League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

12 Jul

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by tafaha_means_apple

...So the entire reason for having the Aspect of War (not Atreus) join him was just to make Viego look better? And goes along with it only because Viego likes destruction and War is a big baddy who only cares about fighting?

That sucks for anyone that was interested in the Aspects if they are not only exist just to be whorfed, but also have a joke of a reason for joining a guy who's defining feature in life and undeath is being a complete fop.

He most certainly does not just "go along with it" that's really not how ruination works

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Oh yeah I was also wondering if you could explain how you guys chose the Ruined champs if the driver for the Sentinels was a mostly a ragtag crew

Most were chosen as good antagonists for the Sentinels you meet in that region. Vayne is a monster hunter and Shyvana is a monster. Irelia and Karma have a history. Riven and Draven have a history in the arenas, for example. Pantheon was chosen to really show the extent of Viegos power, him corrupting Atreus and resurrecting the aspect of war shows just how powerful he is. I can't really speak, at this point, as to the reasons we chose MF. Ask me in again in the future.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ithrowstacksonegirls

Is the monster champ the first champion of 2022?



Originally posted by bns18js

Oh haha I was more talking about the overall structure/flow of such meetings, not necessarily the details for a specific meeting. Similar to how the balance framework let us know alot about how the game is balanced on a macro level.

Interesting idea. Will consider it.


Originally posted by bns18js

Highest priority was lightly reshaping a few elements to make her less pro bound. We think we hit that, but we'll need to see her in an actual pro environment first.

Solo queue stats from low to high elo certainly support this hypothesis so far.

We're going to have our patch meeting today (State of the Game)

Can the public gain more insights about such meetings? I'm very intrigued.

I just gave some more insight about that meeting! :P

Probably can't give a whole lot more atm.


Originally posted by Qiob

dude I always see you in the comments on these posts. respect

Thanks! Glad my presence is helpful.


Originally posted by sebalnesag

i tried jungle and i just cant. theres always tension when laning, you have to farm while poking, think about jungler paths, timers and when you can really go agressive.

while in my experience, most of the jungle role is farming camps, and thats BORING. i just cant. I know in an ideal game i can have a lot of impact as a jungler, but i just cant get through the boring phase of camp farming compared to the excitement of laning.

Ah see I think there is a lot of active planning. You have to choose where to start each jungle clear based on camps timing, objective timers, lane states, and enemy jungle position. Every time something happens you have to react. Top is fighting? Can I get there in time? They just got Dragon? Which of Diana’s camps should be up to steal? Can I? There’s a lot going on. Killing the camps isn’t super demanding but there are still optimizations.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zarathielis

Adding my personal opinion here but i think it's a cool way to tease/show off a champion. You can see their design, their personality and know if you will like the champion or not. I love seeing champs and getting attached to them and them being involved in a story definitely helps.

One question (idk if you can answer that yet): Will next roadmap be in September like last year?

I'm not sure when the next roadmap will be at this point. It will likely be sometime in between Vex and the Champion after her.


Highest priority was lightly reshaping a few elements to make her less pro bound. We think we hit that, but we'll need to see her in an actual pro environment first.

Next priority was buffing her (having more room due to that increased pro fairness), more aimed towards buffing lower MMRs. We hit that too but we may have gone too far in terms of net buff. She's actually within most win rate bounds that we have set for balance framework goals; she'd be a reasonable candidate for a nerf but not a priority one. We're going to have our patch meeting today (State of the Game) and I'm quite sure we'll discuss her in more detail then.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by zhyangod

OP seems correct with his calculations though. I've looked at it as well and if you assume that you'll always get the maximum amount of points for each character you'll find that you need to play 10 games to complete a region. (and that is the minimum amount of games you'll need to play). And considering there are 10 regions this means at least 100 games.

Math Interlude:

- Week 2 having done noxus before freljord you can get a total of 110 each game if you get max points for all characters. Both regions need 1050 points to be completed.

- Week 3 with irelia A and diana B => 253 points at maximum and 2500 points needed per region

Most likely though, people will have to play many more games than that (cuz noone's gonna get 17 kills, 15 assists, 32 vision score, 7 epic monsters, 0 deaths, ..... every single game). Hence a more reasonable estimate will be about 150 to 200 games in order to complete the entire event. Seems like a bit too much imo. It wo...

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Right but OP is assuming u complete every region that releases in the week they release. It's tuned so hardcore players don't complete everything in the first few days (Which we saw with spirit blossom) It's tuned so both hardcore players and normal players can advance through it without the hardcore finishing significantly faster. So for example if you end up getting through like 1.5-2 regions in the first week, then the 3rd region you go to you will get through much faster in the 2nd week since now all your points are doubled. Given that fact, it would be less games to get through the first 3 regions then if you cleared all 3 in the first week. We also wanted to make sure that players coming into the event late could catch up to players that started earlier (if you start in the 2nd week you will get through all 3 regions twice as fast.) The final 2 regions ramp up less significantly (and their are only 2 added in the final week) with the assumption that most players won't make it...

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Originally posted by dirtysionmain

What surprises you the most when you switched to jg from adc? What is the easiest/hardest thing to learn? You have a lot of knowledge about the game so I would love to hear your opinion.

I’m impressed when players at my MMR counter-jungle effectively. Mostly I find it hard to track my lanes and the enemy jungler at the same time. Definitely easier if people would just tell me lane states.


Originally posted by Sjstaudt

Favorite jungle champs?

Nocturne, Trundle, Skarner, Lillia. When less serious, Lee Sin and Master Yi.


Originally posted by buttsoup_barnes

Can you play Rumble jungle though

No one can.


Originally posted by SGKurisu

Damn, even Phreak roleswapped?

Nah I still consider myself a bot laner but I’ve always been really interested in jungling. I’ve had fun with it this season but only been at it in earnest for a few weeks.

11 Jul


Originally posted by bmarkeezie3895

Hear me out...Darshan jungle. Or literally any soloq jungler ranked higher than Plat 3.

Listen, I hit Plat 2 as a jungler three days ago…

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by NocaNoha

The point rewards double, but the requirements for the progress double as well?

If I am not wrong, week 2 asks for 2100 pts in total [Ionia and Targon 1050 each], this week was under 800 pts total for 3 regions. I read on twitter that there will maybe be another source shown for collecting points.. and I really hope that will speed it up a bit together with x2 increase

But I still wonder why is it all limited with those thresholds? It feels bad to miss on the points just because you were under the threshold by a kill/assist/ward/epic monster. To think that at a start score of 0/10/2 [1 pts] and 4/0/6 [2 pts] have a difference of just 1 point is a bit underwhelming

Right but u also have a lot more sentinels since u would have Lucian, Senna, Gwen, Vayne, Olaf and Riven all giving u points and all their points are doubled

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by WmWzK

Is it a mistake on your part that it doubles every week or on the support page? Or just misinterpretation? As im pretty sure its X * number of week rather than doubling from the previous week

Yeah sorry I edited it.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by gagabrielm

Hi Reav3! Thank you for the response. Can you explain a little bit more about the doubling points? Because the first thing I noticed when I got to the second region is that the amount of points needed to progress ALSO increased. I am feeling right now that even tho I got a new sentinel (wich increases the points I get per game) the bar just got even higher, so it does not change much. I think that's where my frustration comes from. Also, sorry if I sound confused, english is not my first language.

Well that’s the first region u chose. Noxus and Freljord take similar points to get through so the one you do second should go faster since u will have a additional Sentinel for it and so you should be getting more points per game. As you progress through the story you will get new ways to gain points as well