They need to stop making excuses that they "care" about the players of those c...

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Just to be clear, we don't dislike VGUs. We're facing two issues that limit how many we can/want to do at a time, though:

1) They cause churn among existing players of the champions. Even the respectful, lower disruption ones cause some players of the champion to quit. Everyone wants more VGUs of the champions they don't play, but few people want their main's gameplay to change meaningfully (except when it'd be a revert of a previous mini-update or something). We need to bear in mind that while a well-executed VGU gives something cool to play with, it also takes something away that someone loved.

2) They're far more costly than a new champion due to updating all of the skins. And yes, we do see a sales spike on those skins... but not nearly what we'd see just doing the same number of new skins. This cost is largely on the art side, so shipping VUs instead of VGUs doesn't help us much here. (And yeah, I get the "smol indie company" memes, but the reality of ...

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Originally posted by mazrrim

while this is much appreciated could you consider a more active version like empowered ws (q hitting then w) removing and giving protection from grievous for the duration.

This isn't going to change grievous wounds being instantly re-applied allowing for healing to be a dedicated playstyle, it just makes the ult much bigger.

Numbers should go down on healing to compensate for this but it makes the entire game feel less like not getting to play when all your kit is cut by 60%.

Also healing items are basically still bugged and dont apply properly to work on the same statline as grievous wounds

Grievous wounds isn't cancelled out additively in the same stat line as healing bonus as you might expect

60 healing reduction isn't changed to 25% healing reduction with 35% bonus

If you would heal 100 you heal 100x0.4x1.35 = 54 instead of 100 x 0.75 =75

This means all items like ardent and staff feel awful to buy.

We tested that Q/W change last week, and it had the unfortunate effect of making the counterplay extremely unclear.

The R change felt more reasonable - it's giving Soraka a tool to deal with her counter-mechanic, but gated in an appropriate fashion (long cooldown).


Originally posted by mazrrim

Please PLEASE let me play around grievous wounds as soraka , I have been unable to play her in d2-masters elo ever without it feeling like I am trolling after enemy rushes these items plus ignite at 60%

I would not say we think Grievous Wounds is in an optimal state - we do want to revisit the system. In the meantime, we're going to change Dr. Mundo and Soraka to smooth them out a bit given the counter items available. The goal is to increase performance when GW is applied to them, and slightly reduce it otherwise.

A fair amount of champions invest heavily in healing; these two, more than others, are entirely built around healing as the output they actually offer. This is contrast to say, Aatrox, Vladimir, or Swain, who definitely care about healing but have a lot of healing-independent offensive outputs to give their team.


Astral Infusion (W)

Heal :: 100/135/170/205/240 >>> 100/130/160/190/220

Wish (R)

[NEW] Clears Grievous Wounds on Allies before applying the Heal.

Dr. Mundo

Maximum Dosage (R )

Heals 20% of missing HP >>> Gains 15/20/25% of missing HP as Bonus HP

Heals 20/45/70% of max HP ov...

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Originally posted by prxncebubblegum

can we see how are Seraphine and Evelynn doing there?